Part 61 - Saw What Exactly

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The next hour seems to fly by. After packing a few essentials, you head out to meet Tony and Thor at Ego's ship when Bruce stops you. "Hey Kate, how you doing?"

"I guess everyone knows huh?" You shrug a little, instantly feeling bad when you see Bruce's face. "It's ok. I'm ok, I think." You sigh, with a slight laughter. "Thank you for asking Bruce. You're a good friend." You rub his arm before starting to head off, him gently grabbing your arm to stop you.

"Did, uh...did Tony tell you about the results?" He stammers, clearly uncomfortable about the whole situation. You simply nod. "I'm sorry we went behind your back, we just wanted to give you and Thor some time."

"It's fine Bruce, honestly I was on my way to ask the same."

"You were?"

"Yeah. I mean I need to know, right? I can't just take his word for it that he's my father. I know Peter seems to think that he is, but I'd have rather known the right way. Tony made the right call." Shaking his head at your answer, you look at him confused. "Are we not talking about the same thing here?"

"No," Bruce stammers again, running a hand at the back of his neck in agitation. "Man, I thought he was going to tell you." He rubs his hands together anxiously. "You really need to speak to Tony,'re..."

"Katie!" Quill shouts out, drawing your attention. "Time to go." You sigh, before leaning over and kissing Bruce on the cheek.

"Whatever it is, we can deal with it when I get back. Thanks Bruce."


A few hours later, you all finally arrive at Ego's planet. As he goes on to explain how his life began, and how he transformed over the millennia, you can't help but be distracted by the absolute beauty of the world surrounding you. Looking over at Peter, you see how happy he is; completely enthralled at every word coming from your father. Reaching what seems the centre of the planet, Ego marches you through the hallways of his keep; almost as exquisitely designed as Asgard, almost. "You can leave your stuff in your room, and then I can give you and Peter a more personal tour." Ego smiles at you, but you march right past him.

"No thank you," You drop your bag to the floor, Thor right behind you. "I think I've done enough listening for one day."


"No." You say more sharply. "It's not a case of all is forgiven. I still don't know you, still don't really want to. I need some time to think." Thor places a hand on your shoulder; one that both comforts you and let's Ego know not to push you.

"Okay." Ego nods, a pained expression on his face. "And I hope that one day you will think better of me."

"Depends on whether or not you make good your promise." Thor interjects as Ego closes the door. As soon as he's gone, Thor's hand runs down your back, sending soothing signals throughout your entire body. "We don't have to stay you know. I can call for Heimdall at any time. I'm sure he'd even be able to reach us here."

Turning to face him, you wrap yourself into him, resting your head against his chest. "I'm fine. Are you ok?" Thor smiles, before placing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Stop worrying about me Kate," He wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer into him. "We just need to focus. And keep our eyes open. Father or not, there's something..."

"About Ego you don't trust. I know, I have the same feeling. Truth be told, I'm only here for Peter."

"Family." Thor lets out a soft laugh. "Will be the end of us all." You smile into his chest. "Speaking of which, let's go see your other brother. There was something he wanted to tell us both back on Earth." You suddenly remember the conversation with Bruce just before you left. Before either of you can make a move, the bedroom door bursts open, Tony standing on the other side.

"Ok, so your dad, is a planet? I have a bad feeling about this place." He looks around him, as though someone's watching him. "It's like walls are watching you."

"You're taking the paranoia up a notch today, I see." You chuckle, sitting down beside him. "But yeah, we're all in agreement, this is weird. Even for us."

"You really think he can beat Thanos?" Tony asks, eyes still roaming the room.

"No idea, but what do we have to lose?" You sigh, leaning back with a hand on your head, desperately trying to push back the headache that's started ever since you landed on this planet. Stomachache too.

"And how are we feeling about our Darth Vader moment?" Tony chuckles, leaning back beside you while Thor stands, staring at you both, confused by Tony's statement. You can't help but laugh, making your stomach ache even more.

"How did you know I said that? Oh wait, Rocket told you."

"Nope, I know you." He pats your arm, before looking up at Thor. "How you doing Point Break? All good?"

"Fine Stark. Now what did you want to tell us before we left?" Tony suddenly sits up, his whole body on edge.

"Nothing that can't wait until we get home. But what I can say is, there's some weird blood work going on with your father. He definitely is as old as he says he is, and now that I know what I'm looking for, I saw it in your blood too Kate."

"Saw what exactly?" You sit up to meet him, your curiosity piqued. Thor's too.

"I'm not sure, but power. I'd have to show you to make sense of it. Which reminds me." He pulls a syringe out of nowhere. "Banner wanted me to do a blood test while we were here. Do you mind?"

"Since when did you start carrying needles around with you." You yell. "And oh....NO! Why would I let you do that?"

"Because," Tony sighs. "We heard your father's story last night. He's a planet. Everything surrounding us IS him, maybe it'll affect you too." He looks at you with curious eyes. "Are you feeling ok? Any sudden changes? Mood swings? The sudden urge to grow, planet size, I mean."

"Fuck you Tony," You laugh, giving him the middle finger and receiving one in return. "But fine, since you put it so delicately." You start to roll up your sleeve. "And since it's for Bruce." You stick your tongue out at him.

Tony can't help but laugh, yet a smug smile still appears on his face. "Don't tell me you've adopted Banner now too. How many brother's does one woman need?"

"Not enough, apparently." Thor laughs with you both, just glad to see you smiling, and not wallowing in your own guilt about what had happened on Asgard. He always loved to see you smile, and most of the time that smile was always generated around Tony. Sure, when Quill had re-entered your life, you had smiled. But not like with Stark. Clearing his throat, he watches carefully as Tony extracts a small amount of blood from your arm.

"I'll go store this, then maybe we should get you some food." Tony smiles as you lay back, feeling tired suddenly.

"I'll come with you Stark," Thor smiles, kissing you on the forehead before walking off with Tony. Almost instantly you close your eyes, feeling ready to sleep. Today's revelations finally catching up with you. "Let her get some rest. She looks exhausted."

"You need to rest too buddy." Tony pats his arm.

"Plenty time for that when Thanos is dead." Thor pats Tony's shoulder back. "Besides, I have much more pressing matters to discuss with you my friend." He looks over at you one more time before closing the door.

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