Part 28 - I Had To Wait

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"Is that..." Peter asks, as both Tony and Steve take slow, determined steps towards Loki.

"Relax kid," Tony shouts without looking back; a hint of rage in his voice. "The adults need to talk here, so go do what I asked you to."

"But Mr Stark.." Peter starts walking towards them both before Bruce places a hand on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"Not now Pete," he calmly suggests. "Better do as Tony says. You don't need to get mixed up in this." Feeling defeated, Peter starts to walk away from the group, before stopping at Bruce.

"Dr Banner, has this got something to do with Kate?" he asks concerned, taking another look at Loki, who is still standing gawking at the team, with mischievous eyes, sending a chill up his spine.

"Like I said, you don't need to get mixed up in this." Bruce follows his eyeline to Loki, a slight trepidation in his voice. "This could go sideways real quick." Eyes widening at Bruce's statement, Peter nods before walking back towards the compound to wait for Happy, making a mental note to ensure he has his suit nearby, just in case.

A grim silence covers the grounds, as Steve and Tony eyeball Loki. Thor, in frustration, can't help but tighten his grip on Mjolnir in anticipation of a fight - one he knew would be coming eventually. His only problem was, whose side should he be on.

"What?" Loki rolls his eyes, finally breaking the silence. "Did no one miss me?" He smirks.

"Loki," Thor warns him, his voice almost a growl.

"What's going on Thor?" Steve asks, not turning his head, or blinking an eye, focused completely on Loki.

"Didn't the good doctor tell you?" Loki laughs, pointing at Bruce, who takes a slight side step to avoid his gaze. "I'm your newest team mate!" He holds out his arms, and bows in front of Steve and Tony, with a small smirk on his face. "God of mischief, at your service." He says, mockingly.

"Thor?" Steve asks again, gripping his fists as he begins to lose his patience.

"My father has exiled Loki from Asgard," he sighs. "He is here to earn his redemption." He takes a small look at Tony, who is still staring at Loki with blank eyes. "Unfortunately my father misconstrued some of Kate's words during her...visit." He stammers before explaining the conversation you had had with Loki in his cell, but no-one reacts.

"Fury would never sign off on that," Nat responds. "What was she thinking?" She mumbles under her breath.

"She never actually said it would happen," Bruce jumps in, knowing exactly how the conversation went. "She was trying to prise information out of him about the stones." Nat nods at his response, it was a standard technique.

"While it is fun looking at all your pathetic faces," Loki starts to walk towards the compound. "I'd rather we just get on with it." He claps his hands together before stopping, looking around him. "Now," he hesitates with a lick of his lips. "Where is the delectable Miss Broo..."

Before he can even finish his sentence, Tony strikes out, only missing Loki's jaw because Steve's reflexes were quicker. Even with his strength, Steve struggles to keep Tony back. "You don't look at her, you don't talk about her!" Rage fuelling him at what he had done to you; how upset you had been. "You don't even get to say her name!" Loki takes a step back, hands raised defensively before once again smirking at Tony, sending him further over the edge - Nat tries to calm him, but in the end has to grip onto him like Steve.

"Ooooh I like this!" Loki smirks, before a fist flies out of nowhere, knocking him out completely. The shocked silence is only broken by the sound of Loki's body hitting the ground. As Nat and Steve let go of Tony, all eyes turn to the source of the punch: Thor.

"What?" he shrugs, meeting everyone's eyes as he stands over Loki's unconscious body.

"Took you long enough!" Tony shouts.

"Well, I had to wait." he groans as he grabs Loki's shoulders, gesturing to Steve to grab his feet. The two of them lift him, easily, before walking back towards the compound.

"Wait for what?" Bruce asks, looking confused. Thor gestures his head to the sky.

"My mother would have killed me."

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