Part 8|| Books

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{3rd person POV}

I was walking in the direction to where Kirishima's cave was when I saw Bakugo ahead. It looked like he was yelling at a guy with yellow hair with a black lightning bolt on it. When (Y/n) got close he decided to say hi, "Oh hey Katsuki." He said in a friendly tone. Katsuki turned to the voice, his already angered expression turn even more angry. Which was impressive.

"What do you want extra!?!" He said in an aggressive tone. "Yo Bakugo chill out, this cutie is just saying hi." The yellow hair said. (Y/n) didn't like the words he used but he was thankful for that. "Anyways how do they know you?" He asked. "He's my shitty neighbor that just moved in." Bakugo ended his sentence with a tsk. "Woah Bakugo you should of told me you got a cute neighbor." "Shut it dunce face!"

(Y/n) wished he could continue this conversation with this new person he just met but he had places to be and a red dragon to see again. "Sorry but I have to go places, it was nice talking to you two." The (h/c) haired male then started walking away. Bakugo lifted an eyebrow, "and where are you going?" (Y/n) stopped, "somewhere." Bakugo had a feeling that he was up to something suspicious since he looked nervous, but Bakugo decided to let it go.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Kirishima? Where are you?" (Y/n) looked around the cave to find the red head, "wait I'm coming!" Kirishima walked in the area, he was basically naked, only have one thing covering his private parts. "Kirishima what the fuck!" "What?" "What!? You're naked in front of me!" "So?" Kirishima asked, "so?! You're not suppose to be naked infront of people!" "But my mom was okay with this." Kirishima countered. "Yes because that is your mom, I'm not your mom." I took a while to understand what (Y/n) ment, but when Kirishima did understand his face turned red like his hair.

He quickly turned and ran out of the room. Unfortunately the thing he was wearing only covered his front, so that means (Y/n) saw some dragon cheeks.

Kirishima walked back in, this time with pants on, he still didn't have a shirt on so you could still see his abs, but it was better than seeing his dick again and (Y/n) getting a boner again.

So the (h/c) haired male decided to make things less awkward, "I brought food for you, and something to entertain yourself with when I'm not here." (Y/n) pulled out the food for Kirishima and handed it to him, then he pulled out a book. "What is that?" Kiri asked, "oh it's a book, have you never read a book before?" Kirishima shook his head.

"What is a book?" He asked, *wow he really hasn't heard of a book before? He must of been really bord.* (Side note this takes place before phones or TV so a book was a only way of entertainment if you had no friends.)

"A book tells a story, it can be anything, a happy story, a sad one, a scary one, the possibilities are endless!" Kirishima was intrigued by this item called a "book", he grabbed the book and opened, he started to scan the papers and a look of confusion crossed over his face. (Y/n) took note of that. "What are these weird symbols?" Kirishima turned the book so (Y/n) could see what he was talking about.

*Those are words, do he not know how to read?* "Those are words, do you not know what words are?" "What are words?" Kirishima asked, tilting his head to the side. (Y/n) was dumbfounded, "didn't your mom ever teach you to read?" Kirishima shook his head, "she didn't even know how to read too, we've been isolated in this cave for years, my mom told me it was for both of our safety."

(Y/n) saddened when Kirishima talked about his mother. *Should I tell him? No, not right now.* (Y/n) then proceed to tell Kirishima what words are. Kirishima was fascinated by the fact he was using words all along.

Anyways after that was all over (Y/n) asked him a question, "do you want me to read you this book?" "Sure what is it about?"

"It's about two people who fall in love but one of them is from a different kingdom, and their kingdoms were at war for years, which lead to a tragic loss of life for both, but their kingdom were losing and badly so he decided to seek safety by going in the other kingdom, but they're also looking for those people. So the two run away together, by help from a powerful wizard they escape to another world where they'll be able to love each other."

Kirishima was now invested on this story, "whoa, that seems so cool! Can you read it to me!?" (Y/n) blushed at how adorable Kirishima was, he was like a little puppy. "Sure!"

<An hour later>

"The end", (Y/n) closed the book and put it down on his lap. He looked at Kirishima, his face looked like he saw the most amazing thing ever. "That was so awesome! Do you have more books!?" He asked, "I do, I can bring more of them if you want." (Y/n) asked his dragon friend. "Yeah!"

But one question was circling in his mind, "Did your mom never teach you how to read? Or write?" Kirishima shook his head, "she wasn't here most of the time, she would be either look for food/water or looking for a safer place for us to stay at. And she never really let me go out without her. She said that people don't like what we are and they would kill us if they find us. Is that true?"

In all honesty (Y/n) didn't want to answer that question, but he couldn't lie. "Yeah, you see people don't like different things, anything they don't understand they will target and show their hate towards it, it doesn't even have to be just different species, human hates humans too. For many reasons, how they look, how they think, and many other stupid things." "Why are humans like that?" Kirishima asked, "because... I honestly don't know." (Y/n) sighed.

Kirishima could feel the mood shift. So he tries to reverse it. "Is there any other books you like to read?" "There is actually." (Y/n) started to bright up. This made Kirishima happy.

[Word count: 1106]

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