Part 72 - For My Sister

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Darkened clouds start to circulate the compound, while small crashes of thunder rumble across the sky, gaining momentum as they get close to you. Lightning bursts out, surrounding you and Thanos as you hit him. Repeatedly you strike, using as much power as your body will let you.

The power of the stones protects him, making you aim for softer targets. Unleashing the full force of your rage you release a stream of lightning, coursing through Mjolnir when a bright yellow light distracts you. Only briefly do you look over, and see Vision standing next to you, using the mind stone against Thanos. Powerless to stop either of you, the Black Order attack your friends; what's left of Thanos' army joining.

After managing to stave off Maw from killing Strange, Tony pulls the sorcerer up to his feet. "Tell me this is it wizard," He yells, pushing him slightly. "Tell me this is how we win." He looks over to you, heart breaking at the look of vengeance etched on your face. "Tell me she survives."

"If I tell you..." Strange starts, using his magic to tie up the band of creatures threatening to make their way towards you. "It won't happen." Scoffing in annoyance, Tony flies off, landing beside you and Vision, releasing so much power from his suit, trying desperately to help.

Struggling to even stand against the onslaught, Thanos manages to recover enough energy to grip the gauntlet into a fist, sending a burst of colourful energy, directly hitting the three of you, sending you all back flying.

Somehow you're first to your feet, opening your hand to summon Mjolnir back to you. Looking at your nemesis, Thanos' purple skin is tinged with black, burns radiating over his entire body where your lightning had finally managed to hit him. "Your will is strong little one," He struggles to breathe, his voice ragged. "We could do this together. Like father and daughter." You march over slowly, feeling the rage building up within you again. "And with your own little one," He points warily towards you. "We could be gods."

As you get close, the anger pulsating through your body at his words comes out as you punch him hard. "There is only one god I care about," You hit him again, feeling the strength flowing, much like it had on Ego's planet. "AND YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!" You scream at him, raising Mjolnir, but Thanos is quicker, grabbing you by the scruff of your neck and tossing you into the air.

"Fine," He sighs, struggling to stand, eyes fixated on Vision. "I'll do it myself." The power from the stone seemingly draining Vision of his power, making him unable to stand and defend himself as the Titan hobbles towards him; he can only make it to his knees. "One more stone," The relief running through him the only thing pushing him to his end goal. "And then you'll see, you'll see how grateful the universe will be."

"You talk too much," Tony spits out as he too struggles to stand; eyes raking over the grounds to see where you landed. Unable to see you he roars before forcing himself to face Thanos; even while both are struggling to fight Thanos still gets the better of him, sending him crashing into Steve and Loki who had both tried to make an assault from behind.

"Last warning Stark." Thanos groans as he bends, wrapping his gauntleted hand around Vision's throat, lifting him above his head. "What a waste of parts." He shakes his head, reaching up with his hand, ready to rip the mind stone from Vision's head.


Expecting a rough landing, you're confused when you almost bounce back to your feet; until you feel the large web beneath you. Struggling to free yourself from the tangle, you see a hand extended out to you. "Come on Kate," Parker huffs out breathless. "I got you." Taking his hand, you manage to get out, looking around at the destruction around you, trying to see where Thanos is. Barely able to spot him in the distance, you brush past Peter, reaching out for Mjolnir once again. "KATE STOP!" Parker yells, but you ignore him. Grabbing you firmly by the shoulder, you almost hit him before the realisation hits.

"Pete?" You look at yourself, covered in mud, dried blood on your hand, singe marks in your clothing. He grabs you for a hug, but you push him away. "I don't want to hurt you," You sigh as the image of Thor laying dying enters your mind again, making you more determined to get back to Thanos. "Get away from me kid."

"You're going to get yourself killed." He pleads, letting the Spiderman mask fall from his face. "And you''re...the baby." He sighs, pulling you in once again for a hug. "Thor wouldn't want this." He whispers in your ear. Complete devastation overwhelms you, making you drop the hammer and wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder as you break down completely. Trying hard to compose yourself, eventually you pull away when you hear Tony yelling in the distance.

"I can't leave them," You wipe your face with your stained sleeve, before placing your hand on Parker's cheek. "Promise me something Pete," He nods as a reply, his mouth in a tight line. "Keep an eye on Tony for me, ok?"

"You can't beat him alone Kate," Peter looks around, gesturing to everyone still fighting on.

"She's not alone."


"What a waste of parts," Thanos shakes his head as he prepares to take the stone. Just as his fingertips reach the stone, a sudden sharp agony halts him; Vision collapsing to the ground, as well as the gauntlet. In disbelief Thanos watches as the stones come soaring out of the gauntlet, scattering themselves across the open space; roaring in agony as he covers his wound, purple blood running down his arm, looking around for the source of the attack.

"That was for Gamora," Nebula roars, screaming in his face as she stands strong in front of her 'father'; his sword firmly gripped in her hand, blood dripping from it after she sliced off half of his arm. She grabs his chin, making him look at her, rather than searching for the stones. "That was for my sister!" She yells once again, before preparing to take his head. "You should have killed me when you had the chance!" She kicks the gauntlet, with his hand still stuck inside, sending it sprawling.

Seemingly resigned to his fate, Thanos bows his head, waiting for Nebula to strike the final blow, when out of the corner of your eye you spot him grinning, sending an uneasy feeling. "Nebula, wait..." You yell before the first blast hits the ground.

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