Nuclear Waste

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Imagine is from: helloallthethingsilove on tumblr

warnings: mentions of blood and dead animals

what happens is that Murphy basically admits he knows you have feelings for him.

Enjoy! :)

My chest heaves as I struggle to breath, the weight of the dead animals I carry on the tarp behind me heavy.
I had finally gotten permission to go hunting with everyone else, but now I'm starting to regret my asking as sweat and blood coat my body. Not to mention, who I got paired up with...

"Damn, Y/N, had I known you ride the struggle bus with heavy lifting I would've asked to go with someone else." Murphy says besides me, doing nothing except twirling his bloody knife between his fingers.

"Maybe if I had a little help, I wouldn't be struggling so much,"
I grumble through my teeth, readjusting my grip on the ropes to the tarp as I keep walking,
"That's kind of why we get paired up in the first place."

"That's where you're wrong, Sunshine,"

Murphy talks back, using the nickname he gave me on the first day we got here when I held a knife to his throat and he called me a 'pitch black ray of sunshine',

"We get paired together so we don't get killed off. Now, less talking, more walking."

I scoff a bit, though realizing my steps have been slowing down. Not exactly all my fault.

"You know, I wish you were more fluent in silence. Then again, even when you don't talk, your presence gives me a headache," I ramble on before dropping the ropes to the tarp, coming to a stop,

"Saying that, I'm going to walk ahead. You can deal with the mess we're bringing back, Asshole."

Murphy feigns innocence, placing the hand that holds his knife over his heart, "I have never been so insulted!"

I can't help but chuckle at his reaction, pleasantly surprised that he actually leans down to pick up the ropes I dropped,

"Well obviously you don't listen too much then."

Our friendship was a weird one. One moment we'd be snapping at each other, back and forth, and the next we find a way to make jokes.
Trust me, it confuses me just as much as everyone else surrounding us.

We walk in silence for a bit after that, casting each other looks every now and again to make sure the other is keeping up. And after a while, Murphy decides to talk. Again.

"You know, you're probably one of the only people who hasn't punched me in the face. Yet, anyways," He says with a smirk, glancing up as he pulls the tarp with ease,
"What's up with that? Can't bring yourself to do it?"

I roll my eyes at his question, my own smirk forming on my lips but a faint blush appearing as well.

As much as I hate to admit it, over the course of being on the ground, I couldn't help but be intrigued by him,
"Please, I use sarcasm instead of punching you in the face. Don't push it though."

Murphy shakes his head, looking ahead as the camp starts to come into sight, "I think it's more than that, Y/N. I've done things anyone would wanna kill me for, but not you. At least not that you've expressed. Admit it, you like me."

I choke on my spit at his bluntness, and I can practically hear the cockiness radiating from him, "Well, that'd be a first for you, wouldn't it? Besides, you're not as evil as people think you are."

Murphy shrugs at that as we arrive at the gate, someone opening up and taking the tarp away so we could walk freely,

"Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that you know where to find me when you're ready to admit your feelings to me. That, or something else, if you know what I mean."

I scoff in slight disbelief, my arms crossing as I shake my head with a smirk,

"You're a manipulator, you know that?"

All I get back from Murphy as shrug and a smirk,

"I like to think of myself as an outcome engineer," he says before he walks away.

As he leaves me and I'm left standing there, I get several once overs from various people, a look of slight discomfort on their faces.

It's only then that I remember how disgusting I might look, covered in animal blood and all.

I shake my head with a groan, "Guys, it's blood, not nuclear waste.

Chill out!"

John Murphy ♡ one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang