Chapter 21

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Harry POV

On Monday morning when I got to school Niall and Lottie were waiting by Niall's car for me and Liam like usual. 

"Hey. What's going on?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"Well, we have to wait for Liam." Lottie said.

"Oh, that's right, you went to the doctors yesterday didn't you? Have you got news?" I asked.

"Just wait until Liam gets here." Niall replied.

Just then Liam's car turned into the spot next to Niall's and he got out, swinging his school bag over his shoulder. 

"Hey guys." he said.

"Alright. We went to the doctors yesterday and it turns out we're having twins." Lottie announced.

"Really, that's so cool." I said.

"And it's one boy and one girl." Niall added.

"Great, one of each." Liam said, hugging Lottie.

"Here's an ultrasound photo." Niall said, pulling a scan photo of his wallet and showing us.

"That's so cute, look they're playing together." I said, pointing.

"That's great guys." Liam said, shaking Niall's hand enthusiastically.

Niall put the photo back in his wallet, put his wallet into the pocket of his jeans and kissed the top of Lottie's head. The bell rang and Niall grabbed his bag off the ground.

I put my arm around Lottie's shoulders as we walked into the school.

"Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah, but scared too." Lottie replied.

"Don't worry Lots, you and Niall are going to be great parents." I said.


On Friday at lunch Liam mentioned a party that one of Gemma's friends was throwing.

"Do you guys want to come?" he offered.

"Nah, it will be too annoying with everyone drinking." Lottie replied.

"Then I'll stay home with Lots." Niall said.

"Harold?" Liam asked.

"Sure, I'll be a third wheel for you and my sister." I replied.

"Hey, maybe you'll find someone to take your mind off Louis." Niall said.

"I don't want to take my mind off Louis." I mumbled.

"Harry if you're still so fucking in love with him just tell him. I know he misses you." Lottie said.

"I can't. I did it for a reason and it's better this way." I replied.

"How is it better than you're fucking depressed? I mean Jesus man, that song you wrote the other day, Falling or something was it? That is heavy stuff mate, you my friend have a broken heart." Niall said.

"Whatever Niall. I'm going to French, see you after school Payno." I said and I grabbed my bag and walked off to class.


I got home from school and watched some tv. Liam had texted to say that he was going to pick me and Gemma up at six thirty. 

After a quick dinner at six o'clock I went to my room to get dressed.

Then Gemma knocked on my door and told me Liam was here.

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

"Look sorry about before Harry." Liam said.

"It's fine." I replied, it really was. I knew that they were only trying to help me.

"Alright let's go." Gemma said.

Liam drove us to the party, which was full of older kids, seeing as they were Gemma's friends. I grabbed myself a beer from the kitchen and went into the living room with Liam. 

After a few hours I was grabbing myself a Coke and Vodka when someone tapped me on the shoulder. 

"Hey man, you want a joint?" the guy asked.

He was very drunk and probably high too. His eyes were droopy but he pushed the hand rolled cigarette into my hands, spilling my drink on me.

"No, I'm good." I said, pushing the spliff back to him.

"Come on take it man, it's all fun and games. Give me some cash and fucking take it." the man said angrily, pushing it back to me.

"No, I don't want it." I replied.

"Give me some money then." the guy said, slurring slightly as he reached for my wallet sticking out of my pocket. 

"No, fuck off, take your joint." I said, throwing the cigarette at him.

"C'mon man, just fucking relax." he growled.

"He said no James." someone said angrily. Oh shit, I knew that voice.

"What are you gonna do about it Tomlinson?" the guy, James apparently, asked.

"I'm going to tell you to fuck off." Louis said.

"Why, all I'm doing is giving this chap here a joint." James said, picking it up off the floor and trying to give it me again. I pushed his shoulders away angrily. He threw the joint at me.

"Fuck off James, leave him alone." Louis growled.

"I'm sure he knows how to look after himself, cute little guy like this." James said, stroking a finger down my face. I shoved him away again but Louis pushed me aside and punched him in the stomach.

James replied by punching Louis in the side of his mouth. Louis pushed him to the floor and punched him again in the side of his face then got up and hurried over to me.

"Are you alright Harry?" Louis asked me. His lip was bleeding.

"Yeah." I replied, then I lifted up my thumb to swipe away some of the blood on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'll uh, I'll just go. I'm covered in blood and you broke up with me and, yeah, I'll just.." Louis stuttered and he made to leave the kitchen but I grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards me.

"Shut up." I said, pushing my lips against his.

Louis moved his lips against mine. It was wonderful, the first time we'd kissed in over a month.

After a few seconds we pulled away.

"I really missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you too H." Louis whispered back and then he kissed me again.

"Are you alright? Your face looks pretty messed up." I said, touching his jaw gingerly.

"Mm, I don't know, it's quite sore." Louis replied.

"Alright, let's go home and get you sorted." I said.

Lottie's Brother #2Where stories live. Discover now