Part 19 - I Feel Like A Fool

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"I don't understand," Thor grumbles, trying to keep up with both you and Frigga as you march to the cells buried deep in the heart of Asgard. "Why would Loki do this? And how? He was locked up."

"Answer me this," Frigga stops and turns towards her son, making you stop with her; Bruce giving you a sympathetic look. "Is what Kate said the truth or a lie?" The intense stare she gives Thor shocks even you, but part of you is completely numb.

Once Frigga had practically dragged your version of events out of you, the pain and shock etched on Thor's face surprised you. It was almost as though you had severely wounded him by even the thought that he could be so cold towards you. Finally, a part of you realised that something was amiss; that maybe something, or someone, had been a part of what had happened between you.

"Of course it's a lie," Thor stammers after a while. "That isn't what happened. Why are you so ready to believe her over me? Or to imagine that Loki had been up to his old schemes? You!" He almost bellows. "You are his biggest champion, yet you are so ready to berate him."

Part of you wants to scream out at him, like you had just done at the tavern, but for the most part, you were in a state of shock. How could it be that this had happened? And why hadn't you seen it before? Bruce, seeing the tears threatening your eyes, wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder. You nod to him, reaching up and squeezing his hand.

"Watch your tongue boy," Frigga snaps. "I love your brother as much as I love you," she places a hand on his arm to soften the harshness of her tone. "But that was no lie that came from Kate's mouth. I heard nothing but the truth. Now either you said those things, or someone else did." She stands firm, cross armed in front of Thor, blocking his view of you.

"We don't have time for this," Thor huffs, tempted to try and push past his mother; not doing so because he knows what would be in store for him if he did. "We came here to look at the tesseract and to ask Loki some questions about Thanos. Not to stand around and discuss our feelings." He shifts slightly from foot to foot; nerves getting the better of him in front of his mother.

"To be fair," Bruce interjects. "You were the one that said you loved Kate in a room full of people," he raises his hands, shrugging. "So..." You can't help but roll your eyes at Bruce, so much for not making any stupid comments. What you wouldn't give from a hug from your best friend right now, you think, suddenly desperately wishing Tony was here.

"Thank you Banner," Thor smiles over at him sarcastically. "Can we just do what we came here to do?"

"Why are you so afraid at finding out the truth?" Frigga asks calmly, before placing a hand on Thor's face, staring deep into his eyes. "Ahh, I see." She smiles, tapping his face ever so gently. "I understand." She turns to you, winking, before grabbing your arm and continuing to walk on, pulling you with her. "Dr Banner, if you would be so kind as to stay here with my son. This is a job for the women."

Thor huffs and throws his hands up in the air in exasperation. Bruce's eyes follow you and Frigga as you continue down the hall to see Loki, feeling glad that he wouldn't have to spend time with the god of mischief. When he turns back, Thor is sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, head in his hands. "Ok," he sighs, joining him, before nudging him slightly to get his attention. "What's wrong big guy?"

Thor doesn't respond, keeping his head in his hands, eyes focused on the floor. "I thought he had changed," he sighs. "I thought after we stopped Thanos' corruption of his mind that my brother was..." He finally looks up, resting his head against the wall. "But I guess he really is the God of Mischief."

"You do believe Kate," Bruce looks surprised, before looking down the hallway just as you and Frigga disappear. "Then why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

"Because..." Thor pauses, hesitant to share the truth. "I feel like a fool," his head drops again before he follows Bruce's eyeline to where you were. "I should have known that that version of Kate did not exist. And now I've spent years hating her very existence, when I should have questioned it." He spits out, shaking his head. "She saw me at my weakest, and still thought I was worthy," He whispers, closing his eyes and gently banging his head against the wall to try and block out the pain he was now feeling.

"You really did love her," Bruce sighs, placing a hand on Thor's shoulder.

"I still do," Thor thinks, but doesn't utter the words out - how could he have been so blind to the truth? And how had his mother managed to see it in such a small amount of time? The mixed feelings surging through his body right now did one thing that very rarely happened: it terrified the God of Thunder.

"But if this has all just been Loki messing with you, then surely that means that the two of you..." Bruce starts to ramble, before Thor puts a hand up stopping him.

"That is a long road still to travel my friend."

"Only if you make the journey more complicated." Bruce sighs. "But the destination will always be the same. Look at me and Nat," he shrugs. "We're still a long way away from where we need to be, but there's no-one I'd rather take the ride with, you know?"

Thor nods, with a slight smile, glad that his friend has finally opened up about his feelings. Banner had always been his closest friend on Earth, and now he understood why. "Thank you," he replies before getting up and pulling Banner up with him. "Now, come on." He starts to walk off in the same direction you just headed.

"Where are we going?"

"To listen to what these wise women have to say to my brother," He watches as Bruce hesitates, making him chuckle slightly. "Don't worry, we won't be seen by any of them. I know all the best hiding spots." He flashes a proud grin before heading off again. Bruce shaking his head before joining him.

"Ok, but at least do me one favour?" Thor looks over at him, slightly confused, but with a raised eyebrow. "Tell me your side of the story?"

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