My human

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Imagine is from: inmyownlaine on tumblr

Warnings: Blood, bullet wound

Limping over to the nearest tree, you slid down the trunk and plopped roughly on the ground. A sharp groan escaped your mouth as your leg began to throb. The adrenaline of warfare had kept you moving. Now that crossfire ceased, the only thing you could think about was the bullet that grazed your thigh.

Celebratory chants could be heard all around you. The remaining survivors retreated into the woods as your comrades embraced each other in triumph. You remained silently suffering, trying to pull yourself together. There was no way you were being carried back home. You were going to walk in with your head high, a soldier standing tall.

Bloody wounds and lifeless bodies never made you queasy. It was all part of a reality that you now faced every day. Something that you had grown desensitized to, for better or for worse.

Yet, you couldn't bring yourself to assess your own injury.

You knew enough, though. You could feel the wetness of blood covering your entire upper leg. A light breeze made you realize that your pants were somewhat ripped. It cooled your skin as it passed by, rustling the leaves in the trees overhead.

No one had noticed your absence. They were too busy complimenting one another and recomposing themselves to head back to camp. You preferred it this way. It gave you time to grit your teeth and move on.

You began to press off the ground, palm side up with your wounded leg outstretched. You winced in pain, staring into the sky as you tried to push yourself higher.

"Y/N!" a voice rang out, causing your head to snap in their direction.

Murphy was on the lookout, a lasting smile from the recent victory. His head was moving in every direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of you in the chaos. Bellamy had his hand placed on Murphy's shoulder, joining in on the search.

You tried to say something, but pride got in the way. You weren't going to be the person to ruin this moment. You weren't going to let others see you this way. Instead, you raised yourself higher, trying to stand up before Murphy found you.

The second your foot touched the ground, you screamed aloud. It was pure agony, a tortuous feeling that you had never experienced before. You fell to the ground harshly, nearly knocking the wind out of your body. A wave of realization rushed over you; there was no chance that you were getting back on your own.

It didn't matter, anyway. You had already grabbed Murphy's attention. Your eyes locked from across the way, his smile rapidly falling into a trembling gape. You could see Bellamy mouthing profanities as he let go of his best friend.

"No, no, no, no, no," Murphy panicked, rushing to your side. He took a knee beside you, pushing back the strands of hair that were stuck to your forehead. You took in shallow breaths, pain overtaking the control you once held.

"I'm fine," you insisted, still refusing to look at your leg. Refusing, even, to look at Murphy. Seeing how devastated he was hurt more than anything.

"There's a lot of blood. We need pressure on it," he determined quickly, taking off his backpack and dropping it in front of him. He unzipped the front pouch, taking out a first aid kit.

"Since when were you a medic?" you teased.

Murphy snorted through his nose, roller gauze and square pads in hand. "You're making jokes right now?"

"It helps."

"Whatever you have to do," he replied. "This is probably gonna sting. Just a heads up."

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