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Imagine is from: volturi-stuff on tumblr


This one is VERY short but ITS SO ADORABLE!

And I just got back from the hair salon AND IM INLOVE WITH MY HAIR ITS SO PRETTY!

Anyways... Enjoy! ^.^

You have had a rough day, you were completely exhausted, Bellamy had you working hard from first light, to midnight. You saw your boyfriend Murphy sitting by the fire Bellamy had set, sharpening his knife sitting up against a tree. You were so tired, you walked over to him,

"Hey Murph, can I sit?" You asked, you already knew the answer to that. He set his knife down, and moved his legs so you could sit in between them, you laid your head on his chest. He was warm, he was your safe place. He wrapped his arms around you as you laid.

"You never have to ask." Murphy said, as he rubbed your back. He knew how tired you were. Bellamy had you running all over the place.

"I know, I just like to make sure." You mumbled.

"Do you wanna go lay down in your tent, princess?" Murphy asked.

"No, I want to lay on you, I needed some cuddles." You whispered.

Murphy placed a few kisses on your head, and cheek, until your eyes got heavy, he was trying to put you to sleep, and it was working. Your eyes got heavier until you fell asleep in his arms. Murphy was sweet to you, nothing like how he was with the others.

Jasper and Monty walked down and sat next to you and Murphy.

"Look at how soft Murphy is." Monty whispered.

"I know, he is different with Y/N." Jasper whispered back.

"You're lucky, Y/N is asleep on me." Murphy whispered.

"Murphy." You whispered mindlessly in your sleep. Murphy looked down at you, he held you closer to him, he couldn't stop the grin that spread across his lips knowing you were dreaming about him.

Bellamy walked over, "No sleeping, we need to work slackers!" He yelled.

"She has been running for you all day." Jasper said. Bellamy rolled his eyes.

"I don't care. Do you want to survive?" Bellamy said in a harsh like tone. Murphy clenched his jaw,

"If you wake her up, I swear I'll take my knife and-" You cut Murphy off.

"Murph, don't." You whispered as you scooted closer to him wrapping your hands around his torso gently rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry, princess." Murphy whispered placing a gentle kiss on your head. "Get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay, I love you." You whispered as you laid your head on his chest again getting comfortable.

"I love you more, space princess." Murphy whispered running his hands over your back.

"He's inloveee." Monty snickered.

"Shut up, Green." Murphy whispered.

John Murphy ♡ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now