I won't waste anymore of your time than II

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I was beyond angry, I was livid. Did he really mean it? That I was just a waste of time? He didn't even bother to run after me, but neither did I bother to look back.

Maybe it's for the best, because if I would ask him to choose between me and Emori, I'm pretty sure I already know the answer. It's always gonna be her. She may haven't been his first kiss, first relationship.. but she was his first real love. And if he really loved me, he wouldn't spent that much time with her, knowing that I hated it.

And how would I compete with that, compete with her knowing it won't matter because I'll always stay second. She may have not been his first, but I know she'll be his last.

*** 7 months later ***

"Bell, wanna go for a walk?" I asked with a pretty please.

He groaned but eventually agreed, "But first I need to drop something off, meet you at the gate in 10?" I smiled and hugged him.

It had been a while since I felt this way, felt happy. Bellamy was everything and more than I could ever ask for. He helped me get over Murphy, helped me after seeing him and Emori making out only a week after we broke up, helped me find myself again.
Sure, he could be a real asshole sometimes, but he always put me first.

 *** 3rd person pov ***

Bellamy opened the door and saw Murphy with his head in his hands. As much as he hated him for what he did to Y/N, Murphy was a changed man, and so was Bellamy. 

"Here are the hooks you asked for." Bellamy said as he put the box down on the table. He sighed and sat next to Murphy, "What's wrong?"

"Yeah, like you care." Murphy scoffed. 

"Look man, I'm just trying to help you." He replied irritated, "Besides, you look like shit."

Murphy couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "It's just.. I think I made a mistake. I realized that I miss Y/N, and it's driving me crazy."

"What about Emori?" Bellamy asked hoping Murphy would stop thinking about you, since you two were dating in secret.

Murphy stayed silent for a while, not sure what to say. "I guess I was blinded by the attention she  gave me, Y/N was always busy with the council and I got bored. I lost sight of what really mattered to me. I still love her, I don't think I ever stopped.." He ranted.

This time Bellamy was at a loss for words, what if you would run back to Murphy? Bellamy was never afraid of anything, but there was one thing that terrified him soo much he couldn't even think about it without starting to internally freak out. And that was losing you.

Bellamy's frightful thinking was interrupted by Murphy, "So what do you think I should do?"

Bellamy's answer may have been a little selfish, but hey, it's the human nature. "You should let her go, let Y/N go," Murphy looked a bit shocked at the advise, "what will happen the next time if you get bored? You'll only hurt her even more, and she doesn't deserve that. She deserves someone who is 24/7 in her corner, someone that she can always count on, someone-"

 "Someone like you." Murphy sighed with realization, "You're in love with her, and she's in love with you."

"How- how did you know?"

"The way you talk about her, the way her eyes lit up when she sees you, the way you two look at each other, the way how that used to be us... I had my suspicions."

"You're not mad?"

"No, I mean I don't know.. but it is my own fault after all, I had my chance and I blew it."

*** Y/N's pov ***

I've been standing here for 20 minutes and guess what? Still no sign of Bellamy. It's out of character for him, he's never late, I'm always the tardy one.

Finally I saw the familiar brooding face walking in my direction, but this time he had a smile plastered on his face. 

"You look awfully happy." I remarked.

"Can't I be happy to see my beautiful girlfriend?" He said still grinning like a maniac.

"Yeah okay, you're officially freaking me out." I laughed.

"C'mon let's go walk." He said as he grabbed my hands and pulled me close.

"You wanna make it public, us public?" 

"Why wouldn't I, I want everyone to know that you're mine and I'm yours." 

I just grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He may not have been my first, but he would be my last.

"Let's not waste anymore time then and go for that walk." He smirked as we walked out of camp with our hands intertwined.

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