Part 23|| The Kingdom

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                           {3rd person POV}

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Todoroki said in a serious tone. He was tired of this cat and mouse game. "Tell me anything that will help me find that dragon, I know you two know something about it." He looked at the two harshly. "Then we'll make you talk. Guards, bring me two truth potions quickly." Two guards rushed off to go get the prince what he wanted. They came back seconds later with what he needed. The prince looked at Ochaco, "You first. You have one chance to tell me or else." Ochaco closed her mouth and didn't say a word.

Shoto snapped his finger, and the guards went to the witch. They grabbed onto her jaw and forcefully opened her mouth. Shoto walked up to her. Tokoyami saw this and tried to get out of the restraints, but it didn't work. Shoto opened the bottle and poured the liquid in Ochaco's mouth. He snapped his fingers again, and the guards closed her mouth. She still had their hands on her jaw to make sure she didn't spit it out. "Sallow it." Shoto demanded. He covered her nostrils with two fingers. Ochaco had no choice but to breathe through her mouth, but with the liquid in her mouth, that would be impossible to do. She had to sallow it.

"Now tell me what you know about that dragon, where is it? Is it traveling alone? Tell me!" Ochaco kept her mouth closed, not daring to say a single word. Shoto was frustrated. "Okay, we'll try your friend over here." Shoto said as he looked over at Tokoyami. He snapped his fingers again, and the guards left Ochaco alone and went to the shadow person instead. "Like I told her, easy or hard way?" Shoto asked him. "I'm not telling you anything!" Tokoyami yelled at the prince. "We'll see about that." Shoto said to him, again snapping his fingers. The guards grabbed Tokoyami's beak and forcefully opened it. Shoto poured the liquid in his mouth.

Tokoyami choked on it a little, which caused him to sallow it by accident. "Now tell us any useful information about the dragon, anything." Tokoyami coughed a bit. Ochaco looked at Tokoyami and shook her to head. Unfortunately, Tokoyami didn't know what that was for. "I won't tell you shi- the dragon's name is Kirishima. He's male with red hair when he's in his human form, he also traveling with a human named (Y/n), they are both headed to the dragon sanctuary to escape from Kirishima being caught and killed." Tokoyami covered his mouth. He didn't know how he was able to say that. It felt like he had no control over himself when he said that. "The dragon sanctuary, huh, guards bring me my finest knight. Tenya Iida."

                                    ○ ○ ○ ○

"How far is it now?" (Y/n) asked. Kirishima looked at the map, "it's still a long distance." (Y/n) stopped walking. "I know we need to keep moving, but we've been moving for miles. Can't we take a break?" (Y/n) said as he sat down on the ground trying to catch his breath and resting his legs.

Kirishima sat down next to him, "I know, I'm sorry, babe." Kirishima said as he rubbed his boyfriend's back. "Babe?" (Y/n) questioned. "What do you not like it? I can change it if you want." Kirishima wrapped his arms around his boyfriend as he laid his head on his shoulder as he looked at his boyfriend lovingly. "I mean, I don't mind it, but it's pretty basic." Kirishima raised an eyebrow, "basic? What would you want me to call you? Pebble or something?" He said as he noticed a pebble as that was the first thing he could come up with. "What? No!" Kirishima thought more, "I don't care what you say. I'm gonna call you my little shark." (Y/n) chuckled and kissed Kirishima, the dragon turned red from how much he enjoyed the kiss.

The two rested on the ground until they had to get up and continued walking. Kirishima checked out the map, "hey look we're near the main kingdom." Kirishima showed the map to (Y/n). "Is there a way to avoid it? Becuase getting caught there would be the worse palce." Kirishima checked out the map. "Nope, unfortunately, we have to go through the city." (Y/n) was disappointed, but there was nothing they could have done. "Well, make sure no one notices you're a dragon when we get near the kingdom. I'll help cover you up." Kirishima smiled at his boyfriend, and they kept walking.

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"Does that hurt? Let me know if I'm hurting you." (Y/n) told Kirishima as he was hiding any evidence that the male was a dragon. He hides his tail in his pants and gives him a cloak to hide his horns. "I told you I'm fine- OW!" Kirishima winced in pain. "Oh my, I'm sorry, Kirishima!" (Y/n) apologized frantically. "I-It's fine, I'm a manly man. I can walk it off!" Kirishima said as he flexed his arms off. (Y/n) chuckled. "You're such a goofball." Kirishima kissed (Y/n). "But you love it!" (Y/n) rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, come on, let's go." The two walked up to the gate or the kingdom and walked through without any issue.

(Y/n) looked over at Kirishima, who looked extremely nervous. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." (Y/n) smiles at him and grabs the dragon's hand. Kirishima fell more in love with his boyfriend for that. "Wow, your hands are sweaty." "O-Oh sorry about that.'" Kirishima pulled away and wiped his hands from any sweat. (Y/n) just laughed. Kirishima felt like he had butterflies in his stomach.

The two kept walking, trying to get out of the kingdom. (Y/n) kept glancing at Kirishima to make sure he was alright and that his horn or tail wasn't showing. There were a lot of people walking. Kirishima's hand was getting more sweaty from how nervous he was. "Let's just keep walking. We'll make it through this." They kept walking now faster. That was until, "Hey you, Dragon!!!"

[Word count 1038]

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