Part 20|| The summoning

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                          {3rd person POV}

It was still dark out, but the sun was coming soon. Ochaco already woke up, and she went to the others to wake them up. Tokoyami was the first one she woke up. He is a light sleeper, so it was easy to wake him up. Then she walked to Kirishima's and (Y/n)'s room to wake them up. When she entered the room, she saw their legs tangled as they were cuddling each other. Kirishima was drooling while (Y/n) enjoyed the warmth. She felt bad for waking them, but they had to wake up. She shook both of them up. "Wake up! We need to summon Hawks." Kirishima opened his eyes slowly as he got up and wiped the drool off his mouth. (Y/n) was still clinging onto Kirishima, still asleep. "(Y/n) wake up." He shook his boyfriend. He slowly opened his eyes, and he looked out the window. "It still dark out. Why can't we sleep for a bit?" He said with a drowsy tone. "Our best chance to summon Hawks is when the sun starts to rise, now get up. I prepared some food. Today might be an eventful day." The two males got up and went to the kitchen.

"We only have a few minutes left, I'll set up the summoning while you three eat something." Ochaco said as she walked out of the house to set up the summoning, taking with her a bag. The three males ate the food.

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The three quickly finished their food and went out to see Ochaco. She made a circle with four pedestals. Each had the needed objects, a red feather, the gold stone, a red ruby, and a piece of cooked chicken. "So, what do we need to do for the summoning?" Tokoyami asked. "You guys don't need to do anything, I just have to transfer the energy of all the objects to this crystal ball." *she went into her bag and pulled out a crystal ball*. They all noticed the sun began to rise. "Everyone, be quiet!" Ochaco yelled out, everyone shut their mouths. The sun kept rising, showing more of itself. Hawks was near. All that was needed was to alert him that he was wanted.

Ochaco put her lips near the ball, and she whispered a chant to it. She kept repeating the chant over and over. The sun continued to rise. The objects began to glow, and their energy was showing itself to the living beings' naked eyes. The energy of the four objects flowed like the air was water. Each of the object's energy went towards the same place. To the crystal ball. Ochaco kept chanting until all the energy was inside the crystal ball. The crystal ball turned to red and gold. Ochaco lifted her hands up with the crystal ball. Soon enough, the ball began to float away from the brown haired girl's hands.

The ball continued to rise up, and then the light in the ball made a beacon that shot right up in the sky. Anyone could see it, but it was meant for a certain God. The sun slowly was coming closer to them. It worked. A big pair of red wings were seen by everyone. They looked majestic, with the sun shine making it look like gems. The wings got closer and closer until they landed.  The sun God himself Hawks.

"I was called." He said as the sun shinned on his skin. Hawks stood there in all of his glory. Hawks examined the people he saw. He takes a double take when he sees a certain crow boy. "Tokoyami! Oh man, it's been so long!" Hawks walked towards the crow boy. He was excited to see his favorite boy. He walked to Tokoyami and gave him a big hug. Tokoyami chuckled a bit as he pats the God's back. Dark Shadow also came out to hug Hawks.

"Are these your friends!? Look at you making friends. it seems like you got out of that damn cave after all!" Tokoyami chuckled nervously as he felt embarrassed, especially since everyone were looking at the two of them. "It's nice to see you again, Keigo, but we need you for something if you don't mind." Tokoyami said as he tried to get the God back on track. "Oh yeah, I was summoned, so how may I help you? A friend of Tokoyami's is a friend of mine." Hawks then noticed to familiar faces, a human and a dragon pair, holding hands too. "Long time no see." He said to them.

He also noticed something else. They were holding hands. Hawk smirked, "I didn't think I would see the day a dragon and human would be together, I've seen a bunch of things, but this is surprising. Good for you two." The other two looked at the couple. (Y/n) looked away in embarrassment. "So what help do you need?" Ochaco spoke up, "these two want to find the Dragon Sanctuary, but even I don't know where that is. But I do know that Luno knows where it is, but we need to find him." Hawks thought for a moment. "I do know where he is, but I can't get to him. He can know if I'm close or not, and he does like to be left alone..." Hawks thought some more. "There has to be a way you two can meet." Tokoyami spoke up. "There actually is. It's called an even called an Eclipse, where the moon meets the sun and it goes dark, but I don't know the details of the event. What if I die! Or Luno dies, I don't know about that." Hawks trailed off. "Please, Keigo, these are my friends. You have to help them!" Tokoyami begged the God.

After some thinking, Hawks finally came to a decision. He sighed, "Fine, I'll take them. I've stayed for here for a whole. I gotta move, though, since the sun won't move itself. I won't take you to Luno because it will be obvious if I'm near, I'll leave you with someone you can take you." Hawks turned to Tokoyami, "I'll also make sure to visit you more often, Tokoyami. Anyways, you two come with me." They walked towards the God, he bent down. "Get on my back." The two were shocked, *was he really serious?* They both thought. "Come on, I'm a God. My strength is ten times better than a humans strength.

Kirishima shrugged his shoulders. They both got on his back. "Hold on tight!" Hawks told them, Hawks turned to Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, and Ochaco and waved his goodbyes. "Tomorrow morning, I'll go visit you two!" And with that, Hawks flew off in the air with the two males on his back. The threw flew off in the distance, soon enough they couldn't be seen.

[Word count 1151]

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