Chapter 24

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Niall POV

It had been about a month since Harry and Louis got back together. It's the beginning of May and I was due to become a father in about two months. Lottie was getting quite big, seeing as she was carrying two babies.

Right now I was driving over to her house from band practice. We'd been playing heaps of gigs lately and getting a lot of money, which was good because I was about to have two children to look after.

"Lots, I'm here!" I called when I walked through the door.

"Good, can you make me food?" Lottie asked, walking slowly into the room.

"It's great to see you too babe." I said jokingly, kissing her.

"Alright, sit down, I'll bring you some food. What do you want?" I asked, leading her over to the couch and sitting her down. 

"Biscuits. And tea. And mac and cheese. And a good pie. And some sparkling water. And chocolate." Lottie replied, turning on the tv.

"Alright, pregnancy variety it is." I said, kissing her on the forehead and then going into the kitchen.

Thankfully Johannah had filled the kitchen with food. I piled a plate up with everything Lottie had asked for and went back into the living room.

"Thanks Niall. I'm sorry about all this." Lottie said, digging in.

"It's fine, you have to carry that around all day, the least I can do is get you food." I replied, nodding towards her stomach, which the plate was resting on.

"So like, what's going to happen when you go on tour?" Lottie asked after a while.

We hadn't talked about this yet, even though we'd know for about a month. I guess we just didn't want to bring it up.

"Um, I don't know. Let's think about this, school finishes in about a month and a half, the babies come in about two months and around then we record the album. Tour starts in about six months, so the babies will be about four months old." I said.

"I want to come on tour with you. We can take the twins with us." Lottie replied.

"And you want to be a makeup artist or work in beauty in some way right?" I checked.

"Yeah." Lottie replied.

"Maybe I can see if you can work for the band, us and 5 seconds of summer and see if you can like, be our stylist or something? I suggested.

"Could I really do that?" Lottie asked.

"I'd have to ask people but probably. And then after tour, we can come back home and raise the twins properly." I said.

"What about your music?" Lottie asked.

"Well, maybe that whole band thing was just a childhood dream. Living a little life with you and our family sounds like the best dream." I replied.

Lottie put her empty plate down on the coffee table and hugged me.

"I love you." she said.

"Love you too." I replied.


As the few weeks passed there wasn't much time for anything but studying, seeing as our exams were suddenly about to happen. I got emailed my exam timetable, I had one three hour exam every second day for two weeks, excluding the weekends of course.

Another big thing was happening today, the Saturday before the exams started, I was moving in with Lottie so I would be around all the time incase she needed help or got into trouble with the pregnancy.

I loaded my last suitcase into the back of my car and Mum pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry Mum, you'll still see me, me and Lottie are coming round as soon as the exams are over." I said.

"Good luck, I love you." she replied.

"Love you too." I said and then I moved over to hug my dad.

Then I said goodbye again and got in the car, driving over to Lottie's, or I guess, my house.

Johannah opened the door as soon as I pulled into the driveway and helped me carry my three bags and two guitars upstairs.

"Lottie's just at Gemma's house, she just texted me that she'll be here in about ten minutes." Johannah said, putting the two bags she was carrying down on the bed.

"Cool. I'll just put my stuff away then." I replied.

"Yeah, Lottie cleared out those three drawers for your things." Johannah said, showing me the empty drawers, then she left, closing the door behind her.

I opened the first duffel bag and filled one of the drawers with t-shirts and two pairs of jeans. Once all the clothes were unpacked I put a few of my favourite books on the shelf, tucked one guitar into the corner and leaned the other on the bed, hung my two jackets in the cupboard and lined my shoes up next to Lottie's.

"Hey Nialler." Lottie said when she came in, hugging me.

"Hey." I replied.

After about twenty minutes spent unpacking the last suitcase of my random possessions we lay down on the bed.

"What now?" I asked.

"Let's get food." Lottie said.

"You don't have to tell me twice." I said happily, pulling her up.

We went downstairs into the kitchen and Lottie set herself up with her 'pregnancy snack' which is the size of a large meal. I just made myself a bowl of cereal.

"All good?" Johannah asked, drinking her cup of tea.

"All good." Lottie replied.

"All good." I added. 

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