Part 26 - This Movie Is So Old

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Walking back into the compound, you can feel the tension still in the air. Without looking directly at anyone, you can feel them: the eyes, looking at you - some in sympathy, some questioning - either way, it's happening all over again. Plus you were still embarrassed by how you had arrived back from Asgard, after being so disregardful of your true feelings towards Thor.

"So?" Tony questions you, making you jump as you didn't notice him standing at the meeting room door. "Am I correct in thinking that you and Hulk Hogan are at least back on speaking terms?" You can't help but laugh at the comparison.

"Something along those lines," you nod, walking back into the meeting room and taking a seat. Tony gently rubs his throat before sitting beside you.

"You know I was two seconds away from kicking his ass."

"Sure looked like it," You smile, earning a smile back from Tony. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For always having my back. I don't think I've ever thanked you for that."

"No thanks necessary," he grins, before sliding a folder over to you. "Speaking of which, I know you're technically on a forced vacation right now, so I thought I would treat you to a gift." Opening the folder you can see it's all the information Danvers had sent the team including some of your own notes. "I know how much you like to read."


"Doesn't need to know." Tony sighs. "He's taking a risk benching you, one that me and the others aren't willing to take. If anyone is going to pick anything up from this it's going to be you. Plus, it just gives me a headache." Leaning over you give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know what I'd do without you!" You shrug.

"Probably be going a lot less grey!" He peers at your hair, pulling a stray one from your face. You slap his arm before he laughs. "Ow!" He mocks, before standing up. "Now go do something else. I'm a very important and busy man!" He shouts before walking out the room, hands now glued to his phone.

Walking back to your room, you finally feel more like yourself again - almost completely forgetting what had transpired over the last few hours. Pulling out the files you start to go over all the information Danvers had sent the team regarding the Children of Thanos - these guys were some serious bad news.

Deciding to try and find out more about the infinity stones, you search through the file for Doctor Strange; moving on the aether and finally the mind stone. A knock on your door interrupts you - wanting to keep focused on the work you keep quiet, hoping whoever's there will just walk away. Another knock, more persistent this time, makes you sigh. "Come in," you shout, quickly stuffing the file under your bed - feeling like a child having to hide what you were up to.

A timid looking Peter walks into your room, giving you a small wave as he closes the door. "Hey Kate," he rubs his hands together nervously. " wanted to see how you are."

"I'm fine Pete," You can't help but smile at his nervousness. "How's your shoulder?" He absentmindedly wriggles his shoulder.

"It's fine," He smiles before looking around your room. "Do you need anything?" His eyes never quite meet yours.

"Ok?" You look at him with a raised eyebrow. "What's going on kiddo?" You fold your arms. "Why are you acting weirder than normal?"

"What are you talking about?" He lets out a nervous chuckle before anxiously pacing around your room. "I'm just here to check on you."

"Did Tony ask you to check up on me?" You look over at the clock, realising that it's been at least four hours since Tony had given you the file. Time flies when you're having fun, you think to yourself.

"No," he laughs half heartedly, making you raise an eyebrow at him. His shoulders drop as he sighs. "Fine, yes! But in his defence, I kind of offered to!"

"I'm fine Pete," you say again. "And it's sweet of you." You walk over to him, rubbing his arm. Determined to get back to your research, you head towards the door. "And you can tell Tony the same." As you grab the door handle a web covers your hand. "What the hell Peter?" You shout, trying to pull your hand away and failing. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry Kate," he runs over and starts pulling the webbing away from you. "But I just need you to stay here with me." Finally releasing your hand, you shake your head at him before trying the door again. This time you just manage to open the door slightly before Peter slams the door closed again - this time standing in front of you.

"What the hell is going on with you?"

"Can't we just stay here and hang out?" He gives a small grin, crossing his arms. "We could watch one of those old movies that you like?"

"Pete," you huff out in frustration. "Tell me what's going on right now, or I'll have to hurt you." He raises an eyebrow nervously before looking at his watch.

"Nothing," he stammers out. "I just want to..." Another knock at the door stops him. "Oh thank god!" he exclaims, turning and opening the door to reveal Happy. "What took you so long?" You hear him mumble, as Happy shrugs and walks into your room, bag in hand.

"If someone doesn't explain to me what's going on, right now, I swear to god I am not going to be responsible for what happens." You start to raise your voice, exasperated.

"Calm down," Happy puts his hands up defensively. "We're here to..." He looks at Peter before rolling his eyes. "To hang out." He finishes in a defeated tone.

"Not helping the situation here Happy." Knowing that you're going nowhere you march over and sit on your bed.

"Just relax," Happy sighs - giving the bag to Peter and sitting beside you. "Tony just wants you to have a relaxing night."

"And he chose you two to help me relax?" You half laugh, shaking your head. Happy shrugs again, making himself comfortable - gesturing for you to do the same. Peter walks over to the TV, pulling a DVD from the bag, Once he finally sets it up he sits on the floor in front of your bed. Resolved to the fact that this was happening whether you wanted it to or not, you slide back in the bed, settling in. "What nonsense are we watching?"

Peter throws the case up to you; you're completely shocked as you read the title - Who Framed Roger Rabbit? - a favourite movie from when you were a kid. "How did you..." You turn and look at Happy who gives you a smile.

"Tony," You both say at the same time; instantly making you feel so much better. Memories of watching this with your mum and brother flood your mind, bringing a small tear to your eye, but one of fond memories.

Peter picks up the DVD case again, looking over it. "1988," he exclaims. "This movie is soooo old." You grab a pillow and smack him on the back of his head - making Happy laugh and Peter cover his head defensively before joining in on the laughter too. "I'm sorry!" he grabs the pillow from you and placing it at his back.

"I still don't know why you're doing this?" You turn to Happy, who shrugs.

"It'll all make sense tomorrow," he wraps an arm around your shoulder. "Just enjoy it." You settle in for the movie, still questioning the motive, but enjoying the moment.

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