Goodmorning, wherever you are...

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Imagine is from: moon-litimagines on tumblr

Warnings: None just some cute sadness

This one is very VERY short tho but I found this wayyy to cute so why the heck not!

Enjoy! *~*


"Good morning...come on, wake up, babe." You told Murphy in a whisper, trying to gently welcome him into the morning. He wouldn't wake up, just like always. Your boyfriend would try to get as much sleep as he could before you forced him out of bed. Your next idea was kisses, you placed one on his forehead, another on his cheek, and a third on his nose. It seemed to do the trick when you saw a smile creep onto his face.

"Just let me sleeeeep..." He mumbled and wrapped an arm around your hips to pull you near him. Trust me, you'd love to sleep in, too, but there was a lot to take care of.

"We gotta get moving, Murphy..." You told him, but he leaned foward to kiss you in an attempt to makr you stop talking. It always worked.

"Less talk, more cuddling." He instructed, this is where you finally gave in and let Murphy get his way. You don't even know why you try. It was time to get comfortable, so you let him hold you tight. Your fingers loosely laced through his hair and your eyes flickered shut, you may have wasted the morning, but it was for a good reason...


Murphy woke up alone in the cold metallic room he chose to reside in. It was hard enough to get out of bed when you were practically yanking his arm to get up, but without you?

When he finally decided it was time to get up, he shuffled over to the window overlooking the planet that he had left you behind on. One of his biggest regrets, truly. The worst part is that he didn't even know whether or not you were alive, it completely destroyed him every time he looked out there.

He would've enjoyed sharing this view with you, there was no doubt that you'd be sitting in front of this window every day, overlooking the sorry planet and smiling at that little green spot. Look Murphy, isn't that sweet? Completely untouchable, just like us. He was starting to forget the sound of your voice.

"Good morning, y/n," Murphy muttered to himself, "wherever you are..."

John Murphy ♡ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now