28 | the deal

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[ This chapter is dedicated to @Astrophilia_Angel for being the first to vote on the last chapter! Thank you so much. I appreciate all the support<3 ]

| Amelia |

Breathe in, breathe out. 

I could feel my feet faltering in their steps as I approached him, holding me back and echoing just how bad this idea was. 

Calvin leaned nonchalantly against the shiny surface of - what I knew now - his black Sedan, scrolling idly through his phone as he waved goodbye to one of his football buddies. 

How in the world was I supposed to threaten him? 

Ridding myself of the thought, I reminded myself to breathe and put up a confident face, willing my feet to move. 

Everything was still hazy in my brain - the kind of hazy that results out of the overload of information. It was a lot to take in, but if I was right, it would explain Calvin's sudden disappearance two years ago. 

God, I hope this plan works. 

"What are you still doing at school?" was his question to me as soon as he saw my form standing in front of him. He pocketed his phone and raised his brows, still leaning against the car. "It's past school timings." 

I stood, inert, in front of him, unable to form the exact words. 

He twisted his expression in confusion and clicked his fingers in front of my face. "Amelia?" 

"I know." 

It was all I could manage to blurt out, but with the way my chest released its tension immediately afterwards made it seem like I had told him everything. 

He tilted his head. "You know?" 

"Y-Yes." I nodded like a child, inwardly cursing at myself for being such a wuss but repeating, "I know." 

A laugh rang through the air between us as he placed his hand on my forehead mockingly, as if checking for signs of disease. "Are you feeling okay? What do you even-"

"Sine Anima." 

The two words shut him right up. 

His eyes widened as he removed his hand from my face and straightened himself up, pushing himself off the car and standing intimidatingly in front of me. 

"What did you just say?" 

Angling my face to see him a bit better, I repeated (trying to feign the most courageous voice I could), "Sine Anima. It means soulless." 

He refused to speak but the immediate clench in his jaw as he looked down at me spoke volumes. I raised my hand in the space between us, placing it on his wrist and turning it around so that the lighter skin of his wrist became visible. 

And there it was. The same tattoo I had seen inked on Noah's forearm yesterday night, glistening on Calvin in the same dark black letters. 

It had taken a while for it to click in my mind, but I had finally realised where it was that I had seen that tattoo before - why it had seemed familiar to me yesterday. 

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