Part 10 || The truth

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{2nd person POV}

You got to the cave. "Kiri!" You call out. Kiri rubs to you and hugs you. "Anyways as I promised today we're going to teach you to fly!" You said proudly. Kirishima was excited about this.

You took him to a top a hill. "So you've flew before right?" You asked Kiri, "yeah but I can't fly for too long." He said. You thought for a moment, "how about we just train you to fly longer?" So both got ready for training.

<One hour later>

Kirishima huffed from exhaustion as he laid on the floor. He had bruises from falling and hitting the ground. He even lost a scale, which you two couldn't find. You felt really bad for making Kirishima fly becuase how much he got hurt."I'm sorry about all this." You said, guilt gripping on you. "Oh don't be, I guess I kinda do wanna fly because when I get older it will be more useful." Both of you laid on the ground, grass all around you. Kirishima spoke up,"Speaking of getting older, what do you want do with your life?" You thought for a moment, "I don't know." This made you really think.

"Well I want to one day leave the cave one day and find my own home somewhere. Maybe find a mate and just spend the rest of my life with them." He said with a smile. The calm breeze of the wind hit their skin. "That seems nice, Kirishima you're the only other person- uh dragon? Well living being besides my mom that's been nice to me, so I hope that dream comes true for you." You said while smiling.

This line triggered something inside Kirishima, something he's never felt before. He didn't know why his heart was beating so fast and why his face felt red. He wanted you what he was feeling but he felt embarrassed to ask. But he definitely knew one thing, he wanted to spend more time with you. Both of you laying down made (Y/n) release something, "Kiri." "Yeah?" "When was the last time you got your clothes cleaned?" He thought and shrugged his shoulders. "That's it I'm washing your clothes.

You took Kiri to a lake to wash his clothes. "Kiri why are embarrassed of getting naked now?" You asked him, for Kirishima he felt like his body wasn't good for you for some reason, this was the first time he was self conscious about something. "Okay Kiri, how about this? You take off your clothes, I'll close my eyes and then just hand them to me then I'll wash them. Okay?" Kirishima agreed to this.

Kirishima hid in some bushes, not wanting to be seen naked while you were washing the clothes. Kirishima watched you though, he noticed some things he hasn't noticed before (insert face features here). He found you breathtaking. You were done and drying his clothes. "I brought you some extra clothes, these are my clothes, sorry if their big/small on you." Kirishima grabbed his clothes and put them on.

Kirishima smelled your clothes, they smelled nice, as he thought they would. "I'm just going to leave your clothes to dry here, how about we go explore." You grab Kirishima's hand and take him with you.

                               ○ ○ ○ ○

                       {3rd person POV}

"Wow this place looks amazing!" The two males both said. They two found a beautiful forest, the trees with different color leaves, different color flowers and plants take up the spaces the trees left. This forest was nature at its finest. The two males looked around in awe. It was like nothing they ever saw before. Kirishima touched (Y/n)'s shoulder and said, "Tag your it!" And he ran. The reader smiled and chased after him.

            <A couple minutes later>

Both Kirishima and (Y/n) laid on the ground. Both trying to catch their breath. Kirishima turned his head to look at (Y/n), (Y/n) also looked at Kirishima. They just looked and admired each other. They were so lost in each other's eyes they didn't notice they were inching closer to each other.  Their lips were an inch apart then they paused, they both look at each other to see if what they were about to do was okay. In reality both of the males wanted this so much. So they close the space between with their lips making contact with each other.

It felt like magic, both felt something they haven't felt for another person before, romantic love.  They took their lips off of each other, both of their faces were red. Kirishima was going to speak but, "I think I heard, it might be a dragon!" A familiar voice called out. *Shit!* (Y/n) grabbed Kirishima and hid him in some bushes and told him to be quiet. (Y/n) could hear the voices coming closer so he tired to act natural.

Two other males came to see (Y/n) in the middle of the forest. "Oi! What are you doing out here? Haven't I seen you before?" The ash blonde male asked. "Uh I think you seen me a few times." (Y/n) said, while hoping the two males would leave. "See Bakugo it was just a person." The other male said to Bakugo. "Shut it Kaminari!" Bakugo said. "At least you got my name right for once." Kaminari said as he rolled his eyes at Baukgo.

"Anyways have you seen any signs of a dragon being around?" Baukgo asked. "No!" You said a bit loud. Baukgo narrowed his eyes at you. "Why are so nervous?" He questioned. You were sweating a bit. "O-Oh becuase I got worried when you mentioned a dragon, why do you think there is a dragon in the area?" He said with anxiety bottling up in you. Baukgo grabbed something from his back pocket, it was a red dragon scale. Kirishima's red scale. "There's some fresh blood on it, it's around here somewhere, it also looks similar to the one that we killed a couple weeks ago. I think that's why you're familiar, I think I saw you looking at the dead dragon while we passed by town with it."

Your anxiety grew. Hoping Kirishima didn't hear that. "Uh no, I think it's becuase we're neighbors." "We are? Eh I don't remember extras." Baukgo waved off. "Anyways the scale looks similar to the dragon we recently killed, I think it had a offspring, we want to find it before it grows older." "Oh uh I haven't seen anything weird, but I'd I do I'll let you know." (Y/n) told Baukgo. "Good. Let's go dunce face." Baukgo told Sero.

"Hey uh sorry for my friend's rudness, he's just trying to prove that he can be useful, with dragons becoming more rare his job has been put to question if the citizens should still pay him, he reallys needs the money for his mom, she's sick and the medicine is expensive." He said. "Of course that doesn't justify his behavior, but so you can see where he's coming from." He told (Y/n). Kaminari waved goodbye to the other male before leaving with Baukgo.

(Y/n) turned around to the bush Kirishima was suppose to hide in, but when (Y/n) looked in the bush he didn't see Kirishima. (Y/n) looked up and saw Kirishima walking. "Kirishima! Where are you going?" The (h/c) haired male asked. But the red head didn't answer. So (Y/n) decided to get closer to him. "Hey Kirishima what's wrong-" you were cut off by noticing that Kirishima was tearing up, (Y/n) could also hear what sounds like sobs being held in.

(Y/n) was confused on why Kirishima was acting like this, that was until  realization hit the (e/c) eyed male like a rampaging Ox. *Shit! Kirishima figured it out, he must of put the pieces on why his mother hasn't come back.* (Y/n) thought. "Kirishima please listen I wanted to tell you but-" "NO! SHUT UP!" The dragon yelled, with venom in each word. "You knew this whole time, and yet you didn't tell me! Someone I thought I could trust, a human I thought I could trust. My mom was right about you guys, you all are selfish assholes." He said with anger spreading in his mind like water spreading on dried land.

(Y/n) placed his hand on Kirishima's shoulder, "Kirishima please listen to me-" When (Y/n)'s hand made contact with Kirishima's shoulder something triggered inside the dragon, he has never felt this way but he despised whatever emotion or thing was feeling. Becuase of this he made a mistake he would regret.

                             {Y/n POV}

When I placed my hand on Kirishima's shoulder I was pushed to the ground and I felt pain on my arm. I looked at my arm and saw scratch marks on them, fresh blood dripping out of the wounds. I looked up at Kirishima and saw his hand had claws now, claws with blood on them. My blood. I looked at the expression he had on his face, he was looking at his claws with nothing but pure fear. Tears were forming at the corner of his eyes, he then turned and ran away. I grab some bandages from when Kirishima was training to fly, I patched myself up. *I should leave him alone for now.*

(So I wanted to say this, I forgot to mention that Kirishima looks human besides horns on his head, wings, and a tail. But he can transform into a 100% dragon if he wants to, it's a power the dragons have, but since his mom hasn't taught him to control it he's unaware of how to control the power.)

[Word count 1634]

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