I like you

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Imagine is from: starogeorgina on tumblr

Warnings: None, perhaps slight talking about commitment

"okay, this is ridiculous." You stood up and slammed your chair back.

Since living on the ring small pairings had happened over time, it almost reminded you of being back at school on the ark. Echo and Bellamy, Emori and Raven, Harper and Monty, while you were happy for your friends to have somebody to either be great friends with or being in a relationship with, it didn't help take the sting out of the fact your person was gone. Murphy had detached himself from the rest of the group and you were miserable without him.

"I tried yesterday," Bellamy sighed. "I don't think he's coming back."

"He's a lost cause."

You glared at Emori. Murphy was lost, and just needed help. A part of you blamed Emori for Murphy isolating himself from the rest of the group. He could handle the breakup, but the humiliation he felt of being the 'bad guy' again was too much for him.

"I'm still going to try."

"Ofcourse you are, you and him have that special bond right?" Emori was glaring at you in return. She had always felt threatened by your relationship with her boyfriend even though it was never anything more than a friendship.

Shaking your head you ignored her question and made your way towards Murphy's 'side' of the ship. He was the only person you'd told what happened when the mountain men and grounders took you, and he told you what Ontari made him do. You both kept each other's secrets while supporting each other the best you could.


"No! You can just turn back and around and fuc- Y/N?" Murphy came to a halt when he saw you standing there. "It's been a while."

"It has, I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner but I thought you needed some space."

He scoffed at your comment, "I told you to stay away."

"And when have I ever listened to you?"

"Good point."

"You stood awkwardly for a moment before walking further into the room. Murphy backed off, "Just stay there."

"Enough is enough John!" You snapped. The mixture of anger and sympathy for your friends was bubbling at once. "Do you know how hard it is? I'm always worried about you, I'm scared you are going to do something stupid!"

"Well you shouldn't!" He threw his arms up in defeat, "I should have done everybody a favour and died a long time ago."

"Please don't say that..."

"Why? Everybody hates me!" His words and yelling took you by surprise so you said nothing still startled. Murphy let a dark chuckle before turning to leave the room, "That's what I thought."

You immediatly stepped further into the room,
"I like you!"

He stopped in his tracks, "You're just trying to be nice Y/N like always."

Tears began to fall down your cheeks as you suddenly realised that Murphy really believed nobody cared. Seeing you cry made him shift uncomfortably, "Just go I don't want you getting hurt."

"You'd never hurt me John, we both know that."

"I ruin everything i touch."

You stepped closer to him, "That's not true! And for the record I've never hated you, I've always liked you from the moment we landed on earth."

"You've almost ded because of me multiple times," youcould see the tears glistening in his eyes as you slowly made your way towards him. "I shot you and Raven in the dropship."

"That was an accident."

"You tried to murder me."

"That was different," you protested. "I was under influencle of A.L.I.E I had no control over my actions."

Murphy finally stopped staring at the wall and looked at you, "I let Finn massacre that village because I thought they might haven taken you."

You stood frozen on the one spot, Murphy had never shared that information with you before. You didn't know what to say. "Yeah, so you know, Im a monster. Just like Finn, I should have been killed with him!"

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"You're the only person who has always shown me kindness, I didn't want you to hate me."

Sure you'va fallen out a few times over the years but you could never hate him. "You're my bestfriend John, I would have done the same thing if I thought it would save you."

"He stared at you blankly, "No you're wrong. Nobody is as twisted as me. Just go Y/N, I don't need you."

Regardless of his words hurting, you ignored his comment. "I fought for your banishment to be lifted, I stood in front of Bellamy when he pointed a gun in your face, I defended what happened in that village to everyone. I took a lashing from Pike because I refused to tell him where your whereabouts. You've always saved me John. You saved my life countless times and defended me. So don't you dare say you don't need me," You sobbed.
"Because we both need each other."

"Murphy gulped down, "Y...you don't need me. I'm worthless Y/N, and I don't want to drag you down with me."

You swung your arms around Murphy's body and held him tightly. At first he tried to resist but then he hugged you back. You stayed like that untill he pulled away, "Come I want to show you something."

You accepted Murphy's hand as he led you to another room you'd never been in before. You gasped entering it because it was the most amazing sight you'd ever seen. "Wow, I get why you'd never want to leave here."

"Yeah," Murphy let go of your hand and slouched against the window. "It's peacefull."

You stood as close as you could to the large window and smiled gazing at all the stars, "Thankyou for showing me this."

Murphy shrugged. Rolling your eyes you sat down beside him and leaned your head against his shoulder. You were expecting Murphy to try and move away but instead he pulled you closer, and started to run his fingers trhough your hair. You sat in a comfortable silence untill Murphy finally spoke again, "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah," you were curious to know what he was about to say. Altough he seemed emotionally drained, a hint of a smirk was slowly appearing on Murphy's face.

"I've always liked you too."

John Murphy ♡ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now