01 | the night before chaos

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| Amelia |

"I can't believe we came all the way out here for a chocolate bar."

Despite the fact that Leila had repeated the complaint verbatim for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight, my face held its smile as I shut the door of the car and stepped out cautiously.

The quaint shop was illuminated by the bright white lights inside, and I could already kind of see the candy I was aiming for.

"Let's hurry up before it gets too late. I don't really like it here..." Zoey's worried tone broke me out of my thoughts and I turned my head to see her standing beside me, tugging the cardigan she was wearing to fit tighter around herself.

"Well, this errand could've been avoided if someone didn't suddenly have a craving for butterfingers in the middle of the night." Leila grumbled, once again, standing on my other side. "I still don't get why."

"Oh c'mon, it's just going to take two minutes." I chided, chuckling at her huff. "Besides, you've got to admit, it's nice... the three of us all alone on this late-night drive."

Truth be told, I hadn't suggested the idea of the three of us going for a midnight drive out of the need for chocolate...though, right now, that fact seemed forgotten.

God, those butterfingers are practically calling my name.

The real reason for my request was partially my lack of sleep, but also because the thought of school starting tomorrow had suddenly hit my brain like lightening. Summer break was over, and tomorrow marked the beginning of the new semester.

It was as if all the memories of the amazing vacation the three of us had came rushing back into my mind, and the only thing I wanted was one last adventure before the chaos began...even if it was an extremely insignificant one.

"It kind of is, actually. But I can't help but imagine the look on your mom's face if she finds out, Amelia." Zoey let out a laugh and scrunched up her nose at the horrifying thought.

"Let's not forget, we wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me sneaking us out." Leila said with a sly smile on her face as we walked over to the glass door and swung it open, making the small bell at the top ring.

"That's true." I chuckled at the way her mouth showed a hint of a smile but she covered it up, not wanting to let us know that this was somewhat enjoyable for her as well.

"Welcome to Angie's." 

The girl at the counter greeted us in a bored tone as we entered, while she filed her nails. Nevertheless, I gave her a small smile in return as I finally made my way over to the candy shelf.

"Got it." I said happily, clutching the packet in my hand, turning around to find Leila making her way to the back of the store while Zoey rummaged through a small book stand kept at the corner.

Just as I was about to make my way over to them, the sound of the shopkeeper's bell made me turn my head in the other direction, as I instantly recognised the person who had just come into the store.

I noticed Zoey and Leila had done the exact thing as we looked at each other with interest.

Zoey was the first to make her way over to me as she whispered in my ear discreetly, "Isn't that Chase Foxx?"

I nodded as I kept my gaze fixed on the dark-skinned boy who was now talking to the woman at the counter - the woman who, though earlier bored, was now extremely interested in making conversation. 

Chase Foxx was known for many things in our school. He was the star quarterback, the valedictorian, the 'golden boy'...but most of all, he was one half of the duo that held the role of gods on campus.

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