Part 17|| Cave

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{3rd person POV}

"So what brings a dragon and a human to me?" "Wait how do you know I'm a dragon?" Kirishima asked, "your amulet fell off while we were in the forest. Kirishima looked down to see it did indeed fall off. "When you said forest, you mean the dark forest?" The witch asked. They said nodded their head. "Well, luckily, you two came out alive. Most people aren't so lucky. But you ate a dragon, so I think you would have been fine. But still, what did bring you two to me? Most people are afraid of me, so I don't get visitors often." "Wait people are afraid of you? You look so nice." Kirishima said. "Well, it's because I have the title of witch. They mostly think of the bad ones."

"Anways we need help with something. We need to summon a God." (Y/n) said, hoping that the stay won't be too long. "Oh! Now that's interesting, which God thought?" She asked. "Well, we want Luno, but we heard it hard to get him." "Oh yeah, I've done a ton of summoning for him but he has never shown up once." "Wait they can reject being summoned?" (Y/n) asked confused.  "summoning just let's the God know that his/her services are need or wanted. They don't have to come if they don't want to. It's their choice." "Okay, so we want to summon the God of the sun, Hawks."

Ochaco walked over to her bookshelf and looked through the labels of the books. Then she grabbed one and flipped through the pages and found the one she was looking for. "Okay for this summoning we need a few items, one red feather, a gold stone, chicken, and red jewelry. I have the chicken and some red jewelry but I need the red feather and a gold stone." "Wait a minute we have a red feather." (Y/n) looked through his bag and pulled out the crimson red feather that Fatgum gave them. "Excellent, now we just need the gold stone, there is a cave near. It should have some gold stone, I need you two to go there to collect a gold stone. But be careful, the cave is protected by a shadow creature. So here." Ochaco gave them a small marble, if you're in battle this marble will turn into a weapon you desire and here's this marble, this will light up the cave to let you see. Be careful." She gave the males a map to the cave and off they went.

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"Well this is the cave." (Y/n) put the map down as he looked at the pitch black cave. Both the males were nervous about going in. (Y/n) let out a big sigh and held out his hand for Kirishima, Kirishima grabbed his hand and blushed slightly at the touch. (Y/n) placed the light marble on his other hand and they both entered the cave. If it wasn't for the light there was no way for them to see anything. Unfortunately for them the light wasn't bright enough to light up what was a head of them, so they had to walk slowly to not trip or hit their heads with the many stalactites and stalagmites, it also didn't help how uneven the ground was too.

"It's really dark in here, I wonder if we'll ever find the gold stone." Kirishima asked as he tighten his grip on (Y/n) hand from his nervous getting to him. "We'll find it and when we find it we'll summon Hawks and find Luno and we can take you to the Dragon Sanctuary and then you can live happily there with the other dragons for the rest of your life." "When we do get to the dragon sanctuary do you think you could stay with me-" Kirishima was interrupted with (Y/n) who tripped and fell and slid down deeper in the cave, since the two were holding hands Kirishima also slide down.

They both came to a stop when they hit the ground. Luck was not on their side becuase the marble with the light fell out of (Y/n)'s hand, becuase it was wasn't held by anyone the light disappeared, darkness filling the spot the light once did. "(Y/n)! Where are you!?" Kirishima yelled in the darkness. "I don't think I can help, I can't see anything. Only if we have a source of light."

Kirishima could feel his chest heat up, he let out a sigh in hopes that his chest could cool down, but he didn't breathe out air. It was fire. The fire lit up the dark cave for the moment it was there. This stunned the two males. "Woah Kirishima what was that?" "I-I don't know?" "Can you do it again?" "I'll try." Kirishima could still feel his chest feeling hot. Once the fire came again (Y/n) didn't waste anytime to find the marble. Once he saw it he launched to grab the marble before the fire went out once again.

"I got it!" (Y/n) lifted the marble up in victory. The marble, now being hold lit up. (Y/n) was proud of himself for this and he looked at Kirishima infront of him, but Kirishima's facial expression wasn't the same. Instead his face showed fear. "What's wrong Kirishima?" (Y/n) asked him. Kirishima didn't say anything as he pointed behind (Y/n). The (h/c) haired male dropped his arm and turned behind him.

Big glowing yellow eyes looked at him back. Fear took over all of (Y/n)'s body, he wanted and tried to move but his body simply couldn't. "What are you doing here?" The shadow creature said to the two males. "W-We came to the c-cave go look for s-something." Kirishima was able to muster up and say their reason for being in the cave. "And what is it you're looking for?" It asked. "W-We're looking for g-gold stone, we need to s-summon Hawks." Kirishima answered his question.

"Hawks as in the sun God?" An unknown voice asked. With this, it got (Y/n) more confused than scared. "Uh yeah? Why do you ask?" As the question was asked, the shadowy creature disappeared. A boy with a crow head was where the creature was. "For what reason do you want to summon Hawks?" He asked in a deep tone. "We want to find a place, Hawks could really help us. We don't want to hurt him if that's what  wondering." (Y/n) said to the crow boy. "Okay then, I will help you. My name is Tokoyami Fumikage."

(Sorry it took me so long. Part/chapter 18 took me so long)

[Word count 1135]

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