Part 34 - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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"You took your time, princess." Loki remarks watching as you enter the lab, lazing back in a chair, feet perched on top of Tony's desk. Hiding the present from Frigga in the palm of one hand, you start strategising how to get it attached to Loki's neck.

"We lesser mortals need caffeine to kick start our day," You give a sarcastic grin as you march over to him, not letting this morning's altercation bother you anymore. Pushing his legs off the desk sends him in a forward momentum, giving you access to him as you strut past, slapping the disc on his neck as you go.

"What's the meaning of this?" he almost yells, hand running up to feel what you did, as you flick the control in your hand.

"A little gift from your mother." You sit across from him, as he lunges towards you, making you press the button on the trigger, sending electric shocks throughout his body, pulling him away. "And that's it on the lowest setting," You chuckle before switching it off.

Rubbing his neck nervously. "I warned you not to talk about my mother. Do not meddle in things you do not understand." Shaking your head, you throw the note over from Frigga.

"I'm not 100% sure here, but I think the only person in the whole 9 realms who would be able to counterfeit your mother's handwriting would be you. And I doubt you sent this to me." You take a large sip of coffee. "I could be wrong, but even you aren't that masochistic." Taking another large sip of coffee while Loki tries to stare you out, shocked at the betrayal he feels from his mother.

Rolling your eyes after a period of silence, you start typing at the computer, pulling up all the information through FRIDAY. "Let's get started, shall we?" You rotate the holographic image of the cube before tossing it towards Loki, who fumbles slightly but manages to catch it. Turning it in his hands, almost cradling it with such gentle hands; fascinated by it as though it were the real thing.

"Such an intricate design," he states, a small smile on his face. "I may have miscalculated Stark's talents." He almost laughs while tossing the cube in the air.

"Yes, Tony is a genius," you look down at the paper file in your hand containing all of Howard Stark's notes from the 40s. "He certainly doesn't let anyone forget it. But I'm more interested in the tesseract itself - how did you come to know about it?"

Smirking and throwing the cube back to you, once again rubbing his neck. "All Asgardian children know the tales of the infinity stones," he shrugs.

"Fair enough," you toss the device up in the air; Loki's eyes never off of it. "But who taught you how to use it the way you did in New York." You type some more into the computer, changing the hologram into a replica of his sceptre. "The same person who used this to possess your mind?" You slide the replica sceptre over to him, this time the light is gone from his eyes. He doesn't pick it up; simply stares at it for a while before his eyes meet yours again - the arrogance completely gone.

"I'm sorry, but I was led to believe I was here to help with your research?" He huffs. "Not an interrogation." You half laugh, finally feeling good that you were getting under Loki's skin.

"Do I look like Romanoff?" You slide the lid of the trigger up, making Loki flinch slightly. "My job IS to research, but sometimes that involves asking questions." You lift a pen with your other hand, clicking it a few times; once again making Loki wary. "So? The guy who gave you the sceptre and told you how to the use the tesseract to bring an army to Earth, let's talk about him."

Loki crosses his arms in defiance. "And if I refuse?" You wriggle the trigger in your hand again, but this time he tries his hardest not to show how it affects him.

"Then back to Asgard," You look down at your paperwork again. "Back to your cell, where your mother and father will go back to preferring your brother over you - and he'll be heartbroken...again."

He scoffs. "Coming from the woman who literally made him STORM off last night." In a fit of anger you're tempted to shock him again, but before you make a decision Loki leans over the table. "How about we make a deal Kate? Why don't we swap information?"

"What are you talking about?" You sip coffee again, still toying with the trigger in your hand.

"I answer your questions, you answer mine?" He leans back in his chair with his hands on the back of his neck, once again stretching his legs up on top of the desk. "What could possibly go wrong?" He winks.

Despite feeling hesitant to get into this kind of conversation with Loki, you do feel like it would be the best way to open him up. Maybe, if possible you could build something here. "Fine," you take another huge sip of coffee. "Why don't you answer me first then?" You smirk, Loki losing his smile. "What did Thanos tell you about the tesseract?"

"Nope, let's get to know one another better first." He shrugs, taking his feet off the desk and sitting up straight in the chair. "Here's yours." He intertwines his fingers, resting his chin on them. "Let's see who breaks first shall we?" Once again you twirl the trigger, even though you know you'll play fair. You're not a sadist; you'll only use it if Loki pushes you too far.

"Go ahead," You mimic his posture, earning a small smile of satisfaction from the god of mischief.

"You know all about my strained family relationships, I'm curious..." Instantly you freeze, desperately trying not to give anything away. "Does it really hurt losing them?" Swallowing down your anger and tears, you daren't look at Loki, but are too terrified to look anywhere else. Your grip on the trigger tightens, so tightly that your knuckles are turning white. "Does it ache, knowing that your brother could be out there somewhere?" He gestures to the sky.

"That's two questions," You barely manage to get out.

"Then choose one." His voice is almost a snarl; you can sense he's gritting down on his teeth, desperately trying to hurt you.

"Yes," Your voice is barely a whisper, as you drop your head, almost letting it hit the table. Once again Loki has devastated you. Once again, you've let him. An overwhelming surge of anger rushes through you so violently that you begin to shake. Taking a deep breath, you raise your head to look at him once again, not caring now that your tears are on full display. "Does it hurt to be the bastard son of a Frost Giant?" You mock his earlier tone. "Does it ache to know that you always have been, and always will be, second best?"

Loki leans back in his chair, the look of malevolence slowly washing away from his face as he studies yours. "Yes." His voice is calm, almost broken as he contemplate his next question. "Do you love my brother?"

Tears still flowing from your eyes, once again you're struck by the question. Feeling the air in the room begin to change, you can't help but answer honestly. "Yes," you say with no hesitation, the ache in your chest returning as you remember that look on Thor's face. "Do you love your brother?"

A single tear runs down Loki's face. He swiftly wipes it off before answering you. "Yes." He whispers, his eyes never leaving yours.

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