Part 6 - Did I Stutter?

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Back at the compound everyone was finally up and going about their day; some nursing hangovers, others completely fine. Most of the team were settled around the kitchen with breakfast. All except Thor; he was working out in the training room, trying to take out some of his aggravation out. Stark had accosted him first thing this morning and berated him for his behaviour last night. How dare he! Questioning him when it was his friend that was the real bad guy here. She had Stark and the others wrapped around her finger so tightly they couldn't see her for what she really is.

Making his way back to his room for a shower he was interrupted with the arrival of Fury; his heavy footsteps giving him away as he marched through the compound. Ushering everyone into the meeting room. "Where's Stark and Brooks?" he asks Nat; she shrugs her shoulders as she looks around the room, getting the same reaction from most of the group.

"Mr Stark and Miss Brooks left early this morning," Vision is the only one to pipe up.

"I need them both here, now." Fury barks. Just as Vision begins to phase out of his shirt and tie Tony storms into the room, agitated. He always was around Fury; it always led to trouble. "Brooks?" Fury questions when you don't walk in.

"Not here," Tony says blankly, marching to the back of the table, sitting directly across from Thor. "I'll bring her up to speed." He nods at Fury before turning his attention to Thor. "She just needs to blow off a little steam." As Thor looks over, a slight hint of confusion on his face, he's not surprised at the anger radiating from Stark's face as both men lock eyes, but he doesn't back down. Feeling the irritation rise in him again.

Sensing the tension rippling around the room Fury throws a file down on the table, breaking the staring match between the two men. "If you two are quite finished?" He draws Thor attention to him, who merely shrugs, acting seemingly indifferent to what's just transpired. He slides the file over to Thor. "As you all know, since New York, we've been keeping an eye on the horizon, waiting for the next big bad from space to come and hit us. And since you needed Thor to come back and help with the Ultron situation," he pauses to quickly look at Tony and Bruce, before settling his eye on Vision. "We needed back-up. So I called in a favour from an old friend."

"Danvers?" Steve questions; Fury nods. "Has she found something?" Everyone shifts in their seat; a slight sense of unease entering them all.

"Nothing points to that yet."

"So what do you need us for?" Tony asks, still with eyes fixed on Thor.

"That." he points at the file in front of Thor. "Turns out that Ultron did a lot more damage than we thought. He broke through some codes that he shouldn't have and sent a few messages out there into the big black."

"How is that possible? Ultron was never able to break through any codes, JARVIS stopped him." Bruce pipes up, looking over at Vision.

"You tell me," Fury snaps. "But whatever he did, he got someone's attention. Danvers has managed to intercede a few bad eggs who have the potential to cause havoc here. But some slipped through the net, and are either on their way, or already here." He once again looks at Thor. "I need you and Brooks to run this down."

Silence fills the room; almost as though everyone is holding their breath as they all turn and look between Thor and Tony; the former staring at Fury with a darkened look, the latter with his head down in frustration. "Not going to happen." Both men say at the same time.

"Did I stutter?" Fury leans on the table, eyeing up both of them once more. "You're our resident space expert, and she's my best researcher." Tony once again starts to pipe up before Fury shuts him down. "The two of you need to get your shit together, ASAP. Like it or not, this is happening. Understood?" He looks directly at Thor, who reluctantly gives Fury a small nod.

And just like he entered the compound, all of a sudden Fury is gone.

Feeling the air in the room change; the rest of the team still don't know where to look. Eventually Tony gets to his feet. "I don't care what Fury says," still eyes locked on Thor. "You're not working together."

"You heard Fury," Steve again pipes up. "We need to know this information and they are the best two for the job."

"Stark is right." Thor interjects, looking at Cap before once again looking at Tony, eyes still dark and full of anger. "I cannot work with that woman."

"Glad we agree on something," Tony nods, looking around the room. "Banner, you're up."

"Wha-what?" Bruce questions. "You can't be serious. I don't want to get to get dragged into whatever...."

"After Miss Brooks, it would seem your expertise would be the best option Dr Banner. I am more than happy to assist also." Vision adds.

Bruce looks over at Tony, open mouthed, before looking at Thor; who's looking at him with pleading eyes. "Fine," he sighs, pulling the file and opening it. The rest of the team walk off, leaving them to it.

After a while of trawling through the files, Bruce becomes frustrated, throwing a folder over the table to Thor. "You know this really isn't my forte." He takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. "Maybe Kate would..."

"You are more than capable of assisting me my friend," Thor gives him a small grin, but Bruce sees right through it; they both knew Kate would be the better person for the job, but Thor was determined; even more so than Tony was, and Bruce was determined to get to the bottom of it.

"I would like to query something if I may?" Vision interrupts, surprising both men - he had been so quiet that they had forgotten he was there. "What is it about Miss Brooks that you are so opposed to?" He looks over at the god of thunder. "From my view, she is a very competent and trustworthy colleague."

Thor scoffs at Vision's words; while Bruce nods. "No offence, but you're still but a child. I don't expect you to understand." He turns his attention back to the files; trying hard to concentrate on the information Danvers had handed to Fury.

"Vision's right though." Bruce pipes in. "And didn't you once tell me that you and Kate were..."

Thor slams his hand down on the table in anger; Bruce jumps slightly, while Vision simply looks on. "I do not wish to discuss this further." Why was everyone so obsessed with why he disliked you? Sure, at one time you had been someone he had held dear to his heart, especially when he had been at his weakest. But that's how you had tricked him, to his mind you were a snake - and his experience with those were not the best.

"Well you may have to," Vision states. "Director Fury won't let this rest."

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