Part 2 - I'm Fine

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Making your way back to the bar, feeling your confidence deflated by that oaf of a man, you find yourself being slid over a shot glass. "Looks like you could use it more than I can," a chuckle makes you look up and see Steve giving you a small smile.

"Never understand why you drink this if you can't get drunk?" Raising the glass to him before downing it in one, feeling the burn hitting your throat.

"Maybe I just like to be sociable." Steve laughs, reaching over the bar and grabbing two bottles of beer. "Let me guess, you and Thor still not getting along?"

"Understatement of the century Cap!" You give him a small smile before clinking your bottle with his.

"I don't understand it Brooks," Steve shakes his head. "When we first all met you two were pretty close. What happened?"

"He's an egotistical, self righteous prick?" You shrug your shoulders, taking a drink.

"You know you just described Tony, right?" he laughs. You almost spit your beer out, laughing, making Steve laugh even more. You choke slightly whilst trying to clean yourself up.

"True," you finally manage to get out in between laughing. "But even Tony Stark has never claimed to be a god."

Steve nods slightly before looking over at Thor; who is currently enthralling various partygoers with his stories - everyone completely enamored by him. "Technically, he is a god."

"Not from where I'm sitting." You grumble, looking anywhere but Thor's direction.

As the party goes on, slowly people start to head off, leaving just the core of your group sitting around a table together, laughing and chatting together about the latest mission. You roll your eyes as you finally notice that Mjolnir is sitting on the table next to Thor; his constant need for that hammer to stroke his own ego is outstanding.

Clint notices your eyeroll and his attention is also grabbed by the hammer. "Pfft, it's a trick. Whoever shall haveth the power!" He slurs his words slightly as he tries to mock Thor's accent, earning a slight grin from the god of Thunder.

"No trick my friend," he gestures to the hammer. "Be my guest."

One by one the rest of the team take turns trying to lift the hammer. You can't help but join in the laughter as each one of them fails. That is until Steve takes his turn; not everyone notices but the hammer lifts a small fraction from the table. Your eyes are instantly drawn to Thor's; and you're glad to see a little panic set in his face. You snort as you try to hold your laughter in. Thor's eyes instantly meeting yours with a scowl on his face. Feeling emboldened by the alcohol you wink at him.

"How about you Kate?" Tony asks, staring between the two of you; everyone else's eyes are on Thor, making him break his scowl and start laughing.

"Oh please," he scoffs, looking you dead in the eye. "Brooks isn't even worthy of my time, let alone Mjolnir."

Tension fills the room as all eyes are on you, waiting for your reaction. Everyone knew that you and Thor didn't like each other; correction, you hated each other. Most of them had never had to deal with an argument between the two of you first hand before though. "Come on dude," Rhodey whispers in Thor's ear. "Not cool."

Despite feeling a wave of anger surge through you, as well as embarrassment at his statement, you keep your eyes locked on Thor's in a blank stare; not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was getting under your skin. "Trust me, that's not a question I need answered." You smile sarcastically at Tony, looking back at Thor, smug grin etched on his face. "Now, while watching this testosterone match has been fun, on that note I'm calling it a night."

You stand to leave, Tony trying to grab you but you walk off. "That arrogant son of a bitch," you growl under your breath as you manage to get to your bedroom door before the tears start to build in your eyes.

"Kate, wait!" Tony shouts, finally catching up to you. "Come back, he's just had too much to drink. Don't let him ruin the night."

"I'm fine Tony," you manage to smile at him, but as you enter your room you slam the door in his face. Sitting in front of the mirror to take your make-up off and brush your hair, you don't notice the tears slipping down your face.

As you crawl into bed, you're still angry, but mostly at yourself for walking away, letting him know that he had bothered you. You scoff as you remember Steve's earlier quip about how you and Thor used to be friends.

You had been more than friends: you had dared to share something with Thor that you hadn't shared with anyone about your past and he'd thrown it back in your face. "Some friend," you think to yourself, before turning on the TV; creating background noise so you didn't have to listen to the continued party going on.

Meanwhile, Thor had walked out to the balcony of the compound for fresh air. Anger rushing through him too. Why was he the one in the wrong? You had been the one to hurt him, using him for your own benefit.

So why did he now feel bad for how he had spoken about you? Deciding he didn't want to listen to Stark berate him he decides to leave the party too; reaching a hand out to bring Mjolnir to him, he takes off to the sky; determined to get you out of his mind.

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