Brotherly love

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*Echo pov*

Darkness that's all I could see, but faded voices still called out to me.

"Please!! Please wake up!!" Someone cried.

All I could feel was the coldness, that took away all feeling and movement in my body. I started to hear yelling...
..No more like screaming in anger..

I couldn't hear what they where saying, voices were muffled and I couldn't make up much.

"I NEED---FOREVER-----MINE MINE MINE!!" Thats all I could make out of the words.. Everything else sounded muffled..

My body started to feel much heavier, as the screaming continued. Then the voices stopped and I fell back asleep, once more..


I woke up to a annoying beeping noise.. My ears started to ring because of it and I couldn't fall back to sleep.. So I slowly open my eyes, pain shot them like a bullet out of a gun.. The light was too much for me..

"E-Ec--Echo?" A familiar and friendly voice called out to me.

This time I slowly opened my eyes, at first I couldn't see at all. Everything was extremely blurry and looked like I was in water. But once it all cleared up, I saw my brother looking down at me, like a complete mad man..

"OH god!! Echo!!" He cried out.

He wrapped his arms around me and started to cry uncontrollably. I let him continue this, I wanted to be as close as possible to him right now.

"YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL!!" He cried and screamed out at the same time.

"What happen?" My voice cracked and I sounded horrible..

"We don't know.. But your bones are extremely weak from your sickness and whatever hit you, nearly killed you!!" He eyes were red and puffy and the never ending tears still fell from his face..

"Y-you been out for 5 months..." He said, while he laid his head back on my chest and listened for my heart beat.

"I'll never get use to that sound now.." He laughed while tears still fell out..

I place my hand on top of his head and started to play with his hair.. It was much longer now and darker.. But it still freely fell from my fingers and still felt soft and smooth.

"You die.." He sniffed "You stopped breathing.."

I wanted to pull him up to my chest and comfort him till he had enough.

"I'm not dead..." I smiled, but my smiled suddenly disappeared when I remembered the sickness I have.

"Not yet.." I felt a tear slip down my face and onto the blue and white blankets.

Jeremy pulled himself up and carefully laid next to me, he pulled me closer into his chest. My head rested on his chest, I felt warm and safe. His breathing patterns was perfect and could put the fussiest baby to sleep..

"Big brother loves you." He squeezed me closer and snuggled up to me, instantly making me fall asleep..

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