Truth or dare III

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A/N: At this point it's not even about the truth or dare game anymore but who caresss, I've had so much fun writing these parts and I hope y'all enjoy :) (After this there's gonna be 1 more part, I'm debating on making this a whole story tho..)

PS please vote and comment what you think :D

I woke up in a dark place, literally, I couldn't see anything that would give a hint of where I was. I tried standing up but my feet were bound together with chains so I fell to the ground.

I was in a cave, a familiar one. 


He saved me from getting taken by grounders. As I was trying to get the cuffs of, I heard footsteps. 

"Lincoln? Is that you?"

"You're awake." Is all he said.

"Thank god it's you." I muttered. "Why did you save me?"

"Because you're Octavia's friend and you also tried to stop that girl from electrocuting me."

"Friend.. did Octavia really say that?" I was asking myself more then Lincoln. "Well, can you maybe uncuff me..?"

"Sorry," He said as he kneeled down to unlock them, "I was afraid you would get scared and run outside."

"Thank you, for saving my life." I said with a genuine smile.

"You don't have to thank me."

He undid the cuffs and I looked around, noticing some drawings plastered on the walls. "You're really talented." I mumbled staring in admiration. He chuckled in response.

"I'd say you should go back to your camp, but it's completely dark outside." He said.


"Why were you out this far anyway? And without a weapon?" He questioned.

"Because I did something stupid, freaked and then I just started running.." I mumbled looking at the ground. "I lied to someone I care about, some people found out, he was about to find out and I just had to get out of there for a second."

"Well I'd say it's been about a full day, not a second." He smiled trying to cheer me up. Obviously not working.

"I've been gone an entire day?!" I shouted unintentionally. "What if they think I'm missing, what if they are out there right now and getting themselves killed?!"

"Hey it's gonna be fine, no one is getting killed. Not today."

"Well that's reassuring." I scowled.

"There's nothing we can do now, aside from staying here and waiting till sunrise. You really don't want to get caught in one of those traps."

"yeah you're right."


Soon the sun came up, I hadn't slept all night. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, what if they did go out looking for me. What if someone got hurt, it all would've been my fault.
I stood up quietly, but Lincoln noticed and woke up. 

"Before you leave," He spoke, "take this. Incase anything or anyone attacks you." he added while giving me a hatchet.

"I have one more question, why are you helping me. I mean.. It's against your people isn't it?"

"Because I don't want anyone fighting, I don't want a war. My people just feel threatened." He explained.

"Okay, thank you. For everything." He nodded in response. I turned and left the cave, maybe there really was hope.
I headed back towards the camp, but who knows how far I was from it.


"Y/N?!" I turned around to see Bellamy, great. "Where the fuck did you go?"

"uhm, just went for a walk.."

"For an entire day? Yeah that's bullshit."

"It's a long story.." I mumbled.

"Where'd you get that hatchet?"

"Jeez, what's with the questions. Why are you interrogating me, you're not my mother." 

"When you just run away, don't come back for an entire day and I find you in the middle of the woods with a hatchet, I think I deserve some answers." He snapped, "What happened?"

I explained him everything, from beginning to end. How Clarke found out, then Octavia and how she almost told Murphy. Then what happened in the woods and how Lincoln helped me. He just stared in shock and didn't know what to say.

"So how do I tell Murphy before your sister or god knows who else tells him?" I asked hoping for an answer.

"Now how did all of this happen over some stupid game?" He grunted as he went to sit against a tree.

"That's what I'd like to know." I sighed as I went to sit beside him, "Wait, where is Murphy? He's in camp right?"

"I don't know.."

"You don't know?!" I freaked as I stood back up. "What if he's out here? What if grounders took him?!" I shouted.

He stood up and put his hand over my mouth "What the h-"

"shut up, if you don't stop screaming, we're gonna be grounder lunch." He shout whispered.

He finally let go and I started walking, "Where are you going?"

"Back to camp, where else?" I grumbled. 

"Camp's that way." He corrected me as he pointed to the other direction.
We headed back in silence. 


"They're back!" Miller shouted ordering 2 people to open the gate. 
I was immediately surrounded with people asking me all sorts of questions, Bellamy pushed them away and yelled that they should go back to working.

"I don't see him Bel.."

But then someone came running out of the dropship.


He hugged me tight and I loosened up in his embrace, "Where did you go? I thought you were gone!" 

"Oh you know, just taking a walk." I joked still holding on to him tight.

"I tried to go looking for you but fucking Clarke locked me-"

"Hey hey it's okay," I hushed him, "I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."

He smiled and put his arms around me before kissing me passionately. "Don't ever do that to me again doll."

I took his hand and we went somewhere more private, I finally was going to tell him. "So you know that something happened yesterday between me and Octavia right?"


I took a deep breath, "I lied. When we were playing that stupid game, I lied."

"Wait you mean that truth or dare game?" I nodded, "You don't have to be afraid to tell me, you can always be honest with me."

Why is he so freaking perfect.. I can't even look him in the eyes. He takes my hands and waits for me to continue. 

"When Raven asked me who my first was- it wasn't Isaac.. It was someone you know." I muttered, I can't even say who it is.

"Okay, who then?" He asked.

"Please don't be mad, I know I can't ask you that," I closed my eyes not wanting to see how he was staring at me, "It was Bellamy."

"You- and Bellamy.." He whispered.

"But it didn't mean anything and it still doesn't, I see him as just a friend. It was a mistake, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to fuck up what we have and the friendship between you and Bellamy." I started rambling on and on, he just sat there not looking at me, but staring blankly at the ground. 

"Please say something John, anything.." I begged as tears threatened to spill.

John Murphy ♡ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now