Part 19|| Confession

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{3rd person POV}

"Hey Tokoyami, you good?" Kirishima asked, Tokoyami was brought back to the present day. "Oh yes, I was just remembering the shadows of my memories." (Y/n) spoke up, "Okay, we're almost at the exit of the cave. Do you want to come with us? There's a witch we're meeting. Maybe you could meet Hawks again." "Sure, I shall join you, but I will need some time. It's been a while since I've seen the light." Kirishima spoke up, "Oh yeah, sure, take all the time you need, I'm sure being in a cave for so long will do that to your eyes."

When they got outside, they covered their eyes from the harsh sunlight. After their eyes adjusted and walked to Ochaco's house.

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"Are you sure this witch will be fine with me? A lot of witches don't like shadow people." Tokoyami asked. "I make. I'm not sure, but she was fine with Kirishima, and plus, if she isn't fine with you, we'll make sure she won't do anything to hurt you. Tokoyami was reluctant, but he didn't want to lose his new friends, so he stayed. They made it back to the door of Ochaco, (Y/n) knocked and waited for Ochaco to open the door. By now, the sun was starting to set, and the sky was now orange.

The door opened with the witch on the other side. "Oh, you guys made it! For a moment, I thought something bad happened. You two have been gone for three hours." Ochaco saw Tokoyami. She just starred at him, "Oh uh, this Tokoyami, he helped us with find the gold stone." Kirishima said a bit nervous. "Oh, uh, sorry for starring. Uh, come in all of you." So the three males walked in. "I made some food for you guys." She placed three bowls and poured the soup in them. And then everyone began to eat.

"Oh man, this food tastes delicious!" Kirishima exclaimed. Tokoyami nodded in agreement. "I'm glad you guys like it. I don't really get to serve it to people, so I don't know how it tastes." Ochaco said. "Oh! Tokoyami, after you're done, can you see me? I need to talk to you." She said in a friendly tone. Anxiety grew in Tokoyami. Kirishima and (Y/n) looked at each other nervously.

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After Tokoyami finished dinner, she followed Ochaco to her room. She closed the door behind him. The human male and the dragon male were a bit concerned, so they decided to eavesdrop on what they were going to talk about. Tokoyami was extremely nervous, so much that Dark Shadow was ready to attack at any second. "I just wanted to say I apologize for staring at you earlier. That was very rude of me. I know witches and the shadow people never got along, but when I was little, my grandmother told me stories of how terrible the shadow people were, how scary they looked, and how I should never trust one. But when I saw you and saw how kind you were, I remembered those memories, and I realized that those were just myths. Anyways I'm sorry for any tense tension I might have given you, but I'm willing to make a new friend. That is if you still want to be my friend?"

This completely stunned Tokoyami, Kirishima, and (Y/n). In all honesty, they thought a fight would break out any moment. "O-Oh, well, I recently made two new friends, I wouldn't mind another one." Tokoyami said as he rubbed the back of his neck. As their conversation was coming to an end, Kirishima and (Y/n) stopped eavesdropping and pretended like everything was normal and they had nothing to hide as they sat on the couch doing their own things

As the two walked out, Ochaco went first left with Tokoyami holding the door for her. She left back to the kitchen to put her soup away. Tokoyami sat on the couch with the other two males. He had a smile on his face, a smile of pur joy.

Ochaco came back into the living room. "So with you bringing the gold stone, I finally have all the things I need for the summoning, but since we're summoning Hawks, there is a problem." Ochaco said. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked curiously. Tokoyami spoke up, "Hawks will only appear during the mornings. He doesn't like messing with the sun much, so he follows a schedule, so the morning is the best time to summon him." Ochaco nodded her head in agreement, "yeah, so you guys can sleep here, and I'll wake you up for the morning. Unfortunately, I only have two bedrooms, I didn't know you guys would bring someone else. Is it okay if you and Kirishima share a room?" Ochaco asked. "Kirishima just shrugged. It wasn't their first time sharing a bed together. "Oh yeah, sure!" (Y/n) confirmed. "Great! I suggest everyone get ready in your own way for bed then, I want everyone to have enough energy for tomorrow, since we'll only have nine hours to sleep." So off everyone went to get ready for bed.

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Everyone was at their bed. Tokoyami, Ochaco, Kirishima, and (Y/n). For the dragon and human, they were just laying on their bed trying to sleep. But too much was on their mind. A big elephant was in the room, an elephant they've been ignoring since Kirishima was captured. "Uh Kirishima?" (Y/n) spoke out of the silence. "Yeah?" (Y/n) paused, trying to find the words to use. When he found them, he continued to speak, "Remember when before you were captured? When we... kissed?" Kirishima didn't answer right away, he was also nervous of this, he still liked (Y/n) like he did when they kissed, but he didn't know if he felt the same way still after what he did.

"Do... do you still have the same feelings from that day?" Kirishima swallowed the big lump in his throat. He quickly thought the possibilities of how this will end, one was that (Y/n) would hate him and he might lose him or one where (Y/n) has the same feelings and they might get together, possibly. So Kirishima decided to gamble with those possibilities. "I... yes I do, do you?" Anxiety filled Kirishima like water being filled in a cup. "Yes." (Y/n) said as his red was turning red. Kirishima also turned red, somehow more red than his hair.

(Y/n) finally got his answer, but what's next? He didn't think that far ahead. "So... what do you want to be? A couple?" (Y/n) asked. Kirishima remembered a romance novel he read. He remembered a girl asking a guy if he liked her, and the guy kissed her and said, "Does that answer your question?" It might be corny, but Kirishima thought it would be cute to do, and he definitely would get some points for flirting. So he did exactly that, Kirishima was nervous, but he had to push through if he wanted those flirting points.

So he leaned in with his lips out. As he got closer to (Y/n), he just slowly backed away. This confused Kirishima. That isn't how he's supposed to react. "Are you trying to kiss me?" (Y/n) asked. Kirishima nodded, still confused. "Well, you gotta ask first if you want something like a kiss." Then it hit Kirishima. He scratched the back of his neck because now he was embarrassed, "Oh, sorry, could I kiss you?" Kirishima asked. "Yes, you may." Kirishima's tail was wiggling from excitement. He grabbed your face and gave you a big smooch on the other male's cheek. (Y/n) blushed red. This was the first time he was kissed romantically. "Now let's go to sleep. We'll need to get up early." (Y/n) said as he laid back down on the bed. "Could...could we cuddle?" Kirishima asked. (Y/n) agreed, Kirishima (big/little) spooned. The two males closed their eyes and fell to the dream world.

(How would you guys feel if I killed someone off? Or made a sad ending? Depending on the feedback I might :)

[Word count 1376]

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