Part 68 - Where Is He?

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"Mummy," a little voice rings out in the dark, followed by a giggle; despite the fear raging through you, you smile. The sound grabs at your heartstrings, tugging so tight. "Mummy, Uncle Tony is here!" You feel a hand touching yours, squeezing it so gently.

When you look around, you're still surrounded by darkness, nothing around you, except the faintest hint of red. But you still feel the hand gripping yours tightly. "Come on Kate," you can hear Tony's voice echoing around you. "Time to come home."

A flash of green makes you turn sharply, but still all you meet is the the never ending shadow. "Uncle Loki," the little voice rings out again, followed by another giggle. "He's funny."

"You're almost there Kate," Loki's voice echoes. This time you feel as though someone has touched your shoulder. You take a few steps forward, trying to follow the voice but it's coming from all directions. You hear Loki chuckle. "Wrong way."

You sigh, frustrated. Turning and heading back the way you came you take a few more steps. Loki doesn't speak to you again. Neither does the little voice. Having no concept of time, you march on, slowly taking one step after another. Eventually at the corner of your eye, a small white light appears. The giggle starts again, more emphatically making you stop in place; eyes focused on the light. "No Mummy, not that way. Uncle Loki, she's lost again."

But you ignore the voice, starting to take more steps towards the white light. Slowly, but surely, the light seems to creep towards you, staining what was nothing into white walls; patterns of colour starting to emerge. As you tiptoe along what has now become a corridor, you feel a sense of deja vu glide through you; slowing your steps down you look around, hoping to place where you've seen this before, when another voice appears. "Peter! Katie!" You freeze, a shiver running down your spine and tears forming at your eyes as you recognise the sound. "Dinner's ready."

Suddenly the colours form together, painting a picture of a kitchen; a woman bustles around a dinner table, setting down plates and cutlery. Humming along to the radio, the tears stream down your face as you recognise the song: Come and Get Your Love. Suddenly she turns to face you and you break completely. "Mum?" But she doesn't see you. She looks just how you remember her: beautiful, and always with a smile on her face.

"There you two are!" She laughs as the kitchen door opens. "I thought you had gotten lost for a minute." Completely at a loss for words you watch as the younger you and Peter finally wade into the kitchen, out of breath. You take a few steps further into the kitchen, unable to take your eyes off of yourself, as you struggle to get up on the chair, before Peter helps you. As your mum sets a glass in front of the younger you, she kisses the back of your head; out of shock, you can't help but run your hand instinctively through your hair, as though you could feel it happening. "Some milk for my little Star Princess," She smiles before setting a glass in front of Peter. "And some orange juice for my little Star Lord." She kisses his head too, while he huffs.

"Mum, why does she get to be a Princess, and I'm just a Lord." He whines, sticking his hands on his hips and pouting. The younger you watches him carefully, before copying him.

"Yeah," Young Kate overly pouts, making the silliest little face. "Why do I have to be a pwincess, why can't I be a lord too!" She lisps. Meredith simply watches you both, smiling away to herself, letting out the briefest of chuckles. She once again leans down, kissing Peter on the head, before cupping his face in her hands.

"Because," She sighs, kneeling down to his level. "You have a very important job, way more important than any Prince can have." She smiles, before looking over at you. "You have to protect your sister." Young Kate blows a raspberry at Peter, who just rolls his eyes, while Meredith laughs. Even you laugh as you watch the interaction.

"I don't want to be a pwincess Mummy," Young Kate sighs, stuffing some food in her mouth. You can't help but notice how Meredith rubs her head tensely as she stands. That's when you remember what's about to happen. You rush to her side, ready to grab onto her, but your arms pass right through her.

"You can be whatever you want to be Katie," Despite the pain you know must be rushing through her head, you mother turns to your younger self, brushing the hair out of your face and wiping the mess you had already made on your face. "But one day I hope you find a Prince worthy enough of you." As your younger self screws up her face in disgust, Meredith takes a step back, leaning against the kitchen counter, rubbing at her head again.

"Are you ok Mum?" Peter asks, standing and walking over to her. Before you know it, she slumps down to the ground. You try to help her, but constantly struggle to grasp onto anything. You can do nothing but stand and watch the terrified look on your young face, as Peter whisks you away to another room, yelling for your Grandpa. As you stand, watching your mother, a burst of light creeps through the kitchen door, finally pulling your attention away.

Opening the door, your eyes sting at the bright light that seems to envelope you, making the kitchen disappear. As you become accustomed to it, you can just make out a blurry figure, walking towards you. "It's him Mummy." The little voice from earlier excitedly squeals. As the figure walks ever closer to you, you feel a tingle shoot through your entire body; it feels like excitement mixed with nerves. You feel yourself almost glowing with want and need. Looking down at your fingertips as the energy flows through you, you see sparks of electricity almost bursting from them. "He needs you Mummy, we both do." The voice starts again, and for some reason you run; run headfirst towards the figure that is now also running towards you. As you collide together, the energy bursts through you both, making you both disappear into nothing but thunder and lightning.

You wake up with jolt, sitting straight up, struggling for breath. Looking around the room trying to come to your senses, you see no one is near you; no Tony, no Loki and no Thor. Feeling stiff and sore, you turn your head to see a glass of water beside you; desperately pulling at all the wires and tubes attached to you, you try and reach for it. "Miss Kate," Vision blurts out, appearing out of nowhere, startling you before he tries to help you. "You're awake."

"Where is everyone?" You blurt out, mouth still dry despite the water you're almost throwing down your throat, before coughing hard. Vision doesn't respond, simply looking over towards the wall of the unit. Still lost in your dream you don't follow him. That's when you hear the raucous noise coming from outside the compound walls; clearly a fight going on. A sudden panic shivers up your spine, making you nauseous. "Vision, where's Thor? WHERE IS HE?" You yell.

Once again, he doesn't respond, his eyes fixated on the wall. You pull the bed covers from you, itching to stand on your own two feet, finally shifting his focus back onto you, helping you stand. "Miss Kate you need to take your time..." A large boom echoes in the distance, one so loud even the wall shakes; you can also hear the thunder rumbling in the distance, followed by a roar that turns your blood to ice.

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