Part 13|| Wings

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{3rd person POV}

The human male and dragon male both stepped out of the portal, when they did that the portal disappeared, there was no turning back now. They both looked at their surroundings and noticed they were on a path. It was still dark so they decided the best thing was to find a place to sleep. They both wandered around trying to find a place to sleep, luckily for them they found a cave, the bad part was that the cave was really dark since it was night. "Can't dragons breathe fire?" (Y/n) asked, "I don't know, I've never tried, my mom was able to so I think I should be able to as well."

So Kirishima took in a deep breath and focused to try to breath fire, and he released the air in his body. Nothing happened. So (Y/n) went to find a some rocks and twigs. When he found them he came back and tried to start a fire. Kirishima was confused on why (Y/n) was playing with sticks and rocks. "What are you doing?" The dragon asked. "I'm trying to start a fire." He replied. "How will playing with sticks and rocks do that-" then a fire was created. "Woah!" Kirishima looked at the fire as the hot and bright element enchanted his eyes.

"You did that with sticks and rocks!?" Kirishima asked (Y/n), (Y/n) just nodded. "How?" The dragon asked, "I don't know how exactly it works but my mom taught me that, for when we needed it for food." (Y/n) cleared out the floor of rocks and bugs so they can sleep on the ground.

When the ground was clean enought both the males laid down next to next to each other. "Good night." "Night." (Y/n) closed his eyes trying to sleep while Kirishima looked at the ceiling of the cave, thinking. Silence filled the cave. Until, "hey (Y/n)." (Y/n) opened his eyes, "yeah?" "Uh, I just wanted to say thank you for saving me, it was pretty manly of you to do that after what I did to you." "No problem Kiri, I couldn't just do nothing, I'm glad a met you." "Again with that nickname?" "If you have anything better let me know." And with that Kirishima had a small smiled on his lips. Both then drifted off to sleep.

<Then came morning>

(Y/n) opened his eyes as he felt really warm for some reason, the only thing that could warm him would be his clothes, but they couldn't make him feel the warmth he's feeling right now. (Y/n) looked and saw Kirishima's face right next to him. They were cuddling. (Y/n) got scared, to be honest he doesn't know what to call their relationship, none of them mentioned anything about the kiss. But (Y/n) doesn't wanna feel like he's forcing it one Kirishima.

So he got away from the dragon. (Y/n) got up and walked out the cave. (Y/n) didn't know what time it was, but it was still dark. That was until he noticed a figure flying, they had crimson red wings, and behind the flying figure was daylight, as he kept going the sun was starting to rise more and more. When the flying figure passed the cave light spread all over as the sun finally came all out. (Y/n) didn't know what happened, but it was interesting. (Y/n) wanted to follow the flying figure but he was too fast.

(Y/n) turned around as he heard someone yawn, it was Kirishima. "What are you doing out?" He asked, "I saw someone, they were flying! And the sun was following behind them!" (Y/n) said as he tried to explain what he saw. "What? Do you think it's a dragon!?" Kirishima said, "no it wasn't, they looked more like a person." "What color wings did they have?" Kirishima asked, (Y/n) responded with, "they were like crimson red wings, why?" Kirishima looked behind himself, "I saw a painting with someone with crimson red wings. Curiosity took hold of (Y/n).

They both walked back in the cave and (Y/n) did see the thing Kirishima was talking about, it was a mural. It had a man with the crimson wings, he also had blonde hair and he had golden eyes. Above him was the sun, it also looked like he was chasing someone. This person has a cloak on them and they were riding a dark horse, and above them was the moon. "The sun chasing the moon?" Kirishima said in confusion. "Let's just leave the cave, we need to get going." (Y/n) said.

                              ○ ○ ○ ○

Both Kirishima and (Y/n) were walking north in a path that was leading them somewhere. Both thirsty, (Y/n)'s mother did pack a lot of food but she was in a rush and wasn't able to pack a lot of water, when the both the males heard a  waterfall and both were happy. They both rushed to the waterfall and the view of the lake and the waterfall was amazing. "Wow! Look at all this water!" Kirishima said in aw. Both looked at the all the water. For some reason the atmosphere felt different for some reason, it felt warm.

"Yeah it's a lot of water isn't it?" A man said, both turned their head and (Y/n) recognized the crimson wings. "You! You're the figure I saw flying!" (Y/n) said while pointing at him. The winged man just put his hands up like he was being mugged, "guilty as charged." "Why do you have wings", Kirishima asked. "Do you not know who I am? Odd most people know." He said a little surprise. "Well first the reason why I have wings is cause I'm a God, I'm known as Hawks, the God of the sun. But you can call me Keigo" He said, "the sun follows me wherever I go, I've never seen the moon before." He said.

"What are you mortals doing here?" He asked, curious. "Oh, we're looking for a place, we just came for water, sorry to bother you." (Y/n) said he realized he was speaking to a God. "Who said you two were bothering me? If you guys were bothering me I would of killed you two already." Keigo said with a smile on his face. Both of males awkwardly laughed, "I'm kidding, so what is a human and dragon doing together?" Both were startled by what he said, *How does he know Kirishima/I'm a dragon!?*

"You guys look scared, don't worry I don't have beef with dragons, after all a few did use to worship me." Keigo said trying to calm their fear. "Wait so how are you able to see him? He's wearing an amulet that hides he's a dragon." "Oh, this spell isn't a strong one, strong illusion spells can trick a God's eyes, but this one is pretty basic, it doesn't fool my eyes." Keigo explained, "Anyways where are you two headed? I can help." Keigo said, finally happy he can have a normal conversation with morals that aren't just worship him the entire time. "We heard from a wizard there lands where dragons are where they are safe from humans, we want to find the place, unfortunately nobody we talk to knows." Keigo thought for a bit. "I may not know this place but I think I know a guy!" The blond male said.

He got off the rock he was sitting on, "there's a village near, do you have a map?" Keigo asks, (Y/n) pulls out his map and Keigo points at an area, "this village has a God that's present there." "What God is there?" "The God of harvest, he's know as Fat Gum, the village is having a feast because Fat Gum blessed their harvest for the year, I think he mentioned something about a land with dragons, don't worry he's cool, I'm sure he won't attack you." He says as he's looking at Kirishima. "But before you go I gotta warn you, me and Fat Gum may be okay with dragons but some Gods will kill him if they see him, so be careful, anyways I gotta go, the sun won't move itself."

Keigo stretched and open his beautiful crimson wings and flew up in the air. He waved goodbye and left, the sun very slowly following behind him. (Y/n) and Kirishima both got some water and decided to go to that village Keigo talked about.

<Things I wanted to say but didn't know how to fit: So the God of the sun and moon get stronger during certain seasons. The winter powers up the God of the moon, explaining why night comes sooner and last longer. Keigo gets stronger in the summer, explaining why the sun comes early and it takes longer for it to leave.>

[Word count 1496]

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