Truth or dare II

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I wrote the first part of this, I think a year ago... So this has been sitting in my drafts for a WHILE. After this part, there are going to be 2 more parts of it, and then I think I'm going to finish this book.

I woke up still wrapped in Murphy's arms. I didn't want to wake him so I snuck as quiet as I could out of the tent.

It was still dark but I needed some time to think about how I was going to break the news to him. I hated lying, especially to Murphy.


"Holy- you scared the living shit out of me Clarke."

"Sorry, I uh just wanted to talk to you for a sec."

I nodded and followed her confused to the edge of camp. We sat down on a log to keep watch as Clarke relieved Miller from his turn. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked curiously.

"I heard you talking yesterday, with Bellamy. I know it's not any of my business-"

I cut her off and said: "It's indeed none of your business, were you eavesdropping on us?"

"No, I was in Monty's tent grabbing some stuff- and it's right next to the drink table." 

"Oh I'm sorry." I said sheepishly.

"No it's my fault but I did hear what you were talking about.." She trailed off.


"Yeah I really don't know what to say," I spoke quietly as I found myself telling Clarke everything, "I guess it just happened. My mom wasn't home, I'd gotten some stuff from Nigel and we got wasted to say the least. I actually don't really remember it."

"Hey it's okay, I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me and like someone cares who your first was." She smiled as she took my hand reassuringly.

"Thank you Clarke," I replied with a smile, "Now I can talk about it with someone that isn't Bellamy and I'm actually kind of glad I don't remember it." I laughed.

Suddenly we heard rustling from the foxholes, "What was that?" Clarke said confused.

I stood up and went to take a closer look.

"Shit." I saw Octavia coming back into camp.

"You don't think she heard do you?" I asked looking at Clarke.

"I really hope not." She replied.


The sun had risen and everyone was awake now, I'm actually glad that it was Clarke who heard it and not someone else.

"Hey where'd you go?" Murphy spoke as he sneaked his arms around me.

"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk." Another lie.

"Hm okay." He muttered still half sleep.

"I'm gonna go help Clarke in the drop ship." 

"Yeah, I'll go to our tent and get some stuff. I'm going hunting with Bellamy." He said.


He let go and kissed me before walking away. God why did I lie? I really love him but I can't even imagine the look on his face when I'd tell him, he'd hate me. 
He is friends with Bellamy, but he has always been a little jealous of him. He never said it out loud, but I know him well enough to notice.

"Hey," I said walking up to Clarke. "Did you get any sleep after we talked?"

"Not really, I went to go get water from the river."

"In the dark? I could never." I laughed with Clarke, it was soon interrupted by Octavia storming in the dropship. 
I hesitated to go talk to her but I had to know if she knew.

"Hey can we talk Octavia?"

"Okay, talk." She spoke. The tension could be cut with a knife, she knows.

"Somewhere more private please?" I questioned again.

"Why? Do you have a secret?"

"Octavia shut up," Clarke intervened before shit got out of hand. "What's your problem?"

"You're seriously asking what my problem is?" She laughed mockingly.

"Yeah, I am." Clarke snarled. 

"Hey why don't we-" I tried to stop them but they just wouldn't listen anymore.

"I think you're the one with the problem considering you slept with Raven's boyfriend!" Octavia shouted at Clarke.

"Says the one who sneaks out of camp every night to see her grounder boyfriend!" Clarke snapped back at her.

"That's it! Both of you shut up!" I yelled at them, "And Octavia, why are you mad at me? What happened is not any of your fucking business!"

"It is if you go fuck my brother!" 

I didn't know what to say, I stayed silent. "Yeah that's what I thought." She scoffed before walking out of the dropship but she bumped into someone.

Of course.

"Hey what's going on?" The one person who really didn't need to be here right now.

"I think you should ask Y/N." Octavia scolded before leaving.

"Murphy- I thought you went hunting with Bellamy." I tried to change the subject.

"Yeah, we're about to leave, I just had to grab something here. What just happened."

"Oh nothing, just a small argument." I keep lying.

"You sure? Are you okay?" He asked with a face full of worry.

I can't do this, seeing him all worried over some stupid question in a game.. I needed to think and just be alone for a moment.

"I'm sorry- I gotta go." I muttered looking at the ground as I ran out of the dropship. I kept running, ignoring Murphy calling out my name. 

"Hey you can't leave camp alone!" Bellamy yelled as I ran past him out the gate.

"I don't care!" I shouted while I kept going. I had to be alone for a while without people that keep hearing shit that isn't meant for them.


Eventually I ran out of breath and I had to stop and sit down, I finally started processing what the hell just had happened. The look on his face, when I tell him, it's all gonna change and I don't want that. He means everything to me.

While I was thinking of how I should tell him before someone beats me to it I heard a branch snap. I froze, I started looking for my knife but then-


I didn't have it with me because I just ran so fast out of there. I stood up and looked around, I didn't see anyone but then I heard it again. 

I looked behind me and saw someone. Soon I saw at least 5 grounders, all coming towards me.
I heard a horn and they stopped but instead they were running away now.

Suddenly I feel someone's hand over my mouth, I try to get out of the mans grip but everything is just making me more tired.

Then everything went black.


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