Part 25 - What's Happening

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After directing Banner to the vaults, under the watchful eye of Heimdall, Thor makes his way to Loki's cell. A mixture of emotions swarms the god of thunder as he approaches: anger, hurt, nerves; but all overlaced with a feeling of sympathy for his brother.

"Let me guess," Loki's voice echoes across the room. "The women want us to talk it out." Thor can't help but grin after having a similar conversation with his mother as he had with you.

"If you'd rather I crush you with my bare hands, I'm open to that." Thor tries to sound confident.

"Now that sounds more like your father," Loki spits out with a sly grin as he walks towards the front of his cell.

"Our father," Thor corrects him, receiving a wince from Loki. "But maybe it's easier if we take the women's advice." Loki simply nods, placing his hands behind his back in a regal stance. Their eyes lock, boring holes into each other. After a prolonged silence, Loki finally breaks the air, tilting his head to the side.

"You do realise that to talk you will have to speak actual words." He smirks.

"I'm choosing my words carefully brother," Thor says through gritted teeth. "Or more likely, waiting for your apology." Desperately trying to keep cool, his grip tightens onto Mjolnir; he had decided to do as you had asked, and simply listen to his brother, but as per usual Loki wasn't making it easy for him.

Loki scoffs. "Then you will be waiting a long time Odinson." His last word dripping with disdain. Both men continue to staring at each other . "How is the woman?" He spits out.

"Kate," Thor snaps back. "Stronger than you think." He begins to pace the room in front of the cell in frustration. "Why did you do that Loki?" he barks out. "Wasn't almost destroying our home; trying to destroy Midgard enough for you?" He pauses. "Or was Thanos' influence still affecting you?" Desperate for the latter to the reason for this betrayal.

A nervous twitch creeps over Loki's face, annoyed that he'd showed some weakness. "I am the god of Mischief." He smirks. "Surprised it took you so long to figure it out." His eyes look Thor up and down. "Actually maybe not, let's face it, that woman..."

"KATE!" Thor barks out again.

"Sure," Loki shrugs. "Kate." he raises an eyebrow. "She's smarter than most of those pathetic mortals you surround yourself with. Even if she did fall for the trick too!" Loki lets out a small snort. "I think you'll find, if anything, I did you a favour!"

"A favour?" Thor stops instantly, feeling a rage surge through his body, taking a step towards the glass covering Loki's cell. "This was all for your own entertainment! You meddled with our minds!" He raises Mjolnir, and smashes it against the glass, sending a crack running up the pane. Thor's roar echoes through the empty room.

Loki takes a step back from the crack, a little fear rising in his stomach. "Now, brother..." he hesitates.

"I've done nothing but defend your actions." Once again Thor strikes down against the glass, increasing the crack as it now spreads over all the glass panels. "And all you ever do is betray me!"

"Brother," Loki once again steps back. "Calm yourself."

"Calm?" Thor prepares to strike the glass once again. "You cost me the woman I love!" He roars.

The doors burst open and a swarm of guards enter, surrounding the cell, but with eyes currently concentrated on Thor. Loki sighs in relief. "My Lord," one of them takes a step forward. "Please, put the hammer down."

"NO!" Loki yells, eyes widening before Thor slams Mjolnir down one last time - the glass surrounding Loki shatters, sending shards flying in all directions. Not affected by it, Thor takes a deadly strut towards Loki, still recovering from the barrage of glass shards. The guards move forward; some directed at Thor while others concentrate on the God of mischief.

Prepared to take on all the guards, regardless of the consequences, Thor grits his teeth and tightens his grip on Mjolnir. "THOR!" Odin's voice echoes around the room. The guards immediately stand to attention as the Allfather marches into the room, Frigga immediately behind him. "Enough of this!" he demands, grabbing Thor's arm to no avail. Thor doesn't move, his eyes are fixed on Loki, rage building within him. "If you are trying to release your brother..."

"Release him?" Thor asks through gritted teeth. "I'm going to kill him." He marches towards Loki, Mjolnir raised, but as he gets close he's met instead with a flash of green light, making him nearly fall over as Loki vanishes, reappearing behind him.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" He scoffs, slowly stepping back out of Thor's eyeline as he turns around. With a wave of his arm, Odin makes shackles appear around Loki's wrists and feet; Loki rolling his eyes while Frigga gives him a sympathetic look.

Thor tries once again to charge at Loki; this time Frigga standing in front of him. "Please, my sons." She pleads, as she gently places a hand on Thor's arm, before reaching round and placing one on Loki's too. "We need to fix this."

Odin scoffs, frustrated by how calm Frigga was. "This is a pathetic display from two little boys!" He spits out. Snapping her head round Frigga throws him a look of such vehemence, even the old man takes a step back. Sighing, he returns her gaze with a soft smile. "Your mother's right," his smile getting wider as a plan comes to mind. Turning to Loki once more, waving his hand, the shackles disappear. Frigga gives a soft smile back to her husband, following his plan with her mind.

Rubbing his wrists, Loki looks between his mother and father, trying to follow their unspoken conversation. Thor's eyes are still piercing Loki - rage pulsating through him. "What's happening?" Loki asks.

"It's simple, we're going to go with Kate's plan. We will give what she offered." Frigga smiles. Thor instantly snaps out of his fury at the mention of your name.

"What?" Both Thor and Loki say at the same time.

"You will return to Midgard," Odin speaks directly to Thor, making a sharp stab of resentment once again rise in Loki. "And you'll take your brother with you."

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