26 | not so 'potential' trouble

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| Amelia |

"So, how was movie night?"

I groaned exasperatedly at Leila's question, stretching my legs further into the back seat of the car and resting my head against the window, yawning. 

"Amazing," I answered robotically, eyes closed against the pressure of the morning sun that seeped in through all directions. "As amazing as it could be."

That was one way of saying it. 

In truth, all that my movie-night-turned-sleepover had provided me with was questions, confusion, and an ever-growing reluctance of showing my face to Noah again in fear of what he might do once he saw it. 

I had woken up this morning in the comfort of my own bed, in my own house - a glaring contrast to where I had remembered falling asleep last night. 

It couldn't have been a dream, right? 

"I'm assuming you binge-watched How To Get Away With Murder  till you passed out again," Zoey chipped in, chuckling heartily at my exhausted state, "you look like a zombie." 

"Need. Sleep." I groaned again, closing my eyes harder and trying to get some rest in before the busy school day began. 

How had I ended up in my own room? 

The only reasonable explanation was that...Noah had woken up before me in the morning and put me there - it wouldn't be surprising, he had broken into my house before without any difficulty at all - and then had left in silence without any trace of his presence at all. 

But that couldn't be. He would never let me go without so much as a scratch after I followed him into the house last night, and after he, in his drunken state, told me about his father - something I was sure he would have regretted this morning. 

"We're almost at the school gates, woman, wake up." 

This time, the sound that came out my throat sounded a lot closer to a feral growl. "Don't care." 

"Okay, that's it, I'm waking her ass up." 


I squealed within a second and immediately covered my ears when Leila increased the volume of the music, making it prick at my ears and blare in my brain painfully. 

I swore I felt the glass windows of the car struggle against the sheer loudness. 

"LEILA!" I yelled, refusing to get up from my horizontal position, "Turn the music down!" 

"I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation." She ignored me completely and began singing to the music, arguably even louder than the volume itself. At this point, the car felt like it was vibrating under the pressure of the sounds. 

"Living in the past, it's a new generation." My eyes widened and I scoffed in disbelief when Zoey cheerily joined in too, a wide grin on her face. 

"Shut up, you both!" 

"A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do." 

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