Part 75 - Always - Finale

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*5 Years Later*

"You all ready to go bud?" You watch as your son, Blake, searches one last time for his favourite toy. Not finding it he wipes his eyes a little before grabbing something else and stuffing it into his bag. "Uncle Peter will be here soon."

"Ready!" He turns to you and smiles, his eyes beaming. With his blonde hair, and deep blue eyes, he's the exact image of his father. "Something wrong mummy?" His voice so sweet, it knocks you out of your staring before he takes your hand.

"You just look," You sigh fighting back the tears, not wanting to scare him. "So grown up." You wrap your hand over his. "Want to take some snacks with you?"

"No thank you." He throws his bag down in the kitchen, before using you to climb up to the kitchen window, eagerly watching for the Benatar to land. "Uncle Peter has the BEST snacks." You can't help but smile, wrapping an arm around your son, resting your head on his shoulder, looking out the window with him.

"I think Uncle Loki might be there too," You whisper in his ear, eagerly watching the delight fill in his eyes.

"Even better," He smiles. "He's so funny." The two of you watch as the ship lands, before heading out to meet them. Quill practically runs out, catching your son in his arms, throwing him up playfully.

"Hey little man," Quill laughs, ruffling his hair. "You all ready to go?" He nods enthusiastically as Quill puts him down; running straight over to Loki who strides off the ship next, while your brother gives you a kiss on the cheek. Carrying your son back over, Loki greets you the same way.

"Surprised the King of Asgard agreed to travel by ship," You laugh at him, while Quill takes the bag from you.

"Well I had to ensure my nephew was escorted back safely," He grins at Quill who rolls his eyes. "I have to take my best man duties very seriously."

"Uncle Loki, I thought I was best man," Blake pouts, earning a grin from the god of mischief.

"You are indeed Blake," You smile as Loki crouches down to his level. "You have the honour of being the BEST best man." Happy enough at that statement, Blake wraps his arms around Loki, before squealing in delight at the sight of Rocket and Groot; the latter now as tall as an actual tree. As the group get ready to leave, you feel a tiny pull at your hand.

"Mummy, what if there's monsters under my bed?" Crouching down, you brush the hair from his face, unable to stop the smile creeping over yours.

"Blake, I promise you there are no monsters in Uncle Peter's ship, there are no monsters in Uncle Tony's house. But if you're still scared, you know what to do, right?"

"Get Uncle Loki to check for me?" He smiles, nodding.

"Exactly," Thor laughs, bending down and picking up Blake, holding him tightly before placing a kiss to his cheek. "Or you threaten the monsters with the Hulk." Rolling your eyes at him, Thor laughs again, making Blake giggle too. "Guess what?"

"What?" Blake asks, eyes glued to his father as Thor reveals his favourite toy. "YOU FOUND HIM!" He squeals, grabbing the stuffed raccoon and holding him close to his chest. "Thank you."

"What the hell is that?" Rocket's gruff voice interrupts the moment.

"It's your saving grace," You laugh. "That is Rocky, and if we hadn't found him. You'd have been Blake's new naptime buddy."

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