Part 65 - Just Wake Up

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Meanwhile on Asgard...

"My sons," Frigga delightedly yells as they walk off of the ship. Grabbing both Thor and Loki into a tight hug. "You made it."

"Good to see you again, my king." Heimdall bows to Loki before turning to Thor. "My Lord. Apologies for taking so long, but the damage from the blast...I couldn't find you."

"You need to send us to Earth, immediately." Loki orders Heimdall, Thor not speaking a word.

"But you just got...oh." Frigga grabs Thor's hand. She closes her eyes and composes herself before turning to Heimdall. "She's still alive." Heimdall nods, finally making Thor move towards the Bifrost.

"I must go..." Thor starts to leave, but Frigga pulls him back. "Mother, I have to get back to her. I must ask her..."

"You must prepare yourself Thor," She gently rubs his arm. "Kate is strong, but she's..."

"What?" Thor looks on with agonising pain building in his chest. "She's what..."

"The power she used to stop Ego," Frigga's eyes fill with tears watching her son in pain this way. Loki marches over, worry etched on his face too. "It almost killed her. I fear she might not make it through. And then there's..." She chokes back tears, hating having to tell him this.

"The baby," Thor sighs as he turns his back. "I thought I had dreamt about the baby," He runs his hands through his hair, the heart-wrenching guilt racking his body as he remembers; Stark's revelation on Ego mixed in with everything else that had happened. Despite being desperate to get back to you, the guilt and fear of possibly losing Loki had once again overwhelmed him. Filled with rage at himself, he heads off towards the Bifrost; Loki follows, simply nodding at his mother, knowing that she would have asked him to go with his brother.

"My Queen," Heimdall interrupts, seeing the dishevelled, broken and guilty look on Thor's face. "Your sons need you. Lady Kate..." He pauses. "And your grandchild need you. You are the wisest of us all. Perhaps you can be of some help?" Frigga squeezes his arm, taking a quick look at her children before nodding.

Tony feels the force of the Bifrost before hearing it. Charging from your bedside, he and the others meet everyone on the lawn. Thor is the first to stride forward, Loki and Steve straight behind him. "Thank god," Tony uncharacteristically pulls Thor into a half hug before moving onto Steve. "We thought you were dead."

"Take me to her Stark," Thor's tone is gruff, but cracks appear in his face. Nodding, Tony leads the way, looking around to make sure everyone had made it back home. He's distracted by the sight of Frigga, quietly talking with Wanda. "My mother knows much about medicine Tony," Thor nods noticing his distraction. "We may need her help.

"Great idea," Maybe she could be of help; so far there was nothing that Strange or Banner could think of that could help you, maybe some Asgardian medicine would be of benefit. "Wait," He grabs Thor's arm. "Where's Quill?"

Head down low, Thor pulls away from Tony as he reaches the doorway leading to the medical unit. Taking a deep breath, he prepares himself for seeing you; hoping it can't be any worse than the thoughts that have been running through his head these last few days. Shame etched on his face he quickly turns back to Tony. "Ask the rabbit."

Softly closing the door behind him, he drops Mjolnir in front so that no-one could come in; he just needed to be with you, alone. Startled at first by how pale you are, alongside the machinery attached to you; he takes in a shuddery breath before composing himself and walking over. Admiring the styling of your hair, he brushes a small piece away from your face before kneeling down and kissing you tenderly on the cheek. Delicately running his fingers down your face, admiring how beautiful you look, even in this state. "I'm here Kate," he whispers, kissing you softly again, before sitting down; Tony's imprint still there from the last few days. He takes your hand, pressing it flat against his cheek; kissing your palm before intertwining his fingers with yours.

Reaching over with his other hand, he cautiously lays it upon your stomach, almost breaking completely at the thought of losing you; both of you. He sits in silence, listening to the machines helping you breathe, watching your chest rise and fall; willing you to wake up. "1500 years," he finally breaks the silence, struggling to speak as tears run slowly down his face. "1500 years I spent, never knowing the value of anything. A lifetime of arrogance and stupidity." He sighs. "Until I met her..." He chokes back. "1500 years Loki..." He doesn't need to turn to see Loki standing in the corner of the room. "We haven't had enough time."

"I know brother," Loki stands behind Thor, placing a hand on his shoulder; wiping the tears from his own eyes at the sight of you, but deciding to be strong for Thor. "She is annoyingly charming," He smirks. "Yet despite her brilliance, still stupid enough to put up with you." Finally a small smirk appears at the corner of Thor's mouth. Smiling to himself, Loki walks over to the other side of your bed, sitting down too. "The sun will shine on her again, I have no doubt." He gently pats your hand; almost cracking again as he sees Thor's hand placed over your stomach. "You should let mother see her." Thor nods, never taking his eyes off you. Unable to watch his brother in such heartache, he stands to leave. "Talk with her brother, she'll be listening." With a small green glow, Loki leaves the room.

Managing to compose himself, Thor pulls himself closer to you. "In my youth, all I courted was war. Love?" He scoffs. "Was never an option I'd have chosen for myself. My father always told me that a queen would be chosen for me, I didn't even care." He kisses your hand again. "Until I was sent here, until I met you. You made me see there was more I could offer, more I could do and more I could be." Terrified, Thor finally removes his hand from your stomach, reaching into his armour, and pulling out a small box. "I have no intention of losing that."

Holding his breath, he gingerly places the ring on your finger; sliding it on ever so carefully before pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "So take this as a promise. A promise that I will continue to be more," He once again places a hand over your stomach. "For both of you. A promise that you will have everything you've ever deserved. No kings, no queens, just us. A real family." He stands up, pressing a kiss to your head. "Just wake up Kate, please." Begging softly, pressing his forehead against yours, tears falling from his eyes, landing on your cheek. "Just wake up."

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