Part 74 - Because Of You

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Bruce meets you as you make it to the medibay, stepping out of your suit, still dressed head to toe in the illusionary armour Loki had drabbed you in. "Is he..." You stumble, dreading actually asking that question.

"He's stable," Bruce places a hand on your shoulder, leading you gently into the room. "I've done all I can Kate," His voice is low; exhaustion carved into his face. "The rest is up to him."

Swallowing hard, you make your way over to his bedside, your heart breaking once again at the sight of him. His skin is pale, and the only sign of life is the very slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. Taking up the seat that Bruce slides over you, you nervously sit, slowly and gently slipping your hand onto his. "I'll leave you with him," Bruce kisses your head, making you finally break down into tears, before he leaves, closing the door behind him.

Feeling the warmth coming from your hand, Thor opens his eyes, using up what little energy he has to turn his head and look at you, while also squeezing your hand. "Hey princess," You barely manage to say through tears, receiving the smallest of smiles in response as you lift his hand to your lips, kissing his knuckles gently just as he always does with you. "It's over," you sob.

"Loki?" Thor croaks out, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Alive," You smile, brushing some hair from his face, caressing his cheek. "Everyone's alive." Swallowing hard as you look over his body, eyes stopping at the heavy bandages wrapped around his stomach, praying that your statement includes him. Still exhausted from the trauma, Thor closes his eyes gently, making you panic at first; but as his chest slowly rises and falls continuously, you're able to breathe again. Brushing the hair from his face, you place a soft kiss to his temple, before one on his lips, wiping the tears that have fallen onto his cheeks. "You have to stay with me." You whisper in his ear. "Do you hear me?"

"He heard you." Loki whispers, placing himself in a chair next to you. "You know my brother," He chuckles slightly. "He's too stubborn for his own good. He won't let you go without a fight." You try to smile, but the tears won't let you.

"But what if..."

"No what if's Kate," Loki takes your other hand in his. "He will come back to you."

"I'm scared Loki," You sob. Thoughts of your mother swirl in your mind as you think about the life growing inside of you; how she raised you and Peter alone, her stories of your father being a 'spaceman', the loneliness, the heartbreak. You can't help but envision that you'll be living the same life: alone. Loki sees it all in your mind.

"You won't be alone Kate, I swear." He tightens his grip on your hand. "Even if..." He starts to crumble, before steeling himself with resolve. "There is a family here who will support and love you both, as well as on Asgard." You simply nod as a fresh wave of tears take over; both of you sitting in silence, willing Thor to survive.

After a while, the door opens just slightly; Bruce, ashamed of himself for interrupting, entering and standing behind you. "I know it's a bad time Kate," He fumbles with his words. "But maybe we should take a look over you, check everything's ok with..."

"Not now Bruce." You snap, eyes fixated on watching Thor. Nodding subserviently, Bruce starts to walk away, before Tony slides into the room. "I'm not leaving him Tony." You snap at him too, not even having to look to see it's him before he grips your shoulder. "I can't."

"I know," He sighs, eyes focused on Thor too, concern raging through him for his friend. "It'll take two minutes, tops." He squeezes your shoulder. "That was some power you showed out there, he'd have been proud of you." Despite knowing that his words were going to hurt you, even enrage you even more, he had to say it, for your own benefit. "It's his kid too Kate, he'd want..."

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