Part 4 - Loser Buys Breakfast?

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When you wake the next morning, you're still irritated, but thankful there's no major hangover; only a slight headache. As you get out of bed, the events of last night come back; Thor's smug smile etched into your mind. The anger you have at yourself for letting him under your skin makes the headache worse. His comment still stung; you storm your way into the bathroom, letting the hot shower wash away all your pent up aggression.

Quickly getting dressed and drying off your hair, determination sets in that you will not cross paths with the Asgardian today. Despite the hustle and bustle of New York, it would be surprisingly quieter and more peaceful than here in the compound so you decide to treat yourself to breakfast in the city.

Determined not to waken any of your sleeping, or likely hungover colleagues, you sneak towards the communal living area, the stage of last nights party. Tiptoeing through you're surprised to see the only person there is Tony: cleaning. In actual fact, it's DUM-E that's doing the cleaning, but you still have to give Tony some of the credit; he'd normally hire someone in to do the job.

"I swear to god, if you spill that bucket one more time I'm going to strip you down and use you for spare parts." He turns and points at his claw-handed machine, who tilts as though it was looking at him with sad, puppy-dog eyes. "I mean it dummy." He spits out before turning to look at you. "Good morning, you're up early and smiling?" He gives you a confused look.

"You're up early and cleaning," you quip back as you walk over, patting the machine on the head as though it was a real dog. "Poor baby."

"Don't encourage him," Tony smiles. "Want some company for breakfast?"

You shrug, not even questioning how he knew. Tony Stark always knew. It had started from the moment you had met: way back when you were a junior agent with SHIELD. An instant connection that just somehow worked; Tony filling a void in your life that you both did and didn't know you needed. He had been the first person who was actually interested in what you had to offer the world; rather than what you could offer him. A trait that he didn't usually apply to other people. And he was the only person you had ever truly opened up to; until Thor.

"Only if I can drive." you wink and head towards the garage.

"Lead the way," he gives you a thumbs up before following you; laughing at you as soon as you reach the garage and he catches you eyeing up his Audi R8. "Tell you what, how about a race? Loser buys breakfast?"

"You're on Tin Can!" you laugh, putting your hand out. "Audi keys please?" He looks hesitant, looking around at all the other cars, gritting his teeth. "Oh come on, you let Rhodey fly around in one of your suits!" You whine before he sighs and throws you the keys.

"Fine. Get one little scratch on it and I'm finding a new best friend!" He points at you.

"You promise?" You mock him as you jump in the car, immediately starting up the car and revving it dramatically just to wind him up. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow - but on the inside he couldn't help but laugh; just happy to see you in a better mood after last night. "Usual place?" He nods and starts to reply but you don't even give him a chance; taking off at high speed out of the compound.

"Unbelievable," Tony mutters before suiting up and taking off after you.

Driving at top speed, you turn the radio on to find that in typical Tony style, AC-DC comes blasting out at you. Enjoying the drive, just going into auto-pilot, singing along, the remnants of your headache start to disappear as you feel more relaxed. Suddenly Tony's face flashes up on the centre console of the car, nearly making you slam on the brakes. "Eyes on the road Kate," he laughs, as you look in the mirror seeing the suit come flying up behind you, taking advantage of the sudden braking as he overtakes. Even though you know you'll never catch up with him, you push the car to its absolute limit; the biggest grin on your face.

In true Stark style, Tony gets to the cafe before you, but is accosted by the swarm of people all vying for his attention. As you park up and get out you roll your eyes at Tony as he shrugs - pretending he hates all the attention, but secretly still lapping it all up.

It takes him about ten minutes to get to the table, just as your order arrives. "You didn't order any of that junk for me did you?" He stares at the mountain of pancakes, bacon and maple syrup piled on the plate; a slight hint of disgust on his face.

"Hell no," you laugh, sliding a mug of black coffee over to him before tucking in.

He stares down at the mug, confused look on his face; raising an eyebrow when the waitress places the bill right in front of him. "I thought the deal was loser bought breakfast?"

"Loser is." You nod at him. "I got here first, while your were out there with your adoring public!" You grin at him, mouthful of food.

"Technicality," he says eyebrow still raised.

"Well you're the billionaire. Buy your own damn breakfast!"

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