Everyone cries

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Imagine is from: procrastinatorimagines on tumblr

Warnings:  SEASON 6 SPOILERS!!!!, Sad Murphy :(

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, to be honest, I forgot I still had this book with all my exams coming up and the stress of online school and not understanding a single bit of anything. BUT I am back now and I will try to post atleast once a week!

Have fun reading! <3

It took you a second to realise where the noise was coming from, stopping just short of the door to your room as you tried to listen to faint sounds of... crying? It sounded like it was coming from the room next to yours. but you stopped for a little bit longer to check, unsure of what to do. If it was anyone else's room, you would have knocked to check if they were okay, but that room was Murphy's.

You'd never see Murphy cry before, he always maintained such a nonchalant front that you had no idea if he'd even want you to know he was crying right now, let alone go and check on him. Technically no one was supposed to be back yet, so he was supposed to be alone, and clearly he hadn't heard you come in otherwise he would have stopped by now.

You sighed, deliberating whether to just go into your room and pretend you hadn't heard him, he'd probably appreciate it if you did, but you felt a pang of guilt just thinking about leaving him alone to cry in his room, so you turned back to his door, hesitating for a second before knocking lightly.

There was movement in the room as the sound stopped, and you could hear him clear his throat and probably wipe his face as the foot steps got closer to the door. Murphy was more than a little surprised to see you when he opened it, but he masked that quickly and you tried not to stare at his puffy eyes.

"Hey Y/N, didn't think anyone would be back for a while," he noted casually, leaning against the doorframe like nothing had been wrong. You hadn't actually thought of what you were going to say to him, so you stood in silence for a second before he continued, "do you need something?" He looked a you a little suspiciously.

"Are you okay?" You asked cautiously, aware of how easily Murphy shut down when he didn't want to talk to someone, especially about how he felt. 6 years together on the Ark had taught you that much and you didn't want him to close off now, especially if there was something wrong.

"Course, why wouldn't I be?" He replied, a little bit of nervousness slipping into his voice at the end, probably as he realised he didn't know how long you'd been back, but he seemed to be sensing that you'd heard more than he would have liked.

"It's just... well I heard-" Oh you were butchering this, you silent scolded yourself as you watched his face fall slightly.

"I said I'm fine Y/N," he snapped back a little more forcefully than necessary, a fact which he seemed to realise as his gaze softened slightly. "Sorry, I'm just- I'm fine," he repeated, but you weren't convinced.

Crossing your arms you stared back at Murphy, showing him that you weren't going anywhere as you stood firm outside his door. "You were crying Murphy," you said pointedly, trying a new and more direct approach this time.

"I wasn't crying," he tried to laugh, like the very thought was obsurd, but you held your ground.

"Cold water," you told him, expanding on that as he looked back at you in confusion, "helps with the red eyes." He subconsiously reached for his face, pulling his hand back when he realised what he was doing, an embarrassed look on his face as he avoided your eyes.

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