Part 22 - Maybe You're Just Cursed

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As you return to Earth, Bruce's arms are still wrapped around your waist, guiding you towards the compound. You're both met by concerned looks from most of the team before you're intercepted by Fury. "What the hell? Where's Thor? What happened?"

"Not now Fury," Bruce spits out while all you can do is try and contain your sobbing. The only other thing your eyes can look out for is Tony, nowhere to be seen.

"I need a sit rep Brooks...." Fury continues

"I SAID NOT NOW!" Bruce roars, struggling to hold onto you in his anger. Thankfully Steve marches over, taking over from Bruce, wrapping you in his arms and guiding you towards Tony's lab. Bruce appreciates the gestures, before turning round to Fury. "We'll give you an update in a minute, right now I need someone to keep an eye out for Thor. As soon as he arrives back here I need to know." He and Fury stare at each other, the latter shocked at the sudden outburst of strength of Banner. "Got it?" He snaps, marching away to follow you and Steve; Nat hot on his tail.

Tony comes storming out of his lab, shocked by the sound of Banner's voice, and sees you wrapped in Steve's arms. As soon as you see him, you muster the strength to run to him and wrap your arms around him; him returning the gesture, rubbing your back. "It's ok, I got you." He tries to console you, but fresh tears start as he pulls you into the lab, giving Steve a questioning look.

"They're just back," he shrugs, as clueless as Tony is before Bruce and Nat come running in. Tony manages to lead you to a chair, brushing your hair from your face before looking over your body for any signs of injury.

"It was Loki," Bruce sighs; a sudden rage comes over Tony as he gives him a dark look. "He didn't hurt her; not physically anyway." Bruce comes over and rubs your back before looking at Steve and Nat. "Maybe you guys could just give us a minute?" he asks, but you shake your head.

"It's fine," you manage to get out. Tony crouches down so that he's at eye level with you, placing a hand on your knee, squeezing slightly. "I feel so stupid," Your voice is barely a whisper, as you register how hard you had been crying.

"Don't." Tony demands, containing his anger at how upset you are; feeling guilty that he had pushed and laughed at your visit to Asgard. "Just take your time." His hand pulls from your knee and finds your hand, tightly squeezing it; renewing some of your energy.

You sigh, using your free hand to wipe your face with your sleeve before looking at Tony. "Remember what I told you the other day; the reason why I hated Thor." Tony nods. Fresh tears pull at your eyes, but you manage to hold them back. "It was all Loki." Tony squeezes your hand again.

You look up at Bruce, who nods, continuing to rub your back. "Loki manipulated the both of them," he explains, before going into detail what had happened. Steve and Nat, not being completely sure of the entire story, just listen, while Tony doesn't take his eyes off you.

"Is he here?" Tony asks calmly, Bruce giving him an uncertain look; not sure whether he was talking about Thor or Loki. "Thor," he spits out. "Did he come back with you?" You and Bruce shake your heads.

"He's as rattled as Kate..." Bruce starts.

"Save it," Tony spits out again, standing up and wrapping an arm around you, pulling you from the chair. "Let him stay on Asgard, but if he comes back I don't want him anywhere near her, understood?"

"Tony," both Steve and Bruce try to calm him.

"No, just do it." Nat interrupts both of them. "Kate needs some space right now." Tony nods and leads you out of the lab.

"I know it's not the best time," Steve asks Bruce. "But did you guys get anything? The tesseract? Loki? Thanos?" But Bruce simply shrugs, while Nat walks over and gently rubs his arm.

"We weren't exactly there long enough to do any of that," he rubs his face, before grabbing Nat's hand. "I just hope these two can figure all this out."

"It's not easy knowing that part of your life is a lie." Nat squeezes Bruce's hand. "They know the truth now, it'll take time, but I think they'll get there."

"I guess I better go talk to Fury," Bruce rubs his head. "Don't know what the hell I'm going to tell him."


You've finally managed to stop crying as Tony gets you to your room. You sit on the edge of your bed, mind still swirling with everything that's happened. "Talk to me kid," Tony sighs, sitting down beside you.

"I can't believe I reacted like that," You half chuckle in embarrassment. "I guess it just brought a lot of things back. Being told that you were a liar; that you're making things up in your head. I felt like a kid again." You wipe your nose on your sleeve. "These last few days there was that feeling again."

"The kid told me." Tony sighs. "Thor called you a liar. And yet again, it was proven otherwise." You just nod.

"Being up there though," you point up to the ceiling. "Asgard. All the looks, the stares - took me back to right there." Anger starts to rise in your chest. You stand and start to pace the room. "I feel like such an idiot Tony. Leaving there, bawling and crying like a child. Why did I react like that?"

"Because you're in love with him," Tony whispers, but you can't hear him. He just watches as you pace the room.

"And all for what? So that some so-called God can get his kicks?" You continue to pace, hands flailing as you get angrier. "God" You spit out. "Bunch of meddling lunatics if you ask me." Tony just nods. "And I played along with him - I stood and argued with Thor for years, over such bullshit! But is it really the end of the world?"

"Yes, because you're in love with him," Tony whispers once again; but you're still too annoyed to hear him.

"It doesn't make sense Tony," You stop, facing him. "I'm not a bad person. I've never done anything wrong to anyone," You run your fingers through your hair. "I've made a good life for myself! Why do these things keep happening to me?"

"Maybe you're just cursed?" Tony laughs slightly, making you snap your head towards him - he regrets the statement but the inane grin on his face makes you smile slightly. You sit back on the bed beside him while Tony starts to rub your back again.

"I just need to not think about it for a while." You sigh, making Tony nod and pull his phone out of his pocket.

"Happy? We're going to need the good stuff!" He grins at you, before kicking his shoes off and climbing on your bed. Twenty minutes later you're both sitting on your bed, eating New York's finest cheeseburgers, milkshakes on the side. Once again Tony knew instantly what you needed: your favourite comfort food.

Finally feeling full, you rest back on your bed. "The rest of the team are going to think I'm crazy," you half laugh.

"You could always tell them the full truth," Tony scrunches up a wrapper, successfully throwing it in the bin. "Banner wouldn't judge; and the kid is worried about you." You just shake your head, while Tony places a gentle hand on your knee. "Hey, these are people who care about you; people who have your back. They're not going to judge you or think any different of you."

"I know, I just wish I could put that chapter of my life behind me. It's not like it really matters..." But you're suddenly interrupted by a loud crashing noise coming through the halls of the compound; raised voices echo down the hallway - a mixture of voices shouting, but you can clearly hear one above the rest.

Suddenly your bedroom door flies open, making Tony jump up, taking a protective stand in front of you. Standing on the other side of the door is Thor. "Kate," he exclaims, his voice and eyes full of distraught. "Can we talk?"

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