Part 18|| Shadows of memories

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{3rd person POV}

"Okay then, I will help you. My name is Tokoyami Fumikage." "Oh, I'm (Y/n) and this is Kirishima." (Y/n) said as he pointed to the dragon next to him. "A dragon!? Interesting. I sympathize with you, Kirishima. My species is as well going extinct." "Oh? What species are you?" Kirishima asked, hoping that Tokoyami and him could become friends by sharing common things, like being the last of your kind.

"My people are known as the shadow people, we were hunted because some shadow people were in a evil cult, but it was only two of them, the rest were human. When the cult was caught the humans blamed the shadow people for brainwashing them to do evil things, of course people believd them. So that's when the rumors started about us." "I'm sorry to hear about that?" Kirishima said. (Y/n) just stood there awkwardly, he felt like he shouldn't be here, after all he was human after all.

"Why do they call you shadow people? You guys don't look like shadows at all?" Kirishima asked him. Tokoyami laughed, "no, we're called shadow people since we control and manipulate shadows. Like this." A shadow wrapped around Tokoyami's arm, then it formed a head, a head of a crow. "This is dark shadow." Dark Shadow formed a small arm and waved at the two people. "Aw!" (Y/n) got pretty close to Dark Shadow. This scared and they disappeared.

"Ah sorry, Dark Shadow doesn't like humans, bad history they have with them." Tokoyami said to (Y/n). "Oh, I apologize Dark Shadow for scaring you, that's if your listening to me." (Y/n) said as he felt embarrassed for not knowing that. "Anways you two needed something, it was gold stone, correct?" "Yeah! Do you have some?" Kirishima asked. "No, but we are in a cave, I'm sure we'll find gold stone somewhere in here." So off they went to find gold stone.

<Mini timeskip>

"See Dark Shadow, not every human is bad. Some are good, like how Kirishima said (Y/n) helped free him." Tokoyami looking at his wrist. A dark shadow wrapped around Tokoyami's arm again, like last time. A small Dark Shadow showed themselve. (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at how cute Dark Shadow was. "There it is." Tokoyami pointed at the gold stone stuck in the wall. "Great, now how are we gonna get it out?" (Y/n) asked. "Dark Shadow if you may." Dark Shadow disappeared and Tokoyami's arm turned into a big shadow claw. He cut the gold stone out of rock wall it was stuck in. It dropped to the ground.

(Y/n) bent down and picked up the stone. "Thank you Tokoyami, you were so helpful to us." Both of the males said. Tokoyami blushed becuase he actually has never gotten a complaint since he was little. He hid his face by turning to his head to the side. "I-It was no p-problem." He said nervously. "Well All we gotta do is leave the cave." Kirishima said to inform them of what his and (Y/n)'s objective was. So they all started walking back.

"So Tokoyami, do you like live here?" Kirishima asked. "Yes." "How do you live here? There's no water here or food, and how can you see in here too? Me and (Y/n) have to use thus light marble." "Actually there is actually a stream in these caves. For food I go out in the night to find berries and fruits. Also Dark Shadow shares their vision with me, so I can see in the dark. Does that answer all of your questions?" "Actually I have one." (Y/n) spoke up. "Why did you ask about Hawks?" "I just wanted to know nothing bad would happen to him." "Why is that? Is he your God?" Tokoyami didn't say anything right away. "...let's just say he helped me in a way that I can never repay him for." "What do you mean by that?" (Y/n) asked. "I would not like to talk about it." The rest of the walk was silent.

Tokoyami in his head remember that faithful day, the day he would never forget.

[10 years ago]

Dragons (Kirishima x male reader) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara