Learn to knock!

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Imagine is from: may-we-fangirl-again on tumblr

Warnings: just an over-protective Bellamy

ii (Important Info) : the cannibal queen blodreina doesn't exist in this imagine and you replace her meaning that you are the younger sister of the amazing Bellamy Blake. Also just pretend that the doors, rooms and hallways are the tents from season 1.

You were the little sister of the famous Bellamy Blake, and it sucked. You had made your own name after living under the floors for pretty much your whole life. Once you landed on Earth, you became the badass (Y/n) Blake and you couldn't love it more. You weren't the only one who fell in love with it. While you were a badass, you also had a heart and had kindness, and it drove the infamous John Murphy, the pyro, crazy. He fell hard for you despite his own personal protest. But after a lot of flirting, you both confessed your feelings for each other.

And you became a couple, not telling Bellamy due to the fact he would kill Murphy. You had been dating for awhile now. You would sneak to the others room at night and wake up early to escape being caught. Putting up an act of hatred towards the other, and it was working brilliantly. You two were at each others throats by day, then by night you were either entangled in the other limbs or...you get the picture.

You had been waiting for Murphy to enter your room for awhile now and you were growing impatient. Till you heard talking in the hallway. You slowly got up, recognizing your brothers voice as you peaked your head out of the door. Bellamy had Murphy by the collar.

"What are you doing walking this late at night Murphy?" "What a guy can't take a walk without checking in with a warden?" Murphy said as Bellamy shook him for smarting off with him. You placed a hand over your mouth. Murphy saw you and his eyes widened as you watched.

"For once in your life, don't be an asshole John." Bellamy spat bitterly. before releasing him as he rolled his eyes. "Go back to your room." He ordered before brushing past him. Murphy glared at your brother before continuing his path as you stiffed a giggle. You let him in before closing the door as he pinned your against the door.

"Sure laugh it up princess." Murphy rolled his eyes before you wrapped your arms around his neck as you leaned in and connected your lips. His hand resting on the small of your back before pulling it flush against him. He pulled away as he brushed a strand of hair from your face as you looked up at him with loving eyes. You wriggled out of his grasp before laying down on the bed.

"That was a good insult you gave me earlier today...if I didn't know any better I'd say you were getting better at them." He smirked as you scoffed. "Are you learning insults from other guys behind my back sweetie?"

"No, I'm just learning from my idiot boyfriend." You whispered as Murphy rested himself over you. His breath ghosting over your face as he ran a thumb down your cheek. You heard a banging on your door as you shot up instinctively, hitting heads with Murphy as you hissed. You shooed Murphy behind a door before smoothing down your crazy hair, then opening the door to see your brother. You smiled nervously at him as he smiled at you. 'Hey Bell-Bell!" You teased as you blocked the doorway. Bellamy rolled his eyes at the nickname you gave him as a little girl. He shook his head.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He asked with a raised brow. "I was, then my loser brother knocked on my door." You fired as he looked into your room as you mimicked his raised brow with your own.

"Get to bed sis." He whispered as he engulfed you in his arms. "I'm not three anymore big brother." You whispered.

"I know...but you'll always be my little sister. Besides you need your beauty rest." "You want to talk about beauty rest?! I'm not the one with bags under my eyes." You teased as Bellamy chuckled.

"I'll wake you up for breakfast kid. Love you sis." You heard something in your room clatter. "Okay bub. Love you too!" You sighed as you shut the door before Bellamy could enter to investigate as his brows furrowed. His eyes widened in shock at your action before hesitantly leaving from your door. You huffed as you felt arms around your waist. You smiled as Murphy nibbled your ear.

"I think you get plenty of beauty rest, princess."

"Can it Murph." You chuckled as you moved to your bed. You snuggled into Murphy's arms as your heart slowed before drifting into a peaceful sleep. Murphy pressed a kiss to your forehead before falling asleep himself with a small smile on his face.

That early morning rolled around, unlike most mornings, Murphy was still in your bed. Bellamy was whistling as he approached your room and he didn't bother knocking as he knew you were usually dressed by now. But he was mistaken as his eyes widened at the sight of a shirtless Murphy and his baby sister entangled in each others arms as they slept peacefully. Bellamy was overcome with rage as he let out a yell of anger. This caused the couple to shoot up as Bellamy grabbed Murphy by the arm and yanked him out of the bed as your eyes widened. Bellamy slammed Murphy into the wall before you could shout in protest.

"What in the hell were you doing in my sisters bed?!" Bellamy roared as you got out of bed as Clarke ran in after hearing the commotion. Clarke thought the worst of the situation as she yanked you away from Murphy and Bellamy. You fought against her as Bellamy pulled his fist back, ready to punch Murphy as you shouted.

"DON'T HURT HIM! I LOVE HIM!" You cried causing Bellamy to soften as Clarke dropped her arms from around you in shock. Bellamy's eyes almost fell out of his head. You pushed Bellamy away from Murphy as you looked at your older brother with tear filled eyes. "Y-You...what?" "I love him Bellamy..." You whispered as you turned to Murphy who was staring at you with loving eyes. You turned back to Bellamy as he shook his head. "For how long..." He whispered as Clarke watched in fear, this could only end so badly.

"Since a little it after we landed." "That's impossible, you're too young, you don't know what love is." "I do Bellamy. I feel it every time I'm with him..." You stated as he stared at you. "Why didn't you tell me." "Well if you haven't noticed in the past three minutes..." "Murphy please." You rolled your eyes as Murphy shrugged putting on a shirt. Bellamy rolled his eyes before picking up Murphy by the collar.

"If you hurt her...I will destroy you." He warned menacingly. Murphy put his hands up in surrender. "Contrary to popular belief I do have a bit of a heart." He stated as Bellamy released him. "If I ever see that again...I will use you as target practice." "Well...learn to knock Bellamy." You stated with a cocked eyebrow. Bellamy shook his head before exiting the room. Leaving a shocked Clarke, wonder what the hell had just happened. 

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