Part 9 || All Might

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{2nd person POV}

*Knock knock*

"(Y/n) could answer the door!" Your mother yelled from the kitchen. You got up from your chair and went to answer the door. On the other side of the door was Midoriya, "Hey (Y/n)!" "Oh hey Midoriya, not to be rude or anything but why are you here?" "That's the exciting part! All Might is coming to town, I want to introduce him to you so you can finally know how powerful he is." Midoriya practically had stars in his eyes, you knew how much this All Might guy meant to him by how Midoriya was acting.

"Are we going now?" You asked. Midoriya nodded, "okay, give me a sec I'll go change real quick."

You went back in your house to go change in your room to some nice clothes, since you did want to make a good first impression since this All Might guy was Midoriya's idol and all.

When you were finished you told Midoriya you were ready and you both head towards to location of All Might.

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"This is the place!" Midoriya stopped at a small shack. "This places seems really small. Isn't he famous or something? Shouldn't he have a lot of money?" You asked Midoriya, he just shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know why he has a small place, you can ask him when we see him." Midoriya knocked on the door. Both just waited for someone to open the door.

The door opened and a really skinny man looked at us. "Ah young Midoriya, how has your day been? And I see you've brought a friend." "My day has been good, but yeah I did bring a friend, guess what! He hasn't even heard of you before!" Midoriya said in a shocked tone. "Is that so? Well young man what's your name?" He asked you.

"Oh I'm (L/n) (Y/n), it's nice to meet you!" You bowed to show respect, like how your mother taught you. "Also polite, he's better than the other one you brought over, what was his name again?" He asked as he turned to Midoriya. "Are you talking about Kacchan?" "Is he the one with the ashy blonde hair?" Midoriya nodded, "yeah that one, young (L/n) is much better than young Bakugo manner wise."

"Anyways what brings you two here?" He asked. "Oh yeah so like I said before (L/n) hasn't heard of you, so I wanted you to show him something to see why your number 1!" "You're really wasting my time for something like that." All Might said blankly. "...Please?" Midoriya showed a sweet smile. "Eh I have nothing better to do so why not. What do you want me to show him?"

Midoriya thought for a bit, "oh! Change into your All Might form!" "Okay young (L/n) I'll show you why they call me #1." All Might grabbed his wand and did a spell and smoke covered him and when that smoke disappeared he was different. More muscular, it was a complete change over. "Woah!" You said in disbelief. All Might couldn't hold the form for a while so he changed back to his skinnier form, he also coughed up some blood which made you concern.

"Sorry about that, I'm not the young man I use to be, I can't hold that form for too long." He said, he grabbed something from your bag, it was a container with water in it, you gave it to All Might. "Thank you young man." You, Midoriya, and All Might all sat and talked for a bit.

You unfortunately had to cut things sort becuase you remembered Kirishima. You did enjoy your time talking to your new friends, you would be happy to come back again.
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"Kiri! I'm here with food!" You called out. No response. You placed the basket of food down on the ground and started to look around for any hint of where the red head was.

Worry started to take hold when you couldn't find him. Many thoughts rushing through your mind. *Where is he!? Did someone find him? Please don't tell me I won't see him again!* Small tears were forming from the feeling to dread. You were going to check behind a big rock when, "ROAR!" Kirishima jumped out from behind the rock with his claws and his teeth out. You jumped but didn't scream. Then Kirishima got a good look at you, he saw some tears rolling down your face, he immediately became worried.

"Woah what happened? Are you okay?" He asked worried about you. "What happened? I was over here worried sick that someone kidnapped you!" You said with hurt in your voice. Kirishima felt extremely bad for what he did to you, his face showed regret. You breathed in and out, calming yourself. "Look I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's just that I got scared someone found you and that they would do something terrible to you. I... I shouldn't have blown up like that. I'm sorry." You said to him.

Kirishima felt better after hearing that, it showed him he cared about you. Your cheeks were still wet from the tears, Kirishima noticed this. He walked close to you and leaned in and kissed your cheek. This caught you way off guard, and the realization that Kiri kissed your cheek made your cheeks heat up as red as Kirishima's hair. Kirishima saw your stunned face, "When I was smaller my mom would kiss my cheek when I would cry, it would make me feel better." You touched your cheek and a small smile crossed your face. "I brought food again, let's go eat."

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"No way!" "I'm being serious that actually happened!" Kiri said with laughter. "I can't believe the first time your mother tried to tech you to fly you flew into a tree and fell on a thorn bush." Both of you laughed more. "Unfortunately since my mom hasn't came back I haven't been able to learn to fly." Kiri said. Then you remember *His mom...* You looked out and saw the sun was starting the rest. "I have to go, it's get dark. But how about tomorrow we could teach you to fly. I mean I don't know how to fly but it can't be that hard." "Really?" "Yeah!"

"See ya!" You said your goodbyes to Kiri. "Bye, and (y/n)", you turn to look at him. He had a small smile and said "thank you." You smiled back and left.

You were walking back home when, "Oi!" You heard a voice, you got kinda nervous, hoping they weren't watching you the entire time and that they might know about Kiri. You turned to see this person. "The hell are you doing out here extra!?" He yelled at you, even though it really wasn't necessary. "O-Oh I was just out for a walk." He walked closer to you. "Have you seen anything strange around here?" He asked, "w-what? No, why?" You asked, "the dragon I killed two weeks ago was a female, an older one, I think she had a kid, so I looking for it to kill it." He said.

Anxiety creeps around you. "O-Oh a dragon? Hopefully you can find it, but I haven't seen anything." You said hoping he would go away. He stayed silent for a bit. "Okay whatever extra, but if you're lying your dead meat." He said. *Wait, he's seems familiar, isn't that the Balugo person Midoriya mentioned?*

[Word count: 1290]

(How would you guys feel about being able to have a role in the story? Like I give you a choice that effects the story? I want to know if case any ideas pop up.)

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