Part 71 - Mine

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Running as if your life depended on it, you finally reach the lake, Wanda and Vision hot on your heels, only stopping to fight off any stragglers that attempt to block your path. You heart sinks as you reach the crowd, unable to make anything out as you catch your breath. Standing in the centre, of what can only be described as a truce, is Thanos, standing proudly with the gauntlet showing off his latest win. As another wave of nausea starts to build, you're frozen in place, unable to breathe as you finally see what's laying at his feet. "Kate," Wanda huffs out next to you. "We need to..." But she stops talking when she sees the image too.

As though he had heard her, Thanos turns and looks you in the eye; the smug grin on his face disappearing, turning into a pitiful look of sympathy. "I'm sorry little one," he shouts over to you, making everyone, and everything, turn your way. "There was no other way." You feel a chill run down your entire body, remembering how he had said those words about Gamora; how Ego had said them about your mother. Pushing yourself to move out of Wanda's arms, you take a few steps forward before breaking out into a run, eyes completely focused on Thor.

"Don't Kate," You can hear Tony yell out; but you don't listen. Arms wrap around your waist, trying aimlessly to pull you away. In anger you lash out, snapping one of Nat's batons and using it against your attacker, making them fall to the ground instantly. Not caring to look and see if it was friend or foe, you keep on going; only stopping when you collapse onto your knees in front of Thor. As your eyes run the length of the spear still stuck in his gut, Glaive rips it from the wound, making Thor spit out blood, almost choking. Wiping his mouth with your sleeve brings his attention to you.

"Kate," His eyes widen at the sight of you, voice barely a whisper. "You're..."

"I'm here," You sob, critically trying to keep the tears from falling, trying to be strong. "I'm never leaving you again," You try to laugh. "Look at the trouble you get into." You almost weep as he smiles at you, feeling your heart break, pain radiating right through you. Despite being in immense agony, Thor reaches over with one hand, placing it ever so tenderly across your stomach, making the pain in your chest worsen; unable to keep them at bay, the tears stream from your eyes as you place your hand over his.

"I'm sorry..." He sobs too. "I broke my promise."

"Don't..." Reaching over you cup his cheek, caressing his face gently as your voice breaks. "Don't leave." Unable to watch you cry, Thor closes his eyes, using his remaining strength just to feel the life growing in your stomach, cursing himself that he will not be there for either of you. You lean your head down onto his chest, listening to his heartbeat, just hopelessly trying to savour every last moment you can.

Suddenly an immense shadow stands behind you, before kneeling at your side. Despite the power stored within his hands, Hulk gently pulls you away; his expression full of sorrow before lifting Thor into his arms, carrying him off to the compound, as you collapse into the mud, almost screaming with heartache.

"It was his destiny little one," Thanos' voice brings you back to the moment. "As mine is to correct the universe." He lets out a huge sigh, taking a step closer to you. "Your father wanted to rewrite the whole universe, turn it into his empire." He scoffs as he kneels beside you. "All I want to do is fix it." He pats you on the back, starting a fire of fury in your stomach, which slowly burns throughout your entire body. "One little life is insignificant, I had to lose my Gamora to make it better," He sighs once more, looking around at the broken faces surrounding him. "I'm only sorry you'll have to lose so much more."

"Whosoever holds this hammer," You hear Odin's voice echo in your head. "If they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." Looking up, your tear stained face meets Loki; his tearful eyes direct you to the sight of Mjolnir, laying buried in mud untouched. Struggling to comprehend what he's trying to say, you hear Odin again. "My boys, keep them safe. Daughter."

Thanos stands and looks around at the Avengers. "Was it all worth it?" He yells, arms outstretched as he shows off his strength. "All the blood, all the sacrifice..." You stop listening, trying to focus on what Odin had said in your mind, when a small glimmer distracts you. The simple, elegant diamond resting on your finger makes time seem to stop. Pain, rage, and guilt swirl throughout you; making you stand and start to walk away.

Too enthralled at his own speech to notice, Thanos continues to spell out his great plan. "Save it," Tony finally breaks it up. "You are nothing but a curse, one I can't wait to get rid of."

"When will you ever learn?" Thanos shakes his head in frustration. "There is no one left to defeat me. I've just defeated your strongest warrior." He gestures to where Thor's body had laid.

"You're going to die for that," Loki stands before him, daggers drawn. The only thought running through his head is that if his plan fails, then at least he will soon be reunited with Odin and Thor in Valhalla.

"Not by your hand," Thanos scoffs, once again arming his fist, ready.

"Nope," Quill yells out, finally understanding what's going on, after being knocked out when you tasered him earlier. As Thanos looks at him, confusion mixed with irritation.

"Then whose..." But he doesn't finish his sentence as Mjolnir hits him square in the jaw, knocking him to his feet before returning to your hand.

"Mine." You yell, the hammer gripped firmly in your hand as lightning surges through you, extending from your fingertips.

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