Part 33 - Can't Hear You

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As the sunlight creeps through your window, the sudden brightness of the room affects your eye, making you groan out. Too hungover to get up to close the curtain, you simply roll over, pulling the covers over your head; the darkness making the headache you can feel coming ease slightly. Just as you start to get comfortable again, a knock on your door disturbs you. Simply groaning, hoping whoever is on the other side just walks away, you're annoyed that they open the door instead. "Rise and shine princess!"

You immediately sit up, shocked at the voice ringing out. Taking a while for your eyes to adjust, a blind rage bubbles up as the realisation hits: Loki has just walked into your room. "What the fuck?" You push the covers off and jump out of bed, stumbling slightly with the hangover. "Get out!" You point past him to the door.

"Now now Kate," he puts his hands up defensively. "I thought a professional woman like yourself would have been up early, eager to get to work." The smirk is back, annoying you even more than the mammoth headache working its way through you. "Rough night?"

"Are you deaf?" Struggling to get your brain to bring any further words out. "I said, get the fuck out!"

He scoffs slightly, clearly not impressed. "Such a limited language, I'm disappointed." Taking a step towards you again. "I don't think I made myself clear, I'm only here to escort you to the work you so desperately crave to do." Hating the thought of him getting any closer, like he had the day before, you shorten the distance between you quickly, getting ready to strike him again. Unfortunately sensing your goal, Loki grabs you arm, pulling you sharply towards him; turning your body and almost slamming you into the wall. "You got away with the first slap Kate," his eyes bore through you. "But you're going to have to try harder to keep up with me." Despite the darkness radiating from his eyes, the tone is mocking, with a slight chuckle before he lets you go. "See you in the lab!" He mocks, lightly brushing the hair away from your face, making your skin crawl.

Not quite comprehending what's just happened, and with the hangover creeping over you, you simply head straight to the bathroom, hoping that the cool water from the shower will help soothe your mind.

Suddenly memories of the night before flash through your mind: talking to Wanda and Nat about your brother. Surprisingly you don't feel as nervous about facing them as you thought you would be. If anything it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders; the possibilities of being able to trust your teammates, or should you say friends, again is cathartic. Instead of the pressure being on you constantly, releasing some of it has made you feel lighter and free.

What does pain you though is the last image of Thor yesterday. The look on his face as you walked past him, after shooting him down yet again. Part of you wondering if you would ever be able to make it up to him, the other wondering if he would even want you too. Almost resolving yourself to the fact that it was now completely over between you both, an ache starts in your chest, one you doubt you'll get rid of. While it's a familiar feeling, one you had felt 3 years ago, this time it's permanently tattooed on your heart and the itch will never fade away.

But as you leave the shower, a sudden fearlessness drives you coming directly from what Fury had said to you. Despite the awkwardness, and the clear hidden and twisted motives of Loki, you have to work with him. And until you could find more information out on the stones, there was nothing you could do about Thor for now.

Finally feeling freshened up, and the headache weakening, you get dressed and head straight to the kitchen, determined not to meet anyone's eye. Wanda stops you in your tracks, handing over a cup of coffee. "You look better than I thought you would," she half laughs, rubbing your arm.

"My mouth feels like a carpet," You laugh back, enjoying the coffee. "Thanks for last night," Wanda simply gives you a smile. "Meant a lot I could open up to you and Nat,"

"I'm glad. Always here if you need to talk. About anything." You nod as she walks off, Nat giving you a wink as she and Bruce walk by too. A sudden warmth flows through you - the fact that no one is treating you any differently means a lot to you. Despite a slight hesitation that Nat may have told Bruce, you carry on, heading to the lab, questioning whether you really care about that anymore.

Just as you get to the lab you find Tony there to meet you at the doorway, which is suspiciously closed. "Hey, how's the headache?"

"No idea, haven't spoken to him yet," You smile, Tony letting off a little laugh with you as you nod towards the lab.

"Got a present for you," He hands over a very old and antique looking box. "Some very serious looking men dressed in what can only be described as fancy dress arrived this morning with this." Looking confused, you hand him over your coffee, much to his annoyance. Opening the envelope attached to the top first; you can't help but admire both the paper and the penmanship.

"Dearest Kate, consider this an early birthday gift - to help with EITHER of my sons. Frigga."

Looking in the box, you notice a small disc, with what looks like a cigarette lighter - as well as instructions on how to use it. Grinning from ear to ear, you can't help but let out a little chuckle before looking up to the ceiling. "That woman is a genius," you smile, wondering if Heimdall is watching you, even now. A little bit of guilt prickles at you, wondering if Frigga knew about how you had treated Thor.

Grabbing your coffee back from Tony who simply looks at you questionably, you just shrug. Not letting him in this just now is even more fun. "Oh, by the way," You grab his arm. "I never really gave you a chance to explain what you had planned for my birthday."

"It was nothing," he shrugs, but with a slight twinkle in his eye.

"What are you planning now?" You sigh, wishing you had never asked.

"Well since Reindeer Games is hanging around, and you've been extremely tetchy with me lately, I'm throwing you a party! No question, no argument, NOTHING!" he starts walking away.

"TONY!" You yell but he flips you the finger, laughing as he walks away.

"Can't hear you!" He yells back. as you head to the lab for the next fun filled moment: Loki

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