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Imagine is from: Yo-whats-up123 on tumblr

Warnings: None

ii: This one is very short but very cute

Sorry I haven't posted in a WHILE but I have 2 vErY gOoD reasons;
1. Exams. During the exams I got very sick (Im better now) so I had to make them during the vacation and next week when school starts I still have 4 exams to make.
2. It's really hard to find good John Murphy imagines. Especially when I look up "John Murphy Imagines" or John Murphy in general I come across a lot of things that aren' him, mostly peaky blinder stuff for some reason but yeah. Why does he need to have the 2 most common names in the white mans history? I really don't know

I'll try to post more often! Sorry for the bible long note but I just had to say it.
Enjoy! :)

Bellamy had sent Murphy and Y/N out to go get water from the river, of course the two were more than happy to go considering they both had taken a liking to one another.

The only problem is, Y/N is clumsy. She choke on air, trips over her own feet, burns herself while roasting food, yeah that kind of clumsy. So saying John was protective of her was an understatement.

He was right by her side as they walked through the woods. He knew that with their luck, Y/N would manage to fall in the river. There was no doubt about it, so he already decided for himself that she would go no more than three feet close to the river.

What he didnt plan for was her stepping in a rope trap of the guys set up to catch any animal that might run by. Y/N let out a scream as she was jerked upside down by the trap and John couldn't help but laugh. Y/N crossed her arms and tried to hold back the laughter herself at the predicament she had gotten herself into.

"Okay, juts get me down please" she said, Murphy nodded and cut the rope lose. The second he did Y/N dropped to the ground and scrapped the palms of her hands on rocks. She groaned and stood up as Murphy stood by her side.

He looked at the marks on her hands and gave her an unreadable stare. "What?" she asked worriedly and he cracked a smile, "Im seriously considering wrapping you in bubble wrap." He said and she pushed his shoulder, "oh shut up." She said and he laughed as they started walking. "Its not funny" "it was kinda funny" he poked her side and she smacked his hand. "I could have died" "only you would die from scratching your hand" John told her and she rolled her eyes at her friend.

Of course she didnt notice the hill and went rolling down it and John was quick to run behind her. She sat up with a groan and he ran to sit beside her. Looking at the new scratch on her face. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, that hill came out of nowhere." John chuckled at her and helped her stand up.

"Seriously, where can I get some bubblewrap?"
"Oh shut up."

John Murphy ♡ one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang