Chapter 3||The Council

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                           {Y/n POV}

                        (The next day)

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" My mom yells. I get up quickly "WHAT HAPPENED?!?" I ask her. "Today we have to go to the council." She tells me. "You made it sound like it was important." "It is, if we go to the council they'll decide if we can go back in the village." My mom tells me. "Ugh do we have to go?" I questioned. "YES, we have to go, now go take a bath." She tells me. I go do as I was told. After I was done I got in my cleaned clothes. "We're walking, right?" I ask my mother. She nods. We get out of house and start walking towards the village.

We entered the village and walked passed a place with alot of markets. Once people saw me they just... stared. *Damn no one minds there damn business around here do they?* I justed kept walking ignoring everyone looking at me. We made it to the place where the council was at. *Oh boy ain't this gonna be fun.* I think to myself sarcastically. Me and my mom enter the building, we walk in and see a lady at a desk. "Oh hello, may I help you?" She asks. My mom tells her "We're here for the relocate exiles meeting." She tells the lady at the desk. The lady looks down at her desk and I can hear paper being flipped. "Oh okay you can sit down, I will tell you when you can meet them." She says. We sit down on some seats and wait.

                    <Mini time skip>

"They're  ready for you" the lady at the desk says. "Just enter the door." She points at the door. Me and mom enter through the door. I see five people on one big desk, big enough for five people to sit at. My mom bows her head at them, I don't. The far left one asks "What meeting are you?" One asks. "They're the relocating exiles." One replys with a raspy voice. "What did he say?" One said a bit too loud. *God this is gonna take forever.*

After what seemed like hours they finally told us "Ah yes young  (Y/n) we would like to bring you back, but you will have to be a hunter, you will comply with our rules or you'll return to exile... alone." The middle one tells me. My moms looked stocked. "W-what please n-no he's my child." I mom begs. "He's not your biological child, I see no reason why you should care about him." The in the middle one says. "I raised all his life he is basically my child." My mom argues. "Miss I will not argue with you." He raises his voice. "I-I'm sorry." She says looking down, I could see a tear form in the corner of her eye.

I of course didn't have a say in the matter. "I'll repeat the rules just in case you forgot. The rules state." He pulls out a long peace of paper. "The obvious are no killing, no stealing, no getting into fights, no same sex couples, you will have to go to church, you can have sex after marriage, and if you find a dragon you will inform us  immediately or you will be seen as a traitor and will be excuted. Now welcome back young (Y/n)." He tells me. *Yay, im back at hell.* Me and my mom both leave the room they were at. And head out the build. My mom turns to me and says "I want you to be in your best behavior okay." She tells me. "...okay." I say. She grabs my face and says "I know it will be difficult, but can you at least do it for me." She says with a small smile. "Fine." I respond. "Yay today I'm cooking up your favorite dish." My mom says. *I'm only doing this for her. Seems like I should try to get to Kirishima after lunch.*

[Word count 677]

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