Part 11|| Curiosity

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{3rd person POV}

"What the hell was that!?" Kirishima to says to himself while tears are falling down his cheeks. "Why did I hurt (Y/n)!" Tears continue to fall down, and he covered his face with his hands and cried into them. "MOM!" He cried out like his mom would appear out of nowhere. "MOM!" He continued to cry out, "I still need you." He cruled up in a ball and just cried his eyes out. Kirishima felt so alone in this world, he knew that (Y/n) hated him after what he did to him. He felt so alone.

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(Y/n) was walking to his house. He didn't know how to feel. He felt hurt, he felt hurt becuase he didn't want to make Kirishima mad, that was the last thing he wanted to do. But trying to protect Kirishima ironically ended up hurting him. (Y/n) was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that he made it to his house. Anxiety grew as he was thinking of a way to cover up the bandages, what was he suppose to say? That a dragon attacked him? Kirishima would he dead meat. (Y/n) took a deep breath and opened the door to his house.

"(Y/n), is that you?" "Uh hey mom." The (h/c) haired male responded with, hoping his mom wouldn't come to check on him. Luckily she was in the kitchen making food. You went to your bed to lay on it and think about the events that unfolded. That was until his mom walked in and told him someone was at the door, and they were looking for (Y/n).                                                                                                                                                            ○ ○ ○ ○                                                                                                     
Kirishima opened his eyes after he just took a nap. He felt weird, things didn't feel real. It was probably becuase he was tired. Kirishima looked down and saw his hand turned back to normal. Kirishima just laid down on the floor thinking about what he should do next. Should he run away? He doesn't have to stay in the cave anymore, since he won't wait for anyone, but where would he go would be the question. Kirishima didn't know what would be next for him, only time would know.

While Kirishima was thinking about what to do next he didn't footsteps getting closer, until it was too late.

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(Y/n) got up to go to the front door, he saw Midoriya there, the green haired male waved at the other male with a smile of his face. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hangout?" The freckled boy said with excitement, hoping you would say yes. (Y/n) he nothing better to do so he agreed. So (Y/n) left his house and followed Midoriya to wherever he was taking him.

They both stood outside of All Might's house, then they walked in. "Oh! Hello young Midoriya and hello young (Y/n), what brings you two here?" He asked the two young males. "Oh me and (Y/n) wanted to hangout with you."

So hangout they did. It was pretty interesting to see the greatest wizard All Might doing cool magic stuff. But then he started telling stories. These stories were pretty interesting, talking about how the was build, and many more stuff. But the thing that caught your attention was when he was talking dragons. He explained why people hunt them. (The story that was told was in the prologue was the story that was told.)

(Y/n) was very confused with the story, most of the time a story had a villain and a hero, but this story had neither. The Serpent and the humans both to seem to be in the wrong, and the dragons were caught in the crossfire. (Y/n) couldn't imagine the thought of his species being killed off and feeling so alone. He felt incredibly guilty for keeping the secret from Kirishima.

But (Y/n) was caught out of his thoughts when he heard. "It's sad that dragons and humans can't have peace. So much distrust caused many on both sides to die." All Might said. This surprised (Y/n), out of everyone he thought the wizard would of hated dragons. A small smile formed on the (h/c) haired male's lips, someone he could trust if he did need help with Kirishima.

But everyone's attention was stolen when they heard yell? The three males got up and opened the door to see what was going on outside. "MEETING AT THE TOWN'S CENTER! EVERYONE COME!" Civilians cry out.  "Well I suggest we go to the town's center." All Might said, curiosity plagued both Midoriya's and (Y/n)'s mind. "All Might do you know what's that all about?" Midoriya asked him. "I don't exactly know but it must be serious, we should go."

So off they went to see what the  commotion was about. It was crowded, so many people were in this area, it made it hard to move, but (Y/n) was able to wiggle his way through the crowd. As he got closer he noticed in the center that it had a cage.  Now curiosity was really hard to ignore. After pushing pass people with "Hey!" Or "Watch it prick!" (Y/n) got to see what was in the cage.

(Y/n)'s face drained of color once he saw a familiar red hair dragon was chained up in this cage. "Kirishima."

[Word count 907]


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