Chapter 1

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Harry POV

"You going up to see Louis tonight?" Liam asked.

It was lunch on Friday and it was the second week of the new school year. I was sitting with my best friends Liam, Niall and Lottie. 

"Yeah, I'll just go home and grab my things and then I'll drive over there." I replied. 

"How about you Niall, how's the band going?" I asked Niall.

Niall had just made a band with some other guys from school, he was the lead singer and also played the guitar. 

"Well we started off pretty shitty but we're getting better." Niall replied but before I could reply the bell rang.

"I'll see you guys on Monday." I said, heading off on my own for my French class.

"Have fun fucking my brother!" Lottie called to me down the hallway.

I grinned and flipped her off.


After an hour of French it was finally time to go home. I hurried out of the school and into the carpark, throwing my school bag onto the passenger seat of my new car and driving home.

"Whoa, chill the fuck out." Gemma said as I ran past her at the top of the stairs to get to my room and my bag.

I was already running back downstairs, hurriedly changed out of my uniform, pulling on a hoodie and dragging my duffel bag behind me before Gemma got all the way downstairs.

"Fly's undone." Gemma said and I zipped up my jeans and slung my bag over my shoulder, already to go.

"See you." I said.

"See you little bro." Gemma replied and then I left the house, got back in my car and got onto the road, heading for the University of Manchester.


It took me about twenty-five minutes to get there but soon I was grabbing my bag, locking my car and hurrying up to Louis' flat.

His room was number 28 and I knocked on the door before heading in. 

"Louis?" I called, the room was empty.

"I'm in here love." Louis said and he came out of the bathroom, his face half covered with shaving cream.

I hugged him and kissed the side of his face that wasn't smeared with foam.

"I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too love. Let me get this off and then I'll give you a proper kiss." Louis said and I let go of him so he could go back into the bathroom and finish shaving.

Three minutes later he came out, clean shaven and scooped me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and leaned down to kiss him.


Three hours later we were walking down the street, out of the university campus and into the main city.

"So where are we going?" I asked Louis, swinging our joint hands.

"I'm taking you for Italian." Louis replied.

And within a minute we had arrived at a nice looking Italian restaurant.

We sat down and a waitress handed us glasses, a jug of water and two menus.

I ordered a Margherita pizza and Louis ordered some pasta.

"So how's uni?" I asked Louis while we waited for our food to come.

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