Part 10 - Hell Will Freeze Over

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"We're about an hour away kids," Barton turns and shouts towards you. "Better get ready." Peter immediately jumps up, pacing back and forwards.

"Are you alright?" Thor looks at him concerned, while you snigger. You were used to Peter's nerves coming up. The kid was determined to prove his worth; not just to the Avengers, but to himself, and he regularly paced to psyche himself up.

"Be careful Parker," you smirk at him as he finally sits. "You don't want the god of thunder to actually care about you?!"

Thor grins back, teeth pressed together to stop him from having another angry outburst. You had barely acknowledged his existence since boarding the Quinjet; while you had been buried in paperwork, analysing every detail of the report on the team's last encounter with Klaue, Thor had been watching you, studying your every movement. This was the most time either of you had spent together in years, and despite his deep rooted anger towards you, your constant presence lately had reignited something in him he thought was long buried; making him conflicted.

"The Spider is still young, he has yet to be corrupted by the likes of you!" He grins, before standing up and readying himself.

You're taken aback by his comment; it had felt like a slap to the face. "And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Uh, guys, maybe we should wait...." Peter chimes in, looking between you both.

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about?" Thor stop hims, walking back towards you. "You're twisted, callous and cruel. You're a liar! You play on emotions to get what you want, claiming it all to be in the name of research and you're a manipulative snake!" He spits out at you, glad to be getting out all of the anger that has built up in him over the last few days; regretting it almost instantly when he sees the look of hurt etched over your face, as you struggle to comprehend his words; but the truth was out now, as far as he could see.

Rage flows through you as you try to make sense of what he said. How dare he try and pretend like it wasn't the other way around, showing himself off in front of Parker, just trying to make you look bad. You stand up and look him square in the eye. "I don't know what game you're trying to play, but I'm not the liar here. Why don't you take that hammer of yours and shove it...."

"GUYS ENOUGH!" Barton yells from the cockpit. "We've got a job to do. You can kill each other another time!" But neither of you move, just staring at each other; anger, hurt and a hint of fear from both of you causing neither one of you to back down.

Feeling the air crackle with tension, Peter finally walks up to you both, gently pulling at your arm. "Come on Kate," he finally makes you break eye contact with Thor. "We need to suit up." You nod at him before brushing past Thor and marching off; annoyance radiating from you.

Thor sighs in frustration and walks to the cockpit to join Barton. "Was that really necessary?" Barton asks.

"Probably not." He sighs, looking over the horizon, wishing he had flown here himself instead. "But it did need to be said."

"Well thankfully you're not the god of timing, because that was terrible." Barton half laughs. "What did she do that pissed you off so much anyway?"

"It's not important." Thor shrugs, yet again trying to push away the conversation.

"Sure," Barton replies sarcastically. "I just yell at people for no reason too. She turned you down, didn't she?"

"Just fly the jet Barton," Thor huffs before walking away.

"Dude's got it bad!" Barton laughs to himself.


A while later you arrive at the port; Barton lands far enough away to give you a chance to scope it out. Klaue's ship, The Churchill, is one of the very few still left at the port. While you're still furious with Thor, it's time to get to work. You bring up the ship schematics and start looking at possible entrance points.

"Here's where we got in last time. If they haven't plugged that hole I'd say it's your best shot." Barton points towards the starboard side of the ship before moving to the other side. "And here's where Wanda and Pietro got in with Ultron. Depends on how much repair work Klaue has done recently."

"Well let's find out." Thor smiles, starting to walk off before you grab his arm.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"To find Klaue. Isn't that why you dragged us here?"

"Yeah well, you heard Fury. I've got point here, there's no use rushing in and hoping for the best, I know that your usual way of working but not now. Parker and I will go, you and Barton are simply back up."

"You will not manage this alone," Thor grumbles, Mjolnir in hand.

"True," Barton nods, giving you a wink. You knew he was trying to wind you up, he'd never refuse an order from Fury, and if you were the lead, he'd go with that, no matter what.

"Why because I'm a woman and he's a kid?" Peter just looks between you and Thor, a confused look on his face before he catches up on what you've said. "Let's just try it my way ok? Let's go with brains before brawn," You gesture to Parker and yourself, before Thor and Hawkeye. "Got a problem with that, then do us all a favour and go back to Asgard!" You spit before walking off, Thor's eyes watching every movement you make, while Barton tries to contain his laughter.

Peter just stands in a daze before finally catching up with you. "Kate, what happens if we do need them?"

"Hell will freeze over before I admit I need the help of Thor Odinson!" You snap, feeling guilty instantly. It wasn't his fault, he was nervous. So were you. Despite this being your plan, Klaue didn't have a track record for predictability. And if this all went wrong, Thor would not hesitate to throw it back in your face; Tony would never forgive you if something happened to Peter either. "Don't worry Pete." You nudge his arm a little, giving him a small smile. "We stick together on this, we'll be fine."

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