Part 12|| Escape

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{3rd person POV}

"Kirishima." (Y/n) said to himself in a quiet whisper. Kirishima had chains everywhere, his arms, his legs, his neck, and he had a iron muzzle that covered his mouth. Kirishima looked up and saw his a familiar human he liked. Hurt was all over Kirishima's eyes, the red head looked away in shame. Shame for what he did to the person loved.

"QUIET! QUIET EVERYONE!" A person yelled. Everyone shushed. "Thank you." The voice said. "Now, we're all here because a dragon hunter brought a dragon to our attention." The person then showed someone, someone (Y/n) knew he should of been careful around. Bakugo Katsuki. "We will discuss about your pay later, but now we're here to execute this dragon, we didn't know we would find a dragon so it will take a while to prepare the execution, but I bet we will be ready in two days, in the mean time look at this terrible beast!" He shouted.

(Y/n) didn't know what to do, he wanted to break Kirishima out but how would he be able to? Then a person came to mind. (Y/n) rushed out to find All Might. He saw All Might talking to Midoriya, probably what was going on. "All Might can I have a word with you?" (Y/n) said in haste. "Okay sure." (Y/n) looked at the green boy next to him, "In private." "O-Oh! S-Sorry." Midoriya said sheepishly. (Y/n) felt bad for doing Midoriya like that but it was important.

"So in the center they have a dragon." "A dragon!? Oh no are they going to execute it?" All Might said. (Y/n) nodded his head to the question. "It's a shame they still do that." All Might said. "Can you help break him out?" (Y/n) asked the older. All Might's eyes grew wide, "What! Do you know how much trouble you'll be in if you get caught!" All Might asked the younger male. "I know, but that dragon is my friend, I don't want him to die."

All Might was silent for a quick second, then he sighed. "Okay young (Y/n), I will help you, but you need to figure out how to do it, I'll help." So (Y/n) decided to brain storm on possible ways to break out Kirishima. Then one thought came to his mind. "I need you to make me a guard uniform."

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With each step (Y/n) got closer and closer to Kirishima. Anxiety grew in the human male as he was trying to execute his plan to break out his friend. "Sir!" "What is it?" The boss said. So far the plan was working, "We received a message from the king. He requested the keys so his scientists could examine the dragon before the execution." (Y/n) said. The leader tched, "And when I was about to go home too." He said with slight anger, "Oh! Don't worry, I could do it for you!" (Y/n) said, hoping that it would work. The boss perked up, "Really!?" (Y/n) nodded. "Sweet, here you go, just give it to whoever needed it, oh and here are the keys for the chains, they might want them as well" The boss handed (Y/n) the keys and the boss walked away.

The easy part was done, now the hard part, sneaking Kirishima out of here. (Y/n) looked around to find something to hide Kirishima once he was released, conveniently (Y/n) found an empty barrel that should be big enough for Kiri. So (Y/n) walked up to the cage, Kirishima's back facing him. (Y/n) wanted to say something, like to apologize for keeping a big secret from him, but (Y/n) knew that he didn't have time for that, he needed to get Kirishima out of there.

"Kirishima." (Y/n) said to catch the dragon's attention. Kirishima wanted to turn around, but the chains were preventing him from doing that. "(Y/n)? Is that really you?" Kirishima asked. "Yes, and I'm getting you out of here." Kirishima's tail was wagging a bit. (Y/n) open the cage and unchained the dragon.

When the last chain was unlocked dragon quickly turned around and hugged (Y/n), he started crying while he was doing this. "I-I'm so s-sorry for w-what I did." (Y/n) felt like his heart was going to break from hearing Kirishima sounding so broken. (Y/n) pulled Kirishima so he can like at his face, "Don't apologize for shit. I should be the one saying sorry. I shouldn't have kept a secret like that from you. You had every reason to react the way you did. Just remember I still love you." (Y/n) said with the words from his heart.

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