Chapter 27

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Harry POV

In the morning we had a band practice and I was going to tell the guys that I wouldn't be in the band anymore.

"Don't worry about it love, they'll understand." Louis said, knowing I was nervous before I left.

"What are you going to do while I'm gone?" I asked.

"I don't know, hang out with Liam and Gemma?" Louis replied.

"Ok, see you this afternoon." I said and I kissed him goodbye and got in the car, driving over to Will's house for the practice.

In the garage Tom was plugging in his bass guitar and Will was sitting at his drumset, warming up.

"Hey Harry, what's going on?" Tom asked.

"Uh, well I have to tell you guys something, but I'll wait for Niall." I said.

"You won't have long to wait." Niall's voice said from behind me and he came up to us, his guitar case in one hand and his small amp in the other.

"Alright, so basically, uhm, well I don't think I can tour with you guys. I want to be a physio and I need to start at uni right after summer. I'm sorry guys." I said.

"Hey, that's fine Haz." Niall said.

"Yeah mate, don't worry about it." Will added.

"If that's what you want to do then do it, it's all good." Tom said.

"Alright, cheers guys. Thank you." I said, hugging Niall. 

"What now?" Will asked.

"Well, looks like I'll cover Harry's singing and we've got our recording sessions in two days." Niall said.

"Are you sure it's fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, we'll be good." Tom replied.


Louis POV

The next day I went to the movies with Zayn and Harry was working his last shift at the bakery, seeing as he was quitting to go to university.

After dinner Harry got to my house to watch a movie with Niall and Lottie and me.

Lottie was due any day now and she was incredibly cranky.

"Hey babe." Harry said, kissing me as he came in.

"Hey." I said.

We went into the living room where Niall was playing the guitar.

"Hey guys." he said, looking up.

"Hey Niall, are you sure you don't need to me to come down to the recording studio tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Yes Harry, we're fine. Honestly, it's cool." Niall replied.

"Alright let's get this movie over with." Lottie said, coming into the room.

"That's the spirit." I said cheerfully.

I settled down between Lottie and Harry and Harry started the movie.


The next morning Niall was making breakfast excitedly in the kitchen when we came downstairs. He handed us both plates of egg and bacon and then practically danced away upstairs, coming downstairs 2.5 seconds later, tucking his shirt into his jeans and pulling on his favourite Eagles sweater.

"Excited for the recording studio?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I have to go though. Lottie is having a bad day with the pregnancy stuff, so can you look after her while I'm gone?" Niall said.

"Sure Horan, see you later." I replied.

"Bye." Niall said and he grabbed his keys and left.

After we ate breakfast I got a text from Mum, who was at work, asking me to go to the shop and get some food for dinner.

"Alright, I should be back in about half an hour." I said to Harry and I got in the car and drove down to Tesco.

I was trying to remember which type of yoghurt Mum prefered when my phone started ringing.

"Louis? It's me, you need to get home now!" it was Harry.

"Why, what's going on?" I asked.

"It's Lottie, she's in labor and your Mum's got her car, and you've got my car and Niall's got his car and Gemma's got her car and my Mum's got her car and we can't get to the hospital." Harry said, panicking.

"Oh my god, alright, I'm on my way." I said and I put the yoghurt back and hurried out of the shop.

When I got to my house Lottie and Harry were standing in the driveway, Harry had Lottie's hospital bag over his shoulder and was looking terrified.

Harry and Lottie got into the backseat and I started driving to the hospital.

"Have you told Niall?" I asked.


Niall POV

"Oi Niall, you're phone's ringing!" Will called, picking up my phone.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Lottie." Will replied.

I put my guitar down and grabbed my phone, accepting the call.

"Hey darling, what's up?" I asked.

"Niall, the twins are coming. Can you get to the hospital?" Lottie asked.

"Oh my god." I said.


"Um, yeah, are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm just casually going into labor dickhead. Can you get to the hospital?" Lottie asked again.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be there soon. Who are you with?" I asked.

"Harry and Louis is on his way." Lottie replied.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming. I love you." I said.

"Love you too." Lottie replied and then she hung up.

"Um, guys I've got to go." I said, turning to see Will, Tom and the few recording manager-people looking at me.

"What?" Tom asked.

"Lottie's going to have the twins, I'm going to be a dad. I'm sorry, just do the bass and drummy stuff and I'll text you later alright, I have to go." I said and I grabbed my things and hurried out to the car, driving to the hospital.

Harry sent a text to say that they were in room 216.

I parked and went into the hospital, asking for directions to room 216.

I found the room and knocked on the door. Harry opened it. 

"Hey Niall." he said.

I looked past him to see Lottie laying in the hospital bed, propped up on pillows. She held out her hand.

"Hey Lots." I said, grabbing her hand and sitting down beside her.

"What happened with your recording?" Lottie asked.

"It doesn't matter right now. This is it." I said.

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