Part 1 - Damn You Stark

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"You know you shouldn't just leave stuff like this lying around," Stark barges into the room, throwing the journal down on the bed. "Makes for some interesting reading but nevertheless."

"Tell me you didn't," You sigh through gritted teeth. "Honestly Tony, you're supposed to be an adult..." He stops as you look over at him, laughing at your expression. "You didn't read it?" You grab the journal and look over it; it wasn't yours, just a blank notebook. "What the hell Stark?"

"I knew you kept a journal!" he laughs before walking over and sitting on your bed. As you reach over and punch his arm, he puts both hands up in surrender. "In my defence, it was a little funny. Your face was golden."

"Again, you're supposed to be an adult." You look over to your bedside cabinet, waiting for him to leave so you can double check your journal is in there.

"Coming from the grown woman who keeps a journal. Let me guess, it's a dream diary? Or a lengthy prose about how no man will ever match up to me?" He throws you a grin, that famous Tony Stark smile.

"How about both?" You raise an eyebrow at him, while he fakes surprise. "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for some big party?" You swat his arm, noticing that he's dressed up.

"It's more of a small shindig rather than a full blown party, but sure, yeah."

"Then why the hell are you bugging me." looking down at your lap, trying to continue reading your book before you were so rudely interrupted.

"Because I want my friend to be there." He places a hand on your knee, giving it a little squeeze. "It's been a while since you came to one of these things, and I just thought..."

"Well, you thought wrong." You reply with a smile. He tries to interrupt you, before you place a hand over his. "Go, enjoy yourself; enjoy your win. Honestly, I'm a little tired."

He stands up and walks over to the door, leaning in the frame before turning around and looking at you with sad eyes. "If this is about him..."

"It isn't."

"Ok, I took the first little lie with a pinch of salt, but now I'm getting pissed."

"Tony," You whine, not wanting to get into this argument again.

"Whatever went down with the two of you needs to stop now. He's part of the team again; deal with it."

You don't answer him, simply giving him a little look before turning your attention back to your book.

"Are you really going to make me do this?" He sighs. But you don't answer. "Fine, a little help please?" Before you can look up to see what's going on, hands rip your book from your lap before you're pulled from the bed. Happy Hogan looks apologetically down at you before throwing you over his shoulder.

"What the fuck? Happy?"

"Sorry Kate, but it's for your own good." Happy snorts.

"I hate you both," you grumble, as Happy walks you out of your room and down the hall.

"Nope," Tony laughs, walking ahead of you; turning to swat your backside. "Don't believe you. Coming through people, make some room."

You're trailed through the compound, resting on Happy's shoulder. You could have fought him off, but it was Happy; the world's biggest teddy bear. All eyes are on you whilst everyone is preparing for the party, making you both cringe and blush at the same time. Steve Rogers looks over at you with a confused, yet amused look on his face, but you simply salute him as Happy pulls you down another corridor. "Ok, ok. You made your point Tony. Can I walk now?"

Eventually Happy puts you down, and you realise you're standing at Tony and Pepper's bedroom door. "Pep's away at a conference all week. She says you can help yourself to anything that you want from her wardrobe." You start to grumble, before Tony puts a hand up to stop you. "Just pick out a dress, comb your hair, and come down for one drink. What's the worst that can happen?" He opens the door and pushes you in, whilst you roll your eyes at him. "That's my girl!" he smiles, shutting the door.


A couple of hours later and the party is in full swing. Trust Tony Stark to call this a little shindig, the entire compound was full of people, most of whom you didn't know. You manage to avoid the massive crowds, slipping straight to the bar and tucking yourself in at the corner. "Wow," Nat walks over and joins you. "You know I have a thing about red Kate!"

"Wow," you mock her. "How much have you had to drink already?" She breaks out in a huge smile, wrapping an arm around you.

"Only a couple," Nat beams. "But you're looking good. It's not like you to be so bold."

You blush and look down at your hands, running them over the red dress. "I know," you whisper back, feeling the silk as it hugs your body. "But I kind of love it." You smile.

There was no selection of dresses for you to choose from; a box had been laid on the bed with a note from Tony: BECAUSE I KNOW YOU, T. You had been infuriated by it, but also slightly touched. Being the complete opposite of Tony Stark who bathed in the limelight, you preferred to keep out of it as much as possible. He knew you were going to pick one of Pepper's most plain dresses, nothing that would draw any attention to you, so in true Stark form he chose for you: Iron Man red. Only problem meant you couldn't hide from the party now.

"Well good for you girl," Nat smiles, marching behind the bar. "Now, let's have some fun!"

By the time you've had a couple of Nat's special cocktails, you're feeling a little more confident and relaxed. Scanning the room your eyes finally meet Tony's; him giving you that 'I told you so' smile with a wink. "Guess I should thank him for the dress," you shrug at Nat, "Besides, that's my cue to leave." You wink at her as you notice Bruce walking up towards the bar.

You're stopped in your tracks as you get closer to Tony, realising he's standing talking to the only man likely to ruin your good mood: Thor. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, you continue to walk straight up to Tony, giving him a small hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Tony," you smile at him.

You can feel Odinson tense up as soon as you take a step back; he's clearly as uncomfortable in your presence as you are in his. Tony quickly looks between you both before he rolls his eyes, "Play nice you two." he warns, but neither of you make eye contact. "Oh, what's that Rhodey?" he shouts at no-one; you can already see Rhodey is standing behind Tony on the opposite side of the room. You glare at him as he walks off, giggling to himself.

"Damn you Stark," Thor mutters under his breath, looking anywhere but your direction. Rolling your eyes, you start to walk away.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't want you to look like a fool talking to a simple Midgardian like me." You hiss at him.

"As it should be," he shouts back at you, glad for the awkwardness to be done with. Yet somehow his eyes are glued to you as you walk away. Shaking his head in annoyance, he goes off in search of better company.

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